Monday, December 30, 2013

CIA/ETM Bigger & Better Night: October 8th

This blog entry deals with a week #2.  Fun activity. 

We got together and held a Bigger and Better Night.  The idea behind this was to split the group up into smaller groups.  Each group starts out with a paper clip.  They then go into the community, knock on doors and ask the owner of the house for something to trade that is either bigger, or better than what they currently have. Below are the results of what transpired.

This group came back with two chairs.  One pretty cool, which Lucy and Tobie took home, and one not so great.

This group came back with cans of food and some tape.  

This group...a jar of pickles.  : ) 

This group did well.

This group came back with a fancy rock and fake flowers. 

This group came back with a nice mug set. 

It was interesting to hear the stories of the different groups.  Some homes really got into this, others wanted nothing to do with what we were doing.  

All in all a fun event and evening.  

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