Monday, March 12, 2012

Peru 2012 - Day 4 - Monday

Day 4.

After a 6 ish hour sleep, I awoke,  tired.  Feeling good, but tired. 

Apparently I snored a great deal last night...sorry about that Carl.

This morning we started things 1/2 hour earlier.  Meeting at 7:00 am in the main room for devotions from Zack and reading the many great comments from all of you.  Keep them coming (did I mention that already?  : ) )

Time for personal devotions and then breakfast.  A reminder to lather on that sunscreen and take your hat along and then it was time to board the bus.  Traffic was supposed to be worse today so we left at 8:30 am. 

Traffic was worse this morning.  There seem to be many more cars on the road than two years ago.  It took us 1.5 hours to get to Pachacutec, but we arrived right at 10 am.

We moved to the library and then it was time to let everyone know what their assignments were going to be.  Today we were going to the clinic, the orphanage, visiting in homes, continuing to work on the building for the feeding program and visiting the special needs centre. 

Our group visited in homes today.  I'm going to let Gerry comment on that for a moment........

We visited 3 families today and had the opportunity to talk and pray with them.  A recurring theme with all 3 families that we visited, is that they asked to pray for their husbands.  They all have to work far away and are sometimes gone for weeks on end.  One lady, Magali, her husband Prospero is even afraid of his drive to work every day.  Just the dangerous drive that he faces.  Rosa's husband isn't fully employed but does random construction jobs that he can find, so he is often gone looking for work, and away when he finds some. 

Elizabeth, her husband, is a miner, and is usually gone for 2 weeks at a time when he worked.  This makes it hard for them  to worship, because they have kids at home and sometimes the kids don't want to be part of the service.  They also face the challenge that when their husbands come home that he does not want the family to even go to church.  The biggest thing that hit too was how open these women were with us.  Even  though they just met us, they were so open.  They shared very personal stories with us, where at home we often don't. 

We also saw that a lot of the prayer requests they had are similar to what we have here at home, like for their families, and their health.  The church has a lot of programs in the community, and often focus on the kids, which we saw is who drew the families into the church.  Elizabeth's husband had come home drunk, and the son, Kenjo said to him, "Dad you're drunk".  She said that and because of that her husband no longer comes home drunk, which really shows the influence of the children on the families.  For me personally this experience allowed me to see that they were open us to pray for them, and pray over them. At home we are often slower to ask people to pray for us, and find it hard to be humble enough to ask someone to do it for us.  We are all brothers and sisters in Christ, and even on other sides of the world we face the same challenges and issues in our families.  But the joy comes from the fact that we all pray to the same God who hears our prayers in the same way.  AND I got a papapya from Magali, right off the tree in her front yard.

Ron here again.  Yes, the visits in the homes are always a highlight for me.  I really appreciated Maria today. She's fun to bug, but when it comes to God, the church, and prayer...she is focused and the Angels pay attention. : ) She reminded me of Annette back in our church.  Amazing to listen to her pray in Spanish.  The power that comes through even not being able to understand what she was saying. 

Ok now Ron wants me (Mel) to type something... yaaaay.
Our group got the experience today of just doing some work with our hands.  It was a nice break for our group because the first two days we were doing more "emotional" work.  The first day was walking in the community and the second day was our house visits.  For sure a blessing, but can be a very emotional challenge. 

So we got to get our sweat on today.  We started out with trying to put up walls for the kindergarten room, but then we found out that they didn't have nails.  So we moved onto the job of moving sand down from the top of the hill all the way back to the kindergarten room.  That took us a few hours to move and worked on the guns shovelling that sand :)  When we finished the sand we moved on to painting a room, but the fun challenge there was that we had to get the whole room painted in less than 30 min.  We started and sent Coco to go get more people to help us.  For some reason too I, as the shortest person in our group, was doing the high parts. Then it was time for lunch and VBS prep.

OH! and I am going to do a shout out to Mr. George Schellingerhoud for his birthday, YOU ARE OOOOOOOLD

Ron again.  The groups came back from their places and we had lunch.  People talked about their experiences and relaxed a bit from the heat.  Today was HOTTER than yesterday. 

VBS started at 2 pm and it was HOT.  We had 75 kids today.  We played sports before hand again and just had fun with the kids.  Soon it was time for songs again, with lots of actions. 

Another puppet drama with Lucy and Mel...way to go Lucy.  : )

Then it was craft time.  Organized chaos, but all good. 

Marsha, Edith and Dianne held the first teacher training day, and it went very well. 

Here's Edith to tell you a bit more about her experience today.

The Gamaliel Christian School has begun its third year. School begins at the beginning of March in Peru! Along with providing a rich curriculum, the goal of the school is to share the love of Christ and to equip the students to become future disciples. When the school opened they began with about 30 students in two classrooms. This year they have about 107 students in eight classrooms and registration is still ongoing.

Today we taught our first workshop for the teachers. The teachers arrived in the heat of the afternoon and gathered together to share experiences as educators. We began with introductions and shared with each other why education is so important to us. Through the words of our translator, Pia, we shared our passion and love for our students. 

We discovered today that many of the concerns we have in Canada are similar to those at the Gamaliel Christian School. It was exciting to provide a number of suggestions on how they might manage classroom behaviour. These ideas were well received by those in the group.

We look forward to having more conversations with this group of teachers as we continue our workshops tomorrow!

Ron back again.
We boarded the bus by 4:30 sharp to avoid being stuck in traffic.  After showering and dinner (consisting of rice, potatoes in a sauce and a kind of steak)  it was time to meet together in our large group.  I read your wonderful blog comments again and we laughed a lot, and were touched a lot.  I love the comments from Annette B and the kids...priceless.  We are learning so much about John....and his fame in that small town of Peterbourough...if that's how you spell it.  :) 

Pepe then gave a brief talk about Frontline and the reason they exist.  He did a great job of reminding us that long term partnerships are a good thing.  Ask this group about what he said when they get back.  It's very good stuff.

We then practiced some songs for tomorrow and did our video blogs again. People milled about, and some went to bed. 

Lots of great stuff happening in Pachacutec this week.  I'll now let you have a look at the pictures and I'll make some comments.  Oh, and check out the bottom of this entry for a couple of administrative items for some of you back home.   

John loves the flora and fonna around the compound here.  We are hoping that Margaret V will check out the blog and see these pictures.  Let her know if you see her. 

On the bus praying about the day. 

You can't tell, but it's HOT on the bus.  The strong sun shines in and you get burnt during the 1.5 hour drive. 

Today the traffic was much worse.  We left at 8:30 am and it took us 1.5 hours to get to the church. 

The kinds of transportation varies in Peru.  Here's a simple horse and cart set up. 

 Hey, they caught me attempting a morning snooze.  I was really awake, but trying to humour everyone. 

We keep telling everyone to wear sunscreen.  This is why...I think Colin got the message. 

One of our groups went to the orphanage/day care centre.  What follows are a series of facial pictures of the kids there. 

Aren't they all so cute! 

Leah working hard in the kitchen at the orphanage.  They helped make lunch for the kids. 

Each day meals are served to the kids.  It's LOTS of work.

More pictures of sweet children. 

Carl helping out the children. He's really having a hoot relating to all the little ones.  Nice to see. 

 Alyson showing the kids her camera. 

Steve...did YOU draw that picture, or the child with you?

Some of the food for lunch. 

Cooking on the stove. 

 Steve hard at work.  He's a natural at this. 

Helping the children eat. 

Carl being mauled by the little ones.  I think he's rather enjoying it. 

 Lunch time in the orphanage.

There is a seniors group that also meets at the orphanage.  We met them last time, and here they are again. 

Back at the church. Even the children are getting into the helping mode. 

Fontana enjoying being mauled......

Corinne and her back pack.  : ) 

I think there wasn't a time when Fontana didn't have someone she was carrying. 

 More games just before VBS. 

Megan also had many children to carry. 

Lucy's having a blast this week. 

Brenda playing with the little ones. 

Milling about and talking with the kids. 

What are you doing to this child Ben and we have to talk!  : ) 

Henry can you breathe? 

Madii too is having a blast this week.  Her big heart is going to have a hard time on Thursday when we have to say good-bye. 

Seems like Lucy is playing some sort of somersault game. 

Who's putting this kid in the air...don't let go...please! 


Zack guarding the net in Soccer. 

Leah smiling.  She has such a big heart...get it....  : )  

Henry don't you dare drop that child! 

Steve playing with the boys. 

Ben...the walking accident.  Yes, he got hurt again today, but only a minor one.  How do you handle him Annette....  : ) 

Seems there's a theme of kids hanging on our young people's necks.  Can YOU breath Michael?  Chris B doesn't look too worried, but he doesn't have a kid on his neck, does he?

A close up..but Michael seems to be happy still. 

Oh, I see Brad is trying to outdo everyone...two kids on his off  : ) 

Do I see three now....hows that working for you Brad? 

Please, please..pick me up.....

This is getting very creative...... 

 See the band aid on Ben's knee....just one of many. 

A game of swing the kid broke out....I hope that kid is light Chris. 

Steve, you are awesome.

These kids just love being thrown around. 

Chris, how's that burnt neck with the child on your back....

VBS and song time. 

Ian picked up a child on his neck.  He's really enjoying himself this week.  Fun to watch. 

Lots of action songs. 

hmmmm, nice shot.  

Tobie with a wonderful child. 

The teaching begins for the teachers. 

All the teachers had to talk about themselves a bit. 

The walls are going up for the new feeding program building.  They don't stop working here.  After we are gone, the work keeps going and we see changes the next day.  

Steve and Sergio are getting the old kitchen ready to become a class room. 

A worker putting up the walls for the feeding program building. 

Craft time. 

They are getting used to being in smaller groups. 

Today it was putting plates together and making tambourines. 

The finished project.

Leah helping Cesia with her craft. 

Ben giving and receiving love. 

The three amigo's and the actions to the songs. 

Time to say good-bye. 

So, this brings us to the end of day 4.  Another great day in Pachacutec.  Until tomorrow.....

Oh, and P.S. 
A happy birthday goes out to Karlyna who turned 16 today. 

Peter B, happy bday to you too.


Sandra said...

Hi all, looks like another fantastic day! May God bless all of you richly and also the people you serve.

Anonymous said...

Greetings to you all. It is amazing to see how much things have changed and the impact that you are having. The pictures are fantastic particularily the overhead shots-you are awesome John! I know it is very hot there but all the smiling faces tells me that it doesn't matter, you are happy to be doing God's work. I did not realize that Ben was so accident prone, John must have a discount at Shoppers for all the bandages :) It is nice to see also that Ron is still having spelling issues, at least you are consistent Ron. How were the "hand and cheese" sandwiches? I was shocked to realize we sent a bunch of cannibals to Peru :) Keep up the good work work all! Blessings to you as you interact with those around you. Praying for all of you and that God will have an impact through each of you.

Ken Vanderhooft

Garnet :) said...

Just want to start by saying it gives me a warm feeling deep inside when I see the group playing with the kids, everyone seems so happy. Simple life but yet so happy. Love the text and pic can't wait for you all get home so you can share your experience that you are having.Love you all,but a big I love you to the Cornwall Group miss you all.It is not hard to tell that God is working in each and everyone of you as you spread his word and love GOD BLESS YOU Until tomorrow <3 :D

Betty said...

Hi Brenda & Brad: Sure looks like you are having a good time. Brenda, I would start to worry about now, if I were you. Therese is working at your same pace & has decided to take a cut in pay, and have first choice of hours. The Dr's have agreed, cause there is less nagging going on in the office, and don't feel pressured and they feel like they are on holidays. NO, all in all we all miss you alot, and can't wait for your return. Brad, 2 & 3 kids on your back, is this your new workout program. Hope you are enjoying every minute. Our prayers are with you all.

Love BettyR

Lenny said...

Hi Brenda & Brad: Enjoying the blog and love seeing all the pics of the children & both of you. Praying for all of you.


Rosy said...

Dear Mom,
Once more I have begun to appreciate all your hard work. I made supper last night (canneloni, mashed potatoes, corn, meat, and cookies) and did the dishes... I was exhausted and slept til 9:00. I even slept through Daniel yelling"DADDDD... Can you help me with my hockey stuff!" :) So I can't help but wonder...
Chris (my brother), how's life without sleeping in? Are you surviving all that work? Maybe reconsidering my offer and deciding to take over dishes duty? :) Well, I can only hope....
Keep up the great work everyone! You're all doing so well!
Well, the litterbox is calling... come home soon!
Love, Rosy

Ella B. said...

when are you coming home the day after tomorrow? YIPPEE!!!!!!

p.s.Ben I don't beleive it your actually having fun! (jk jk)

Anonymous said...

2Corinthians 3:17
"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."

I want to encourage you today
with this verse from 2Corinthians where Paul states that where the The Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom - As Christians the Holy Spirit dwells in us so wherever we go the Spirit goes and brings freedom - and as you have all been obedient in following His call to go to Peru by simply being there you are bringing His Spirit and freedom to the people and communities and families you bless. What an amazing revelation it is to realize that through our obedience to God's calling our simple act of "being" in a place brings His Spirit of freedom! What a blessing that means you are all being!!!!I thank God for your obedience and pray that you will all be blessed today as you continue to be a blessing! It is awesome to read the stories of what you have all been up too and seeing all the photos! Keep up the great work!


P.S. Brenda, I just figure out how to comment today on this Blog so I have been keeping you all in prayer, I just didnt know how to tell you I was! But now that I do I will send encouragements as I can! love love!!!!

Hannah said...

Hi, it's me again. I hope you're not getting sick of my comments. If you are .... Ron, say something. Tobie & Lucy, we've only watched one heartland since you've been gone ... nothing drastic has happened, and don't worry, you won't be too behind when you get home! Keep up all those pictures ... and Ron, I read your text, no worries.


PS. Font, any large underwear incidents happen lately?

Anonymous said...

Hi All
Glad to see that you had another wonderful day. It's great to read about and to see the pictures (though the reading takes some imagination with all of the on-the-fly editting that needs to happen).
It's amazing to see how the church has grown. A new feeding building is wonderful. It looks big too. Didn't someone (Sergio?) used to have a house where it's going up though? What happened to that?
Blessings as you share God's love with the Peruvians. Don't forget to let them share it with you.


How's the guns Mel?
Ben, you do realize that you don't have to use up everything in the first aid kit right? It won't go bad.

samantha brinkman said...

Dad: you take WAY to many pictures. Also, when we were going through the storage yesterday, I found an
O HENRY rapper in your golf thing. It must be like.... well, lets not go that far. anyway, you are a clutter bug!
Ben: try to be more careful!!
Tobie: Molly probably misses you more than I do. Which is A LOT!
Lucy: When you get back, Zoe is not going to like you.she has been spending too much time with me!!! :P

Sarah H. said...

Hi Dad, Christopher, Kyle, Aunt Edith, Uncle Carl and everyone else.

It looks like you guys are having a lot of fun there. Not much happening here, but it has gotten warmer. It is 10 degrees C now, but twenty minutes ago it was 21 degrees C in the sun! Almost all the snow is gone in the backyard.
Well, I hope you guys have fun and keep putting on the sunscreen.

-Sarah =)

P.S. I still can't figure out why it is so quiet in the house. Hmmmmm.... mabye it's because Bubbles is making less noise? =)

Anonymous said...

Hey Fontana - its Mom again. You look so hot!!! You can giggle - it was supposed to have a double meaning :) Anyway, Gavin is having a St Patricks Day party on Saturday when you get home. Not sure you'll be up to it but thought you'd like to know. Love you lots!!! Miss you like crazy!! xoxo Mom

Lindsey Levasseur said...

To Brad:
Until today I wasn't even sure if you were in Peru, considering the only pictures I saw of you were half a leg at the airport haha. Looks like you're having a blast, I'm so proud of you and I miss you like crazy! By the way outdoing all the other boys with 3 kids on your back won't win you another trophy or anything for your shelf ;) I love you :) See you soon!

To Brenda: Looks like you're enjoying Peru, can't wait to hear all the stories when you come back to Canada! :)

Robert W said...

Hi All

enjoying the blog and the pictures - lots of smiles and hard work both emotional and physical - let the Lord continue to guide you on this amazing journey

Robert W

Anonymous said...

Reading your blog with envy. Reading the blog and seeing the pictures, brings me back 2 years ago when Oakville Youth tagged along with you. It is so amazing to see a feeding centre going up, a mini teachers conference, Ben getting much taller, the orphanage still having beautiful children and all the smiles on everyone's face. My encouragement to you comes from Philippians 3:14 I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Praying you all have an amazing week! Special hi to Carl, Edith and Kyle VanderBoom! Keep up the great work. Cindy

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,

I can tell by the smiles on all of your faces that this trip has been a real blessing to you all. Brenda, I see that you found your little lady! That's great! Brad, Opa and Oma were just here and they enjoyed seeing the pictures of you all very much. A big thank you to Ron, you are doing a great job! We hope you all have a great week and we will be praying for you.

George Rowaan said...

We are really enjoying Ron's writing and the comments added by others. We continue to pray that you will be blessed while you are blessing others as well.
If Ron reads this comment out, who ever is sitting closest to Melanie or Mel as you call her, would you give her a hug from Dad and Mom.

Anonymous said...

Hey you guys! Peru looks awesome!

Ron, it's so cool that you do this blog... even if your spelling is in need of a little help (a 'hand' sandwich eh? - from a couple days ago...)

Hugs to Leah, Megan, Fontana, and Janet!

Have an awesome rest of the week!


Brittany said...

Hey mom and Brad,

BRAD YOU ARE ALIVE. haha, looks like you're having fun with the kids! I really hope you're enjoying your time and I can't wait to hear what's been going on with you both behind the scenes!

Miss you both like crazy! Wish I was with you!
Britt xox

Nancy Waldroff said...

Dearest Alyson: I want you to know that I am OK. No injuries were received. I CLEANED YOUR ROOM!!!! I miss you my little princess, and am so proud of you for what you are doing. Can't wait to hug you.

Lots of love,


Mary Jane Burrows said...

Hi Michael,

It was a sad day in Barrie today .. one of the cats died (Mozart)this morning so your Uncle Tom is now down to 4 cats ... I can see your Aunt Bev smiling ..
Saw your cousins Val, Jordon, Tim and Jody today ...
Went to Guelph this afternoon to visit Uncle Ian and see his new house. So I think we are finished with the Smith clan for a while. Will see them in August again at the cottage.
So we are home to Ottawa tomorrow.
Ron, we are so thankful for the experience you have provided for our son and others. I am know this experience is changing all who read this blog.
We continue to pray for you all ..

Mary Jane and Graham (or Mom and Dad to Mike)

Anonymous said...

Hi! you guys love all the great pictures keep up the good I hope you all come back Pentecostals,that would liven up our church. Nick Van Dalen.

The Wards said...

Hi monkey! Hope you're have another awesome day! Love the picture of you with the little girl on your shoulders. You look like you are having such an amazing time! Love you!!
- Mom

From Kyle...
hi madii. Hope you have fun tomorow and tell some of them to put on sunscreen :D
i miss you :D

Anonymous said...


Your mother never tells you the important stuff Uncle Ian's man cave. It has a 106 inch projection TV ... watch some hockey .. we need this ... HAHA


Nicole said...

Hi Mom, Dad, and Kyle!
I love you guys so much! I had a busy day today but it was good! Aunt Anita and I love the pictures of you all, you just look like you're having so much fun! I hope everything is well! I'm glad your teaching workshops were well received Mom!
Love your best daughter and sister,

Zoe B said...


I just wanted to start by saying that I think what you guys are doing is truly inspiring and amazing. You can see from all the smiling faces of the children that you are making such a big impression on their lives. You should all be so proud!

Little Mikey, glad to see your breaking a sweat and that you can do real work. I'm gonna remember that! Be afraid. Miss you lots kid! I'm not gonna lie but it's kinda boring without you. Love ya, see you soon.

Signed your most favourite cousin in the world! xox