Monday, July 11, 2016

Ottawa SERVE 2016 - Day 4 - Part 1 - Work sites and trampolining

Good morning all...or should I say good evening. 
It's 10:05 pm.  We've just finished our mentor time and some are off to bed.  
So let's begin our day today.  

Well, let's start with last night. 
Just before I went to bed I was trying to get Joanna's attention, but she was enjoying music with her head phone on.  Hard to get her attention when she's wearing them. 

Back to morning. 
Up for 8 am breakfast this morning. 
Tyler and Kyle are up and at em.  

Our night hawks still up and chatting it up with John and others. 

Good morning Alex. 

Kitchen crew.  

They are here much earlier than most people.  
Again a great breakfast. 

Emily what are you doing.  I presume reading the Blog. 

Zach is having a hard time getting up.  And the room is looking a bit messier.   

Good morning Tobie and Shannon. 

More late risers.  

Good morning Ryan. 
Nice morning face.  

Harold and Bill getting directions straight for driving to work sites this morning.  

Bea and Annette's room still looks spic and span.  

Amazing! : )

Good morning Nicole and Caralynn

Looks like Philippe is ready to face the day.  Anika...not so much.    

Visits to the nurse again this morning. 

So what are we going to do today Kaitlyn and Stephanie?

John and Abbey

Everyone's up and now it's time for morning devotions with Pastor Craig.  

Breakfast is served. 

French toast and cereal. 

Hi Jessica, and of course Maddie

Our crew for this morning. 

Hey Janika. 

Hey, there's Anne. 
One of our kitchen co-ordinators. 

having a bad day? : ) 

Kayla and Janika. 
Smiles all around. 

Ryan wanted me to get a picture of him looking at the blog.  Here is it Ryan. 

Hey Annette. 
Our other Kitchen co-ordinator. 
I think I got her with her face full of food.  

Then I asked her a question which she didn't know the answer too.  

And that's the face of someone who doesn't want you in the kitchen, and then catches me, (I mean you) in it.  : ) 

Hmmmm, my room is looking a bit fuller this morning. 
Joanna cleared out her room for the counting committee, but alas, they decided to wait till next week...sigh

Megan and Mark and Christina relaxing while waiting for their time to leave for work sites.  

Joycegina, FINALLY a picture of her. 
She's taking most of the pictures this week.  
Thanks dear. 

Ron hard at work. 

Work sites now. 
Out at the Foodbank farm. 

Time to get things set up. 

It looked hot today, but it's going to be hotter tomorrow.
Cabbage picking and processesing (? spelling) today. 

Ryan worked hard today. 

So did Kyle

And Ben

And Brianne

Even Nicolette and Shauna.  

Snack time after a hard time working. 

Now off to Starwood Extendicare nursing home. 
Alex made a new friend, and got some rope in the process somehow.  

He loved that rope. 

They residents played bowling today. 

Alex helped bring the bowling ball back each time. 

Ready, set, GO!

Now off to Jericho Road - Springhurst
Abbey sweeping up the patio.

Francine deweeding.  
Apparently she loves doing this. 

Lauren sweeping up as well. 

Nicole cleaning windows. 

John and Caralynn cleaning mirrors. 

Off to Redeemer Christian High School. 
Jonathan cleaning lockers.  A yearly necessary job.  

Yes, Ryan, that's a cloth. 
You use it to clean the locker.  : )

Ed and Jonathan working hard. 

Even Emily.  :) 

And Zack is working hard too. 

Now off to The Bibles For Mission Store. 
Samantha and Jordana pricing things. 

Megan and Christina cutting paper

Christina had a great time doing this. 

Ben and Andrew sorting. 

Back to Starwood Extendicare. 
Getting ready for crafts maybe???

Time for a shot with the superhero shirts. 

Back at the church again.  
These turned out really well from the other night. 

Time to relax before lunch. 

Philippe loves to draw.  

Olivia working on a SERVE 2016 video presentation for a future time. : )

Tatoos are starting to sprout in the group. 

And then its time for lunch. 

Simple fare today. 
Sandwiches and chips and grapes. 

Awe, Anne giving words of encouragement to Joanna. 
We seem to be working harder this year with our participants.  Seems louder this year too. 
So more work for Joanna and myself. 
All good, but interesting to note. 

Such a sweetie.  

Annette, monitoring things. 

Always good fellowship around the tables. 

Tobie, where'd the smile go? 

Lisa just feeling happy.  : )

Small group time came after lunch.  
Nicole getting into things. 

Christina too.  

Philippe and Janika 

Kayla and Ben. 


Katrina and Brianne

Abbey and John

Hmmmm, the rooms are getting messier
and as always, smellier. 

Our annual cloths line. 

Girls room....

This one looks a bit better.  


Yesterday's craft finished. 

Shoes drying from those who went to the farm. 

Anne and Annette going over the food for the rest of the week. They shop almost once a day.  

Happier times. 

Thankfully. : ) 

They work well together. 

Someone pointed out the Evert was catching a nap on the church pews. 

I thought I'd get an aerial shot. 
Creepy.  : ) 

My room is also getting messier 

Our fun event for the today was something new. 
Trampolining at Xtreme Trampoline.  
Group instruction first. 
Safety first. 

And then we let them loose. 
I took like 300 pictures of them trampolining, so I'm just going to let you see them, with no commentary. 
No, not all of them.  The group will get all of them next week. 
Enjoy! : ) Some are pretty cool. 

Time to move on to Part 2....

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