Monday, January 30, 2012

Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser - Peru 2012

Several weeks ago Calvin held it's annual Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser.  January 7 was a cold, but wonderful day for the breakfast.  This year we were raising funds for our Peru Mission Team.  

This year we also were privileged to once again have John in charge of making the food.  He's become a sort of icon in this role, though he's not one to jump into the lime light, so I'm helping him along on that.  

We began our preparations on the Friday night.  Some people came in to help John get the chocolate rolls completed.  It looks like Ben decided to begin by taking a nap......  : )  

This year John and three of his children are going to Peru, so the bulk of the crew on the Friday night was John and his family.  Here is Lucy washing something....

John is in full swing getting everyone working hard.  He's a master at delegating....he learned that from me....  : )

Here's Chris B measuring out flour, oh, and Ben woke up!  : )  

You can see John is wide awake an happy. 
I think he's happiest in the kitchen....

Dark of the essential food groups.   

The kitchen beginning to take on that lived in look.  
Corinne being her usual self.  

Last year we had these wonderful chocolate creations filled with chocolate and then glazed with chocolate.  
Ready to go and wanting to be eaten....  :  )

Ben and Chris on to another job.  The important job of getting the donation envelopes ready.  

Well, it's now Saturday morning.  6 am.  You can tell that Lucy and Tobie would rather be sleeping.....

Ben seems much more awake this morning.  Ready to make all those recipes for blueberry pancakes.

Megan getting the coffee ready.  

Melanie and other young adults getting the fellowship hall ready.  

Michael...don't look so excited....!!

We need butter for the pancakes, so some mom's got into the act and made it happen. 

Melanie and Jeannine - The welcoming committee.  Pulling double duty.  Getting ready for guests, and getting the craft stuff ready for our VBS in Peru.  

Wilma and Mina...two crazy, but wonderful, people.  I think they did more talking than they did cooking....but I can't be sure....  : )  

We make sausages in the basement.  They take some time, but not a lot of people power.  Here's Chris turning them.  

Here's his fan club watching him work......hey, get upstairs and get back to work.  

John wanted us to sample his wares to make sure the pancakes were good...they were....  

Lucy is putting the final chocolate glaze on to the rolls.  

One of John's kids was also having a Bday party sleep over in the church.  They were served before the main group arrived.  They LOVED the breakfast.  

Each year I take a picture of the first people to arrive for our breakfast.  This year it was Tyler and Rebecca and son.  

Interestingly enough, Jason and Angela came in second this year.  

Soon the room was bustling with people ready for their food.  At times we had to remind some of our wonderful guests that we weren't a restaurant.  Things didn't happen instantly...but most were very understanding.  

Stuart and Christine and family.  I actually got a picture of Stuart this!!  

Judy and her boys.  Jeremy look like I scared him or something.  

The kids seem to be having a GREAT time.  

As you can see, we had lots of people come out for the morning.....

....and they just kept coming.  

Harold looking over at Leo...wondering what he's doing to his am I!  : )  

Hannah is not going to Peru this time, but she brought some of her friends to support the cause.  Thanks Hannah, and friends, for coming out.  

Our welcoming desk.  Melanie's still smiling.  Great job...but boy you have a lot of pens there for people to use.  : ) 

People don't know all the work that goes on in the kitchen.  A lot of work goes on in the kitchen.  John kept things humming along smoothly.  

Four friends enjoying the morning together. 

Ian did a great job of making sure people had enough of the thin pancakes.  

Those chocolate rolls were loved by many....some more than others.  

Before we knew it, was over.  The kitchen was cleaned up, the fellowship hall quiet.  You'd never know there was a wonderful pancake breakfast that just took place. 

Thanks to all of you who came out to support us.  We were able to raise just over $2,000 after expenses, which was better than last year.  

Thanks Peru Team for all your work. 

Thanks John for all your work.  Amazing once again. 

Until next year.........
we move closer to our departure date for Peru......


Anonymous said...

Dad, the "thin pancakes" are called crepes. You should know these things. =)


Anonymous said...

I ♥ed the pancake breakfast!!