Monday, March 12, 2012

Peru 2012 - Day 3 - Sunday

Hello everyone.

I trust you are enjoying the blog.  Based on some of your comments you seem to be.  Thanks for the comments.  keep them coming.  I'm learning lots about people back home..... : )  I also am learning that many of you just  love the pictures, in fact 80 % of you do.  I'm taking a straw pole here......what about the TEXT!!!!   : )  No, I'm not bitter.  

As I was doing the blog last night, I noticed that many in our group had gone to bed early, while others were just hanging around and talking.  Nice to see the bonding happening.

I took a brief break from the picture downloading to go out with Erin and Pepe and Samuel for a cold coke.  It hit the spot.  Thanks for that you guys.

I was entertained by Fontana, Leah, Chris, and Megan talking behind me as I sat  doing the blog.  The conversation vacillated between great stuff, and bathroom talk.  : )   Giving birth even entered the fray for a while, and yes, Nancy, your daughter Fontana was the instigator...AGAIN!  The room was alive with people sorting through the donated supplies  

It's now 11:05 am and I'm sitting in the library.  Wilma taped my hand a bit this morning to try to keep my thumb in place, and since I can't do much with it, I'm sitting in the library catching up on things to tell you.

We woke up at 7:00 am ish.  I wanted to get a shower in before breakfast, but for some reason couldn't find my keys to my suitcases.  It took me 15 minutes, but eventually I found them.  My memory isn't what it used to be....

I did manage to get that shower, and then it was time for morning devotions led by Zack, and to read some more of your great comments.  Sorry you can't find anything in your house Daniel.  : )

Breakfast was great again and then it was time to slap on the sunscreen, get a hat for Jackie and fill up those water bottles.  It's going to be another HOT day in Pachacutec.  There is a bit of a breeze today though, so that does help.  I think John might be able to get his kite up again today too.  We weren't that hopeful. 

We readied ourselves to get on the bus, taking the inside route inside the compound.  It was beautiful and huge.  I didn't know there was so much back in behind us in the form of flowers and buildings. 

Finally on the bus by 10 AM.  Things are running smoothly.  Erin is gone to the jungle with a group, and Pepe is out working so it's Janet in charge.  She's doing awesome. 

Wilma found a hat for Jackie  (yahoo!)  but then I discovered that Dianne doesn't wear a hat...and she's getting burnt on the back of her neck.....I've encouraged, but she's a tanner, not pale like me  (and Jackie), so I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt here......(besides, I don't think I could change her mind if I tried.....)  : )

The bus ride was smooth today.  Not much traffic.  People are socializing for the most part, and sitting next to different people on the bus. 

I sat with Jeannine.  We got to talking a bit about the trip, and how it's cool to see so much excitement amongst us.  We also talked about the challenge of getting Calvin a bit more involved/behind/excited about this evolving relationship with Gamaliel church.  Cornwall seems to be doing that (maybe because it's a smaller church), but there are other reasons too.  We do get people helping us through fundraisers, and more and more going over the years, but the traction in-between visits could be better. 
Yesterday Pastor Sergio talked a bit about the desire to have his church send out missionaries on a mission trip into his country.  He was inspired by the churches that have come to help his church.  That is so cool.  He then mentioned he wanted to talk with me later about what else we are doing in Calvin to be missionaries and reaching out into the community of our church and when that started, etc.  That actually gave me a queasy feeling because I know we could be doing better in that area....

Some things to ponder in the years to come for sure. 

We arrived in Pachacutec and went up into the library to organize ourselves.  Right now we have people hauling dirt up the hill so concrete can be made for a new floor that will house the new building for the feeding program.  They are working hard in this heat.  Others are finishing up the painting, while others have gone into homes to visit.  Still others are walking about inviting kids for VBS. 

I'm sitting right by the door to the library, as there's a breeze there.  People walk past me to get more sunscreen and water...and yes, the odd jab about making sure I don't get sunstroke......always happens, and I'm ok with it. 

I've asked Dianne to take pictures with her camera, as John is out on a home visit.

Lunch will be at 1 pm, and then the first day of VBS happens.  This day is always chaotic.  I like it because I see the gifts of the group rise to the surface and they shine.

I'll comment on all of that on the way home.  We are staying later tonight to meet the congregation.  Steve is preaching as well. 

Until this evening then, or early afternoon.

......Greetings again all.

It's 4:10 pm. VBS has just finished.  The morning went well.  Lots of sand carried and pounds lost.  Painting is pretty much done too.  Those going into the homes had a very good time.  I'll try to get one of them to blog for a bit, in a bit.

Lunch was good once again. It's HOT again today, so lots of water and sunscreen.  After lunch, we got ready for VBS.  At 2 pm we gathered in the front of the church to welcome the kids.  They arrive slowly.  We began with soccer.  It was nice to see the kids playing soccer.  I learned that Ian is quite competitive at the game.  He was playing for keeps, no matter what the age.  : )

As more children arrived, Frisbee's came out, and skipping ropes.  Some of the YP just played with a few kids.  John put his kite up at the front of the building and got some more aerial shots. 

At 2:45 we gathered in the sanctuary for songs.  Lots of songs with actions.  The kids just love it.  After the songs it was time for Mel and her puppet play.  Then it was time for crafts.  We had 107 kids today.  A great start...which could mean we have close to 200 at the end of the week.  YAHOO! 

We are now waiting for church to begin.  It's getting a bit cooler and we are practicing You Tengo Gozo (I've got the Joy)  just in case we need to sing that tonight.  You have to be ready for ANYTHING on a trip like this.  : )

As I close this section, I just wanted to let you know that I'm super duper proud of this team.  As with previous teams this team works hard, doesn't stop, is always happy, and takes the heat.  They are awesome and it's an honor to work with them, and at times even lead them. 

The craft people were amazing today.  The first day is always a bit chaotic. 

Hello, my name is Christopher and Ron asked me to blog about my experience going into people's houses to pray. It was only when we got to the Gamaliel church that we found out that we had to go to peoples' houses; unfortunately we also were expected to have prepared questions to ask people, so that was a little difficult but we managed (Ron had made some questions awhile ago). We had three people that we had to go to. When we got to the persons house they would greet us very cheerfully and welcome us in. We would then ask them questions about their lives and family and then they would ask us about ours. I found out that the people of Pachacutec wanted to buy their homes (Right now most are squatting) but there are many rules and a ton of paperwork that makes it difficult to do so.

We met a family that was better off then most because their son was a police officer and their mother was a teacher so they had a full kitchen and bigger TV etc. but their house was still a little shabby on the outside (I use this word because I can't think of a better one; it was a nice home).  Their son gave a police base-ball cap as a gift. Another family was so close to Christianity but they just couldn't give up what they had been doing before (we never found out what this was). So when we prayed with them we prayed that they would come to Christ. I really enjoyed doing this because it was completely different then anything I had experienced before and it was nice to explore Pachacutec.

Ron back again.  I'm in Pepe's car trying to type amidst the bumps.  Thanks Chris B for sharing your thoughts.  I hope you enjoyed them. 

The evening went very well.  We had a great church service with 59 members of the church coming out.  Great singing with Samuel and then Pastor Sergio shared words from scripture with us.  I then said words of welcome and then introduced Pastor Steve and he preached a sermon on unity and the church.  Nicely done Steve.

We then went into the library while the church members set up tables downstairs in the sanctuary. We came downstairs and I introduced the evening with Pia interpreting. It was neat to watch as I tried to get everyone's attention.  Our group  was showing the pictures of their families already and talking together, some tables without translators. 

We played a game together where a question is asked and you have to answer it.  One Gamaliel church member, one member of our team.  Kyle V got to sing...that was fun. 

Then it was time to share more and serve a meal of chicken and french fries and cola and Inca cola. 

I thought the evening was a huge success.  I think we could have stayed until 10 pm easy, but alas, we needed to get back and get showered and Pepe and I are getting some beer for the adults that desrved it as a thankyou after a hot day of work.

We will do some short video blogging and then I'll process the pictures and get to bed too. 

So, that was our first long day.  Tomorrow will be a bit shorter, but not any less challenging and rewarding.  Blessings to you, and see you tomorrow......

Just before you take time to see the 117 pictures I received from John....(JOHN!!!!!!!!)  we arrived back at the hostel just behind the bus.  I corralled everyone into the meeting room and thanked them for a great days work.  I blessed them with more Inca Cola, and cold Peruvian beer for those that wanted it.  Many were VERY appreciative and had two because it just tasted soooooo good!  : )  The video blogging began soon afterwards.  I thought it would take only an hour or so, but they weren't done until 11:30.   Got to be some good stuff going on in that room.

So, now enjoy the pics......  : ) 

Madii and Nicole beginning their day with their journals. 

One of the boys are they slobs  : )

The youth doing their journals.  They are so obedient. 

 A cool aerial shot of Gamaliel church.

 Making lunches. 

 Good old Inca Cola.  We had that tonight for supper and after we got home.  I LOVE Inca Cola.

 More aerial shots.

 We had to haul dirt up the hill for  a new floor being built for the new Feeding Centre.  The classrooms from the school can no longer house the feeding program. 

 Some people did a walk about telling kids and families about VBS. 

Here is a group in the home of a family they visited. 

More pictures.  There is a funny story about John taking aerial shots.  Some of the women who came for the Bible Study came late because they were taking showers.  Then one of the translators asked if any of them had seen John's kite in the sky with the camera.  The women were appalled because some don't have roofs on their bathrooms and they thought John got a picture of them.  They saw the humour in it though and laughed a great deal.  


 Here's Wilma working hard carrying sand.  She never complains, and is always smiling.  I love that in her. 

Here's (BTW, sorry if there's a # where there should be an apostrophe.  The keyboard is being wonky today.....) a picture of the wiring in one of the homes.  Not safe, but it works.  The roof is simply a tarp. 

 Another family visit. 

 Not sure what this is about, but maybe a lady with her sewing machine for a business. 

Some boys on a tractor.   

 Another family visit. 

This woman knits clothes and may sell some to us tomorrow.

 A view from the library to the ocean. 

 Pastor Ron being...well, himself. 

This is Pastor Sergio's daughter.....Genesis.  She's 4 years old, but very mature for her age.  I heard her practicing her singing today.....she's very good.

 Jackie wearing a HAT!   Good for you Jackie, and thanks Wilma for lending her one.  She has doubles of pretty much everything. 

Gaelen with his usual camera pose.  He, as well as many others today, burned pretty good.  Chris, my son, has a face like Bob the tomato now.....some of them have to learn the hard way...not putting on ENOUGH sun screen.  They will pay for it tonight and tomorrow.  

Let the soccer games begin.  Kyle and Fernando battling it out.  

 Corinne making new friends.

 A cute boy watching and wanting to play soccer, but needing inviting in.  It didn't take long.

The children slowly coming to the church.  

Melanie letting others blow bubbles.  We had that and frizbee's and skipping ropes and soccer and other games.  Lots of fun for the kids.  

Fontana with Maria.  Both with a cute smile, but Fontana, you are looking pretty burnt here......

Listening to Chew Chew wa song and doing the actions together.  

Jackie making new friends too. 

Megan and Tobie with human back packs.  

Playing ring around the rosy with the larger group.  

 Time to come inside and get ready for the songs and listen to the puppets. 

 Tobie looks tired.....

Maria Gracia helping Mel translate for the puppet time. 

Each time Wilma does this trip she is amazing on the first day of VBS (well, she's amazing all the time actually!)  She gave each child a name tag, going around the large open area in front of the church and greeting every child.  Amazing! Then she picked up a child needing care, and just loved on her. Cool! 

 Craft time! 

Tobie having fun.  She`s felling better today, thankfully.  

 Colin with Fernando.

 Megan looking content and happy to be here.

Gamaliel church hires workers to do much of the heavier work.  Here they are laying the floor for the new feeding program room.  They worked well into the evening to get the floor finished.  

Genesis wearing a new dress.  

One of the fathers who came to the service tonight.  

 We are gathered in the church and ready to start the service. 

Pastor Ron and Linda.  I'm giving words of welcome and introducing Steve.  

 Coco translating for Steve. 

Steve preaching. 

Pastor Sergio sharing with us scripture as well.  

Singing songs in the service.  

Samuel leading us in song.   

After the service we were up in the library waiting, and it was time for a massage line.  

 The church and our group mingling.  It actually came so natural it was amazing to watch. 

Alyson sharing the pics of her family. 

Ben sharing pics of his family.  The family he's sharing with has 4 daughters....a chic magnet that boy!  : )

We are playing the get to know you game.

 A view of the whole group. 

 Smiling faces all around.  I think this evening was a huge success and glad we did it. 

Pachacutec in the evening. 

Marge and Zack and Kyle getting to know Sergio's family. 

We are now back tracking to pictures from Diane's camera.  Lori Ann, you are STRANGE!  : )

Gathered for morning devotions.

Doing morning  devotions.

 Dianne and son Steven doing devotions.

Dianne is a machine when it comes to these trips.  All kinds of energy.  Love to watch it. 

 I think this is Henry.  He just loves to work and he works hard. Tomorrow though, it's time to visit in some homes for you Steve.  Need to get that holistic experience.
This too is Steve.  He worked hard lugging that sand. He told me he was going to be loosing some pounds by the end of the week.  I believed him.  : )

Carl worked hard today too.  He really enjoyed all aspects of the day, which made me feel good. 

 Filling up the pails with sand. 

Go Michael go! 

 Gaelen carrying the bag and Samuel watching him work...hmmmm

Leah painting.  That white shirt ended up very dirty by the end of the day... I think Leah rolled in the dirt during soccer or something.  BTW, glad you could make it for the trip Leah.  I know you thought about it a lot. 

You take the high road...and I`ll take the low road....

 Tobie painting

Jackie the shade....good!

 Hey are doing a GREAT job BTW! 

 The outside wall being finished off with paint. 

Alyson working hard. 

Don`t miss a spot Leah. 

 Gaelen is   concentrating well here. 

 Gerry got to roll, which suited him just fine due to his bad back.  He also spent several hours cleaning up paint off the floors....that was nice Gerry. 

More sand filling, and then sand dumping.

 Go Carl Go!  He just loves this heat....he can have it.  : )

 These Cornwall boys are like machines.  They didn't stop once, just for the odd drink of water.

 Warriors Jackie and Lucy.

 Time to relax after all that back breaking work. 

 Michael still looks happy after all that work.

 This is my favourite spot...right by the door, with a breeze, and being able to blog to save some time...though John's 117 pics today shot that theory out the window!  : )

Precision work by Carl. 

A great assembly line. 

Samuel took some of the boys to the store across the street and they got ice cream and a coke.

 A cute boy loving to pose for the camera.

 Kyle and Chris talking with me.  Kyle and Chris have grown a great deal.  Apparently Chris is the talk of the church because they remember him as a much smaller person. :)

 Nicole and Lori Ann. 

 Dianne and her friends in Pachacutec. 

Almost done Leah! 

Gerry and Steve ARE done.....

 So, Ben's now 2 for 2 in the injury department.  DON'T make this your goal while here Ben!!! 

 Brenda found her old pals back again today.  She was very happy about that.

 Colin getting some well deserved rest.

 Kids going home after VBS with their new crafts. 

Playing outside before VBS time. 

Various VBS Pictures.

So, this brings us to the end of day 3.  I hope you enjoy the pictures and READ the text....!!!  : ) 

Blessings to you all, and good's now 12:30, but feels like 3 AM.  A long, but fruitful and wonderful day. 


Garnet said...

I love this blog and Pastor Ron the text is great but the pic that shows the interacting of the people and the work that is getting done puts it all together.I can see why you are so proud of your team they are an awesome bunch. Oh ya Alyson next time the house needs painting I no who I can get I have proof that you can do it

Andrea W said...

So glad I got to read this before heading into work! We're sitting at 14 degrees here in Ottawa today, and the entire week should be in the teens so you should be coming home to spring.
Lori Ann, thanks for taking care of my girl - I see you doing her hair in one of the pics. Thank you for that!
Ron, I do enjoy the blog text as well but the pictures complete your words.
Take care of yourselves!!
Madii, we're doing good. Grandma and Grandpa say hi and Kyle misses you too. :)
Love ya! Mom. (Andrea Ward)

Rosy said...

Hey Peru team! Sounds like you're all having fun! Keep up the great work!
Just wondering if one of you could say hi to the little girl in the picture with Jackie for me. Her name is Jasmine and she has a friend named Rudy. Thanks!
Dear Mom,
I'm beginning to appreciate all that you do around the house more. I nearly threw up cleaning the litterbox yesterday! :P I also tried taking Sami for a walk, but that didn't work out too well...
Oh, and Apollo almost got sent to the slaughterhouse!... just thought you should know... :)
Dear Chris,
As you're not interested in cats, or chores, or Heartland, there's not much to tell you...
It was cool to read your thoughts on the blog!Have fun!
Dear Leah,
You're awesome!
Dear everyone,
You're all amazing!
Love your daughter/sister/friend,

Liam said...

Hi Daddy!

We miss you! I am having lots of fun at Opa and Oma's. I've learned some new tricks and I'm smearing my "ogurt" on the table as mommy types. I pray for you before bed at night. Mommy says hi and Ben says goo. I love you!

Anonymous said...

Mikeey come home :( i need someone to bother </3 - Gio

Sandra said...

Hi Steve,

We are missing you. The boys are fine and enjoying all the activity. We keep praying for you, our church family, your group and the Gamaliel church. Love you!

To Ron, thanks for blogging. The TEXT is great and we love the photos too.


Mary Jane Burrows said...


I am sorry but your mother has been facebook stalking again ...

On the other hand I am getting so many positive emails from people at work, the neighbours, your relatives about the blog ...

Blessings to all

Love ya Michael

Mattie said...

Thanks for your informative blogs. I love reading them and looking at all the beautiful pictures. Great job everyone.Blessings to you all!It makes me feel like I'm there with you!Say Hi to Madison for me and let her know we're so proud of her.

Mattie Zandbergen

Hannah said...

The weather looks great there ... but you should see the weather HERE. Springs has COME! Anyways. Megan, your teeth look so good it kills me ..... and Dad, mom's cleaning out the storage and we found your bazillion basketball awards ... how come you didn't tell us you were such a big shot? Haha. Still praying for ya'll! :)
Hannah B.

Hannah said...

OK, I have one more comment .. I had to do this.
Dad, looking through the old stuff led us to a story that you wrote .. in maybe .. kindergarten? It's short , so I'll type it out .. I'm sure everyone wants to hear it. (I'm also spelling it the way you did...)
It's called: The Two Girls and the cave
-Once there was two girls. One girl said lets go for a hike. So they went. They got cot in a storm. They went into a bear cave. There were bears in the cave. The bear scared the girls out of the cave. There were some bear trappers. They cot the bears. Just that minute it stopped raining. The girls were safe at last.

The end.

You're so creative daddy-dear. THe illustrations are marvelous,
Love, Hannah, Sam and Ella

Jackie said...

WOW!!!! I can't believe that it takes going to Peru to get a great photo of your smile Blake!!! Caused a few more tears!(he does not like to smile for the camera usually) In our house the excitement of day is checking out these blogs and Ron the text is great keep it coming:)Looks like you are all doing an awesome job, keep up the good work and smiles - love it! God Bless you all....

Anonymous said...

Hi All
Sorry I haven't commented earlier but I've been busy. The call of the theatre can't be ignored (no, that's not code for hanging out with Carmella, there actually was work to do, and yes she was there as well) :) :)
It looks like things are going great down there for you guys. I think that it's fantastic that the group got to spend time with the church, it is full of such wonderful people. That's going to happen again right Ron?
107 kids on the first day is amazing, I hope there's enough crafts by the last day (that's going to be a crazy one).

Say hi to everyone for me (Pepe, Erin, Isais and all the Peruvians included). Slap that sunscreen on folks. Pale and pasty is better that red and hurting. Nice hat Jackie.

Dianne get a hat on and make sure you drink enough water (I'm not there to make sure you do it this time).
Looking forward to reading more in the days to come.


Anonymous said...

Hey Fontana - Mom here. Just wanted you to know that Joy has been sleeping in your bed since you left. This morning she came downstairs in your pajamas and slippers. It was a bit strange. I think she is plotting some sort of a birth order take over. I'll keep you posted!!! Love you lots :) xoxo PS - put on more sunscreen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't stand It PLEASE COME HOME!!!!!!!!!!

Brenda said...

Hey Everyone, Hi Marsha, Hi Gerry, Hi Nicole!
It's great to hear about what you are doing and see you all working so hard! The pictures are great! Wish we were there! We are thankful that everything is going so well and pray that you continue to have a great week - being a blessing to the people of Patchecutec and being blessed and encouraged by your interactions with them.
Love The Brouwers and Alex

Ella B. said...

I miss you soooooooooooooooo much
(okay maybe not that much )anyways I still miss you guys a lot so hurry it up over there.

P.S. dad Please keep your records:)

cornwallwalkinclinic said...

Hi Nurse Brenda,
We are so proud of you and excited for all the great work that your team is doing! We printed out one of the great pictures of you with 'your girls' and posted at out front desk, for all the patients to see. You really look like it is really hot there!
We miss you.
Frances, Miia, Therese,Betty

Anonymous said...

Ron your blog is wonderful, and the pictures are great too! I am so very proud of all of you. The tears run (I know you are all surprised) when I look at the pictures, especially of you Alyson. Have an awesome day, stay safe and keep spreading the LOVE! xo

Anonymous said...

Hi Marg and Corinne,

Sounds like you guys are having a great time, I hope you are getting lots of great experiences out of your trip! And mom, don't worry, Dad has been eating lots of Manwich and frozen dinners...I did coax him into having some leftover chili I made though :)
Corinne, wear your sunscreen!

See you soon, miss you!
Love Erica

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael

We are having so much fun looking at the photos! You sure look HOT!!! Chelsea and I are running around looking at universities to apply to ... she really likes Western in London Ontario so far.

Your prayer partner,


Graham Smith said...


We in Barrie today visiting your Aunt Bev and Uncle Tom. It is pouring rain here in this part of the country. Aunt Bev is much better and has no IV's any more. We are staying here till Wednesday. Zoe and Jim watching the girls.

Wait until you see the size of the job jar now that you are use to doing manual labour!!!!! Be prepared.

Love DAD

samantha said...

Hi Ben, Dad, Tobie and Lucy!
Dad: Why didn't you tell me you were male athlete of the year 2 years in a row? Mom says it's because Peterbourough (if that is how you spell it) is a small town. :)
P.S. you are a good writer!! Oh! guess what? Mom just found what's up doc! (the movie w/ the bags)
Ben: What did you do to your elbow? poor benny wenny!
Tobie: Glad you are feeling better
Lucy: The litter box was tipped over, and it is probably going to stay like that until you come home. (gross)

Tracy Bradley said...

to marsha,diane and brenda

this is marisa bradley
how are you doing?
when i grow up i am coming with YOU!!!!!!
my cousins came over today
i am going to pray for YOU!!!!!!!
i want to hug everyone in peru even YOU!!!!!!
my mom likes your picshers and me TOOOOOO!!!!

Tracy Bradley said...

to marsha,diane and brenda

this is marisa bradley
how are you doing?
when i grow up i am coming with YOU!!!!!!
my cousins came over today
i am going to pray for YOU!!!!!!!
i want to hug everyone in peru even YOU!!!!!!
my mom likes your picshers and me TOOOOOO!!!!

Brittany said...

Hey Mom (Brenda) & Brad,

Miss you both lots! But I can see that you're sweatin' it up and I hope you're loving every minute of it. Mom, I've been looking at the pictures every day (which are all amazing, thank you to Pastor Ron for putting them up and to the awesome photographers in the bunch!) and I was SO happy to see that you found your old pals from last time. Also, you look burnt. That NEVER happens ;)

All the best from Kingston,
Britt xoxo

Nicole said...

Hi Dad, Mom, and Kyle!
I'm so glad that it looks like you are having fun! Dad especially... of course! Get your tans on and make me proud! Patty and Jacob came to visit me and take me out for dinner tonight. Thank you so much for the card, and flowers, and other goodies you sent with her! It was so nice of you and I love them! My room smells so good right now! I can't wait to read about how your first day of school went Mom! And on that note, Uncle Ron... I don't really like the text... people are just saying that to make you feel better! (but seriously... I actually do like knowing what the pictures are about) Dad I have you as my desktop picture now because you just looked so happy to be carrying dirt! I love you all so much and I miss you!
Love, Nicole

George & Julia said...

Hi Di, Steven and everyone else.!
We are the loving the pictures, especially of you and Steven doing devotions. Steven is this a good way for you to replace your workout(Insanity)?Hey mom, did you get any sleep or are you running on energy?:) Steven did you meet Westly yet, and mom did you get to meet up with everybody? Did you see Nicole yet, if you do don't forget to say hola for me.!:) I went to physio and i have to walk around with my knee taped everyday, let me tell you it hurts so much taking it off at the end of the night.! We are going to go for more physio(dad insisted.!) to see if it will help(even though Chris said he can't do much.)
Hey Gerry and Steve, what's with sleeping on the job.? I expect that from Steve but not from you brother Gerry.!
Hope you're having a great time. We are keeping you in our prayers.:)
Love George and Julia. xo

Peter W. said...

Hi Mom and Jeannine. I'm off to bed. I can sleep in peace again now that I've seen you looking so well and in good spirits. Blessings for a great day again tomorrow. I'll be thinking about you. Praying God continues to give you and the team all that you stand in need of to be used by him in the ways He sees fit.

Andrea Ward said...

I just have to add that I wish I could 'like' so many of these blog comments!!!


Wilma said...

To Megan. Hi kiddo! We miss seeing your smiling face, blonde curly hair and bright blue eyes. Ha! Ha! Seriously, we miss you. We are glad you are doing well. We read the blog every day. Keep up the good work. Lots of luv. Mom, Dad and Amy.

To the whole gang. We're glad everything is going well. It's sounds like you're working hard. Look forward to hearing more. Ron, the blog is great! Our prayers are with you all. God is good ..... the Datema's

Carraugh said...

Hey Aunt Marsha and Uncle Gerry! Looks like you're having fun! I just finished my babysitting course. It's 15 degrees out and Mom is going skiing. Gilly is at art camp right now and the boys are having fun with Alex. We miss you.
The Brouwers