Monday, March 5, 2012

Calvin Fellowship Event - Bowl and Bowl

It's been a while since we've held a fellowship event at Calvin.  

This year we tried something new. 
Bowling, and then eating something that required a bowl...hence the name,
Bowl and Bowl. 

All this is the brainchild of Jason, our Fellowship Chairperson.  I liked the idea, and the day soon came for us to travel to Merivale Bowling lanes and lace up our shoes.  

Here are Dianne and Wilma resting before the big event.  I actually like bowling, and my daughter Katrina was just introduced to it a bit ago, but I ended up getting a condition called "Skiers Thumb"  so couldn't bowl.  Took a piece of bone out of my thumb and can't grab on to anything with that thumb for 6 weeks!    So, I just took pictures instead.  

We had to line up to pay Jason for the lanes, and get our shoes, and then be assigned lanes.  The place was just hopping for a Saturday.  Lots of Bday parties going on, etc.  A bit overwhelming for some I think.  But, we soon had everyone registered and assigned a lane.  Let the bowling begin!  

Here's our family and Christine with her kids.  They were sick with the flu, but did ok.  

The more mature side of Calvin CRC.  We had the option to have the boards put up so that no gutter balls would happen. MOST people opted for that, but some, like this group, said...NO WAY!  : ) 

Here is Adele getting bowling tips from Wilma...wait, that's not her mom...oh yeah....Wilma takes care of Adele during the day....better to learn from a non parent at times.. : )  

My cute Katrina bowling her heart out.  She did pretty good! 

More member of Calvin.  These were the serious bowlers...Andy (back turned away in the blue shirt)  turned out to be more of a baseball player than a bowler at times. I saw one throw that didn't hit the alley until almost 3/4 of the way down the lane......WOW!  

Hey Ian...relaxing and enjoying the game?  

After the games (most people played two) we went back to Calvin for our dinner meal. Here are people comparing bowling that like fishing stories.....?? : ) 

Mel and Megan talking together...

And soon it was time to EAT!  GREAT food!  

Everyone enjoying fellowship and food.  

Nice to see the generations mingling.  

Well, at some tables anyway!  : )  Lots of great talking happening at all tables, which is great.  

Jason decided to get some dessert cakes from Costco.  
Nice touch.  

Yes you have a question about the finer points of Bowling?  : ) 

Hey, who stole the camera.....I can be seen here talking with Annet about her unique beat soup (at least I think it was red beat soup)....I tried was VERY good.....

You know, Bill volunteers with the Friendly can tell...he started cleaning things up almost instantly.  Thanks for helping make Jason's and my life easier Bill.  

Jason also gave out prizes for the highest score for those under 18, and over 18.  Katrina won for under 18.  She scored 142 I believe....that's my girl!  I didn't teach her a thing about bowling though..... 

Bill got it for the over 18 category.  Not sure about his score, but it was up there.  They both receive a $5 Tim's about you and your dad go out for a Tim's time sometime soon....  : ) 

Oh, sorry Megan...didn't mean to scare you...bahahahaha.  

Before we knew it, it was time to clean up.  Look at that Adele helping us out.  She's a go-getter that girl.  

Thanks Jason for planning another GREAT fellowship event.  We hope to hold this again sometime, and see more of our Calvinite's come out.  Until next time......

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