Saturday, March 10, 2012

Peru 2012 - Day 2 - Saturday

Greetings all.

Everyone is working hard, or walking in the neighbourhood, so I thought I'd take some time to blog so I don't have to be up so early in the morning this time. 

The wireless Internet seems to be working pretty well. 

I went to bed around 2:17 am this morning, but didn't sleep that well. Lots of noises and a very thin mattress.  John and Carl, my bunk mates, were a bit noisy in their sleeping, as were the car horns, etc. 

Before I knew it, it was 7 am.  Many people were up at 6 am....arggghhh, but hey, that's life.  I grabbed a quick shower and then we all congregated in the main room for morning devotions.  I gave a few announcements and then Zack led us in a short devotional time.

After that it was time for breakfast.  Bananas, and coffee/tea, juice and buns with peanut butter and jam, as well as fried eggs.  All good.

After breakfast it was time to pack up and get ready to board the bus for our first trip to Pachacutec.  About 1/2 of the people on this trip are first timers, so they haven't experienced the 1.5 hour ride.  It takes some getting used to.  The traffic flow is anything but a flow, and the numerous speed bumps can give your kidneys a run for their money. 

It was, and is, a VERY warm day today. Must be in the low 30's with some humidity.  Being near the ocean brings some relief, but not much with that burning sun.  As the bus rumbled on, sun screen was applied to ensure no burning went on.  John lathered up his face, ears, and wonder he has little hair growth any longer.  : )

The bus ride was a bit longer this year due to lots of road construction going on.  Seems that all the main roads we are going to be taking are under construction.  That might not bode well tomorrow when we are leaving later in the evening. 

We arrived in Pachacutec to the joy of children holding balloons and smiling.  We entered the sanctuary and Pastor Sergio welcomed us.  It was great to see that man again.  He was wearing his red CANADA T-shirt and smiling from ear to ear. 

After a brief introduction, we put our belongings in the library and then Pastor Sergio gave us a history of the church and school.   I love it when that man speaks.  It's their 10th year of being a church.  He showed us a picture of the hut in the midst of a desert hill.

Now there are buildings and a Christian school, and God has been at the centre of it all.

We then took some time to learn some VBS songs as  a group in the sanctuary, and then it was time for lunch in the library. 

Juice, an orange, cookies, and ham and cheese or peanut butter and jam buns.  Yummy.  : ) 

It is a warm day, so it's important to stay hydrated.  It seems that people are doing that. 

After lunch was over, it was time to put people to work.  We began with painting the class rooms to get them ready for Monday school.

One class room floor  was also broken up because the concrete was very thin.  They are hoping to lay a thicker floor.   That was hot and back breaking work, but when I asked for 5 volunteers, I got them lickity split.  Cool! 

The rest of the group had to wait until 2 pm to go for a walk about in the neighbourhood.  Some helped with the painting and concrete, and others watched John assemble his kite and put it in the air with a camera so he could take aerial shots of the area.  I'm hoping to be able to put a couple of them up on the blog later today.

At 2 pm a bunch of people went for a walk in the neighbourhood to invite people for VBS this coming week.

A bunch of other women got set up for a manicure and pedicure time.  The tables in the sanctuary were strewn with nail polish, and other creams and lotions.  Many women from the church's women's ministry came out and got their finger nails and toe nails done.  They will be doing a Bible study and then receiving the bracelets that the coffee break women made at Calvin. 

Right now there are many children in the library being entertained by Erin and our group with games like, duck duck goose, and red rover, etc.  All designed to keep them out of the women's hair.  Erin is so good.  : ) 

Well, I'll blog more as the day progresses, and post a bunch of pictures when John gets them to me. 

BTW thanks for the blog comments...keep them coming as the group here loves to receive them. 

It's 9:30 pm now and I've just finished downloading 100 pics from John.  He took 500 today and couldn't decide what to take out, so I've spent a couple of hours putting them on the blog.  I hope you enjoy them.  : )  They are good pictures.

So, just to conclude, after I finished blogging, we finished up the Women's Bible study and gave out the bracelets and then loaded on the bus.  Another hot drive home.  I sat with Janet, and the other translators at the front of the bus.  They are lots of fun. 

I joked with Mina, and looked back to see some of the Cornwall boys sound asleep.  We must have worked them too hard with the concrete.  It was hot for sure. 

Once back home we took showers  (well, I haven't yet)  and then met for a brief time to read the blog comments together as a group and go over the events for the evening.

We would eat supper  (which was chicken and rice BTW, with a great potato salad)  then do some video blogging and get the craft and donations supplies ready.  That was a tonne of work.  The teacher packets came together well.

Just before dinner Colin and Jeannine read out my blog entry to the group  (with some snickering due to some mis wording, etc).  

It's now time to make some comments on the pics and head off to bed.  It will be a long day stay tuned.

The group ready for morning devotions.

They were all on time and listened very well.

Nicole and Lori Ann and Marsha...all smiles...great to see.

Each year we make the tower of peanut butter (and now Nutella).  Jerry heads this up, and it seems that Ben helped him out this year. 

Here's a better rendition of the tower.  Nice off to the kitchen with that stuff. 

My nephew, Kyle.  Such a cute Nephew.

John took out his kite aerial photography kit and put his camera on it and took many shots from above......some turned out really good. 

A nice picture of the many bars that keep people safe in Lima. 

More aerial shots. 

John's pics of flora and fonna (if that's how you spell it! )   

The Cornwall crew trying to concentrate with Zack talking.

Some of the great buns we use for our breakfast and lunches. 

This is our cook's helper Michael.  He's a great man.  Our cook and the kitchen staff does this for us as a labour of love. 

Michael and Erin...John put this picture in...though I'm not sure why.....and Erin wasn't impressed when she saw it.  : )

Juana is Carlos' aunt. 

What follows are the pictures of our Interpreters...
This is Samuel, a real ham.....he's the one in charge of our wifi connection.   

This is Jorge,  also known as "Coco."   He took a real liking to John's camera today, taking many pictures with it. 

Maria Gracia
She's a really nice person..spunky and a very good teacher today with our walk about group in getting them to talk to people they met on the streets.


Maria Pia

This is Janet.  She's the new Erin.  She will be in charge when Erin leaves tonight for the jungle.  Erin has taught her well.  She did a great job today.  I just have to remember to start asking her the questions, not Erin.......

John and his pictures of flowers.  How could I NOT have included these.....he would have killed me...and besides, they are beautiful. 

Clint.  He's blending in well with our group.  A nice man.  He worked hard today. 

Isaias.  Our final translator.  He's been on every one of our trips.  A good man. 

One of the many interesting vehicles on the roads of Lima. 

Lima loves their chicken, so it isn't surprising to see an advertisement with McDonald's for chicken, not beef. 

Mina worked hard today with the women's group.  Doing all kinds of nails.  Women and children just kept coming.  She did so well because she was so well rested, falling asleep on the WAY to the annual tradition.

The many taxi's in Lima.  Hundreds of bus taxi's. 

The market where the "fresh" chickens hang out.  We had to make a slight detour, so a good photo wasn't possible.

Oh, I forgot, John has a telephoto lens to capture this great shot.  Chicken ready for the cooking pot. 

Reading the daily news. 

This sign welcomes us into Pachacutec. 

The children welcoming us to the church. 

Marsha getting re acquainted with the friends she made two years ago. 

Pastor Sergio had a welcome heart with other hearts with all our names on them.  Nice to see. 

Words of Welcome. 

Pastor Sergio giving his words of welcome.

M and M.  Megan and Madii. 

Sergio giving us his "short" talk on the history of Gamaliel church.  His wife and daughter to the right twice told him he was talking too long.  It was cute....what he had to say was good though. 

Sergio showing us the picture of the start of Gamaliel church.  A building and a field. 

Outside Sergio explains some of the history of the Christian school.  I was able to talk with Felicitas, Sergio's wife.  She runs the school.  It was a good history lesson on the school.

This is a nice picture of Janet keeping watch over the flock by day.  : ) 

The tearing apart of skids to make into walls for the surrounding homes in Pachacutec.

Getting ready to paint.....

Ian....contemplating something. 

Chris, also contemplating something.  : )

A close up of the names of all of us. 

Samuel teaching us VBS songs. 

A star is born. 

The group learning the actions to the many fun songs we will be using in VBS. 

We will make Pentecostals out of the group yet!  : )

Dianna having a hoot. 

Marsha too. 

A song that requires beating up...only in VBS in Pachacutec.  : ) 

Corinne and Nicole getting into it. 

Hey Lucy...having fun yet!  : )  

Ben....he was having lots of fun today.  

 Hey Mel.  Hanging in there in the heat.  Everyone handles the heat differently. 

A 3-wheeled pick up truck.  

More of the surrounding area.  

 So, Jackie forgot a hat, and could have used sunglasses today.  She borrowed sunglasses, and we'll have to get her a hat for tomorrow. 

Pachacutec just keeps growing.  

This was hard, hot work, but the gang did well.  They got the floor broken up pretty fast and the rubble pretty much out today.  They were sweaty to say the least.  

 We painted the inside walls of the classrooms today too.  Here's Kyle working hard.

Lugging all the concrete down the hill. The ramps and patio in front of the class rooms were not there 2 years ago.  Neither were the row of toilets for the kids directly behind. 

The Group  painting...well., all but Lori Ann...she's giving instructions.....

The supplies for the manicure time.  

 John told me this was his favourite shot of the day......

The different skin tones you see today.  Interesting.  

Maria Gracia.  Always smiling.  

 Doing the walk about. 

Saying hello.  

Some of the thousands of dogs that roam free here.  Some of them are pretty scary......  

Lucy talking with someone.  Way to go Lucy.  

They continued to let others know about VBS.  

Dianna in the thick of it.  

This flower has a spider inside it.  John thought that was pretty cool.  

Hey, one of the few cats that we will see in Lima.  

 More people doing the walk about. 

 No can't take any kids home. 

 The women's Bible study group. 

 This women's group was a hit.  The women were really happy with the manicures, and he Bible study went very well too. 

Here's Yvonne sharing with the group our purpose in being in Pachacutec.

Whew,  that's finally over with.

Tomorrow, John, only 30 - 50 pictures please.....and thanks. 

Until tomorrow then....blessings to you.  It has been a good time for a shower and some sleep.  It's only 10:35!!!!  : ) 


Peter said...

Thanks for the blogging Ron and the photos John.
Wilma/Mom and Chris - we miss you tons. Daniel wants you to know he went to the 67s game yesterday. R and C will keep you posted on all the developments in Heartland.
Sleep well everybody,

Peter said...

Oh I see, the comments don't get posted until you approve them, Ron. So you don't have to approve my last comment, which says the same one as my first one, or this one which doesn't say anything.

Andrea W. said...

Beautiful Pictures John... send as many as you'd like (don't listen to Ron! :) )
Lori Ann - really? A Leaf's shirt?

Can't wait for tomorrow's update!
(Love you Madii!)

Peter and Heather said...

It was fun tracking your flights on day one complete with drama over why your fight was not leaving Ottawa on time. Wished I could have seen Yvonne's face in the turbulence. Thanks for the blogs and photos, guys. You help us feel somewhat connected from so far away. It's great to catch glimpses of you, Yvonne and Jeannine. Oh, oh...Sarah just left me another "gift". She keeps asking for you, Yvonne :) Love you. Peter and Heather.

garnet said...

I hope it dosen't get to hot for you I notice Steve aka bird nest was working up a sweat.Love reading the blog keep up the good work pepole.Gods love changes the world and you guys are spreading so much of that

Garnet Waldroff said...

I hope it dosen't get to hot for you I notice Steve aka bird nest was working up a sweat.Love reading the blog keep up the good work pepole.Gods love changes the world and you guys are spreading so much of that

annette said...

Lucy, Zoe says hi. Tobie Molly wants a walk. John, Friday Ravenscleanupw/ACadia82-68Scrubb 25pointsSmart says Ty was Special.Sat.ScrubbSr.stepsup16points.83over cascades65.
Ron, thanks for the blog.So awesome to read. B,T,L,John, I love you. Blessings on all of you there. Keep up the good work!!

Nancy Waldroff said...

Good Morning and Good Evening!! Those photos are wonderful, and the more the better. I will be doing children's message today, and can't wait to show the welcome pictures. They fit in so well with our Lenten theme. Can't wait to read and see more. Enjoy your day. The SON is shining and it is to go up to 12C. Keep eating Aly!!!! and don't say "Oh, Mom!".XOXOXOXO

Mary Jane Burrows said...

Michael Smith,

Gave your nanny a big hug from you since it is her birthday today ... will celebrate when you get home.

Miss you ...

Anonymous said...

Donnelly's here
Fontana we love you be safe and have fun

Samantha Brinkman said...

Tobie: Molly misses you. she has only had like, 3 walks since you left.
Dad: I ♥ your ipad!!!
Ben: It is soo quiet!
lucy: The litter box stinks!!

I miss you all!!! a lot!!

Ella said...

dear dad,tobie,ben and Lucy we went to funhaven just thought you might like to know (hee hee )

Anonymous said...

Hi Marg and Corinne:

This is your brother Gerry from Sunnyvale, California. Hope you are having an spiritually enriching experience on the mission fields in Peru. Keep up the good work and thanks to John for the wonderful photos.


George said...

Hi Guys,
Nice to see everyone working hard. Nice picture of the three Steve`s breaking concrete.Just came back from Sunday service and we had a pretty small group but every thing went well.So after our little storm it is now over 10 and finally feels like March. Okay Lori Ann what with wearing that shirt with that Leaf thing on it. By the way they lost again last night. Anyway we miss you guys and hope all goes well for the rest of your week. We will be praying for you all.Di, were planning a dinner Friday for those left behind at our house. I think will BBQ some chicken. Julia spent the night in Alex last night with Chris(not Ottawa) and will get her sometime today. Anyway thanks Ron for the blog and pictures and will be looking forward to more.

rachel, mark and andrew said...

Lori ann,
greetings from Ingleside . . . stop . . church was empty. . and the mics actually worked!. . .stop. . .made chicken soup after church and made the kids eat it . . .stop. . . leafs got a point last night! . . . stop . . .wear that shirt proud, girl . . stop . .stay strong . . .stop . .HEE HAW and we love you . . .stop . . .and miss you, Bouwmans!

Nicole said...

Hi Mom, Dad, and Kyle!
I'm so happy that you are all having a great time! I love all the pictures and I hope between the three of you, you'll take at least a fraction of the amount on here! Otherwise, Chris please take some of my over-sized brother that can't fit out the classroom door without ducking. Dad I hope that you are enjoying all of the sunshine and heat! Mom, I hope that your first day at the school goes great tomorrow. Kyle, try not to get sick again! I love you all so much!
Uncle Ron, your blogs are wonderful and I'm loving that you can post them earlier this year! Hope you survive in a room with my dad (at least its not Kyle...)

Nicole said...

I think that maybe my comment didn't get posted... If it did I'm sorry and don't bother reading this one again.
Hi Mom, Dad and Kyle,
I hope you are all having an amazing time! I love you dearly and I hope that between the three of you, you are taking even a fraction of the pictures posted on here. Otherwise, Chris please take a few of my brother! Mom, I hope school goes well for you tomorrow. Dad I hope you're loving the sunshine (of course you are)! Kyle, please don't get sick again! I love you all so much.
Uncle Ron, I'm so happy that you can post the blogs earlier!
Love, Nicole

R/M Walker said...

This is a wonderful way to keep in touch, thanks Pastor Ron. Also very good pictures. Work hard and keep safe, everyone.

Anonymous said...

Fontana - since you left the oven broke and the van quit. Clearly things are falling apart in your absence. Come home soon!! I will be praying for you as you return to the hostel tonight later than usual with the construction to complicate things :(!!! Love you - Mom xoxo

Hannah said...

Hi everyone!
Glad to see that the trip is going well so far. Ben, all your crew girlfriends say hi ...I got to know them real well during the retreat. Tobie, you look sick. Get better. Lucy, did Tobie do your hair? It looks good. Dad, do the kids in Peru call you 'the kite man'? And Leah ... I love your Redeemer pride. And the rest of you ..... you're awesome. Praying for ya'll ! :)

Jackie said...

Hello all!Happy that you all arrived safely. Enjoying the blogs and pics! Lori Ann thought there might be an assortment of braids with the mannys:)Steve, Steve and Steve, think I saw you all sweating a bit? So did we shovelling the blanket of white stuff!!The leftbehinds had a great chat at Church today re: all your activities so far in a very empty church:( Lori Ann, Rachel "thinks" taking care of Andrew has been going OK so far. Di your girl had a great time, Karly spoke with her. Blake the tears have stopped only needed a couple minutes<3 Wishing you all an awesome experience this week!! Love from the Girard girls XO

Joycegina Hosmar said...

Just so you know, Ottawa has some seriously wonderful Spring weather. We can walk outside with just a T-shirt (okay, pants and shoes too). There are daffodils coming out of the ground and green is appearing in lots of gardens around the neighbourhood. Of course, there are some of you who absolutely love that hot weather in Peru, right Carl?

It is great to see the aerial shots this year. Pachecutec is quite large. Some great photos John.

May God give you all the strength and health you need to handle each day.

George said...

Hi guys,

Thanks for the pictures and the blog. Looks like your all working hard and I see a lot of smiles. Nice to see the three Steve`s working hard and sweating a bit. You know that this is just practice for when its time for our Shed. Right brother Gerry!! So we had quite a small turn out today in church but all went well. Now Lori Ann what`s with wearing that shirt with the leaf stuff. By the way they lost today. So Di our girl spent the night in Alex(not Ottawa)Sounds like she had a good time. So were going to have the left behinds for dinner Friday at our place. Maybe we will BBQ something. So I hope you all have a great week and we miss you. Take care and God bless you all.

Julia said...

Hi guys.:)
Mom, i had a great weekend, the show was amazing and so much fun with Chris.! Dad and I were talking to Chris about physio and i might go up to Ottawa this week to see the physiotherapist at the school of dance but in the meantime i have an appointment tomorrow, Chris(the physiotherapist) did not know what to do about the fat pad when he talked to dad but he said he was going to do some research.! Anyways, I miss you guys so much and can't wait to see you Saturday. So happy to see all the pictures, looks like you're doing well and mom i hope your enjoying the weather.:) Keeping you in our prayers and i hope your having funn.!
Love you, talk to you later, can't wait to see more pictures.:)

Jacob said...

Hey everyone! Glad to see that you're all having fun in Peru! Just wanted to say 'hello' to my prayer partner Ben and the rest of the group, and that everyone here in Canada is proud of you and praying for you. Mr. Brinkman, your photography skills are brilliant! Ron, your blogging skills are brilliant, just remember only to use an apostrophe with possessive nouns or abbreviations! (Just kidding, Ron - you know how much I enjoy reading your blog.) (But seriously, proper apostrophe placement is important.)
Anyways, have fun!

Anonymous said...

wow - what a singer/dancer you are leah
we have rain
but the chickens have lots of organic food now which silke lifted into the trailer.
be strong!
bob -de- bob - bob - says bob

Anonymous said...

luv the pics, luv the sun, luv all the work and fun i see ! gord