Wednesday, March 15, 2023

2023 Spring Break Mission Trip - Calvin/Calvary Plymouth, North Carolina - Day 5


Day 5


The day when you feel mixed emotions about the trip. 

Part of you is wondering if it will be a long day and if you will survive because you are so tired, and part of you is thinking that the trip is 1/2 over and will it go fast.  

This morning it was just Sam up early that I could see. 

Oh and Pastor Craig too. 

Good morning Tia, 
and Denise. 

Pastor Craig once again doing morning devotions. 

Breakfast is served. 

Today we returned to the house we were at yesterday. 
The group gathers ready to be asked to do something. 

We had several on the roof again ready to begin roofing. 

Some repairs needed to be done to sections of the roof, and Dave made sure that happened. 

A large crew getting drip edge on as well.  

John explains things to Jason

Norm getting things started. 

Pastor Craig chatting with the Islamic Relief USA that returned today as well. 

We also continued taking drywall off the walls in this room of the house and out the window it went. 

We started the room yesterday and Sam and Norm started things off.  

It was a bit dusty, but that doesn't deter Tia or Lisa. 

Sam and Daniel taking the drywall off the roof. 

And look who just happened to stick his head out the window wanting a picture of himself. : ) 

Denise and Nate chatting it up, but what I can't show you is a video of Nate dancing.  

Pastor Craig still talking : ) 
Building great relationships as well. 

The room is pretty much taken down and now some clean-up begins.  

Lots of nails needed to be pulled out before we could drywall. 

The work continues. 

Mitchell and Nate getting roofing material cut and ready to use.  

The room is done and ready for drywall, and some insulation. 

I got a video of this group doing a jig as well. 
One and a...

...two  : ) 

Things are taking shape slowly. 

Ryne got so excited about cleaning up the room after the drywall was off that he threw out the heat register. 
He couldn't reach it so I got it for him. 

Way to go Ryne! : ) 

Work continues

We also made sure that the surrounding lawn of the home was kept relatively clean of debris.  
This was us loading up the trailer for the second time. 

It's not the most fun job in the world, but keeping her house clean of all the debris we were creating is also a way to give this homeowner dignity.  

More stuff coming out the window, and a slight adjustment to the window shutter is needed. 

And yes, there are LOTS of nails on sight. 
This trailer tire found one.  

The trailer continues to be loaded up with debris. 

The inside room and closet are ready for drywall.  

And work continues : ) 

Bringing up shingles. 

Hey Sam!!  : ) 

John working hard with our group. 
They did a great job on the roof. 

And it seems like someone found my camera today during lunch. 

Enough of that! 

Pastor Craig and Dave working hard. 

Lunch Time! 

Rest time
Well deserved Ryne. 

And back to work! 

We had to bring up the bundles, lots of bundles of shingles using the ladder. 
Pastor Craig brought up many bundles.  
I just wanted to give him credit where credit is due : ) 

Insulation going in. 
Tia always smiling. 

And then the drywalling began. 
It was quite a crew in a small space, but they managed to make it work well. 

Lots of measuring happened. 

More insulation going in. 
May have needed a step stool Cadie?? 

Sam hard at work. 
ALL DAY! : ) 
When there was work : ) 

Going up fast. 

And the work continues. 

We cleaned up tree branches as well. 

At about 3:30 we ran out of drywall and drills to screw in the drywall.  
So, well, relax time for some. 


But the roof work continued. 

Jason is getting very good at using the roofing gun.  

He did a long strip very fast.  

Megan was given the magnet roller to get all the nails from the lawn. 

More relaxing time. 
Good bonding happening this week. 

Cute : ) 

And yes, I held the door open for lots of people to bring in the drywall.  
Just doing my part : )  

At 5 p.m. we left for the church. 
Some showered.  Others chilled. 
Supper happened at 6:30 today.  

And it was goooooddddd
The potatoes were AMAZING!!! 

The group of 11 dining together again. 

I didn't get a picture of us gathered for our sharing time.  (getting tired : ) ) 

Some good High's and Low's mentioned. 
Lack of tools and things to do topped the list of low's. 
A great attitude throughout the day was a high, as well as seeing the homeowner come out and take pictures of her home and smiling as she did. 

The group is playing games now and generally having fun. 

Day 5 is in the books.  
We are on the home stretch and before we know it we will be on our way home again...with good memories and learnings. 

Until tomorrow. 

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