Monday, March 19, 2018

Peru 2018 - Day 8: Tourist day

Day 8. 
Tourist Day. 
The day is done and the group is doing their nice comments while I blog. 
It will be a fast one. 
Sorry for the grammar errors in advance. : ) 

Steven is taking the painting apart for me as it won't fit in my suitcase.  Happens every year. : ) 

Brenda met with our small group one last time to share some scripture and encouragement.  

She's awesome, as are all of us. : )  

A nice flower in the garden.   

 Good morning Lori Ann
Sheldon journalling.  

Regular breakfast fare once again. 
Always nourishing.  

Gigi's morning picture, and yes, SHE asks for it each morning, not me. : )
Praying for our meal.   

Always good fellowship.   

The three faithful.  

Morning sharing time about yesterday.  
Great reflection time.  

Closing prayer time.  

Waiting for the bus. 

Business meeting. : )  

This PIGS games is growing in popularity.  

On the bus.  

To the ocean.  

At the beach.  

It was a stony beach so we could be close to the mall for lunch. 

Strong surf today. 
No swimming : (  

Putting up a tent for shade. 

Going to test out the water.
Be careful Andrea.  

The water is cold.  

Steven found some people to chat with.  

Andrea and Kendra.  

Tent still being put up.  

 The mall where we will go for lunch. 

Surf's up. 
Nice and cold. 

You can see an orange flip flop near Andrea. 
That's hers....well it was hers.   
Belongs to the ocean now. 

 Getting back up the rock hill. 

Kendra and Ella TRYING to rescue the flip flop. 

Isn't going to happen.  

Something wrong with this picture. 
The Peruvians in the shade while the Canadians enjoy the Sun : )  

Steven getting some help from translators. 

The mall where we will be going soon.  

Nice views.   

Hi again Gigi. 





Erin Arrives with Taya and Noah. 

Joycegina the first to greet them. 

Colin saying hi.  

George and Andrew on a walk about.   

Pepe and Taya on a walk about.  

She's cute.  

Nice to just relax and hear the ocean.  

Colin apparently didn't put on sunscreen.  

Some nice pensive shots.  

 Strong surf. 

Off to the mall for lunch. 

A bit of a walk.  

Nice place to eat 

Hmmmm, where to eat. 

The usual place for us. 
Always good food.  

Fish appetizer. 

Catch of the day for me.  

 Chicken for Joycegina. 
Cute Noah.  

Chocolate cake for Dessert. 
Whatever we didn't finish, Pepe did. : ) 

Friendship shots. 

Mother and Daughter shot.  


Ready to leave for the marketplace.  

To the bus. 

Hey, cute.  

No Gigi, that's NOT our bus.  : )  

 Off to the market. 

We have arrived to gather some souveniers. 

Shopping time in earnest.  

WOW, lots to choose from. 


Decisions Decisions.  

Hey, that's my money Gigi.  

A packed place with Canadian shoppers.  

I think Andrew is done shopping. 
Did he ever start? : ) 

Nice photo. 

Taya relaxing.  

The sun is setting.  

Time to say thanks to our translators. 

 Juan Carlos. 


 And Gigi. 
Our leader. 
She has done a great job. 
And for her work she has joined an elite group.  

She is happy.   

Andrea being thanked for all her work.   

She worked hard this week. Thanks for your nursing and teaching first aid, and other things. 
A scarf in appreciation.  

 Brenda getting carried away. 

We ended our evening with nice comments and cold beverages. 
Now it's off to bed and a wake up call for 2 a.m. for the group. 
Andrea will stay to visit her sister for a while. 
Joycegina and Katrina and I will stay to visit our Compassion Children. 

It's been a great week. Lots of great memories, great conversations, great things to ponder, and great relationships that continue to be made. 

Thanks for following along. 

In a couple of days I will blog our next two days at Erin and Pepe's and our visit with our compassion children. 
But not until I return to Canada. 

Signing off for now from Peru. 
The land of family. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such an amazing week! Through the blog, we could see the Spirit at work in so many ways. Praying that God will continue to bless each of you as well as our friends in Peru as this special gift is unpacked.
See you soon, Team!