Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Bun Fundraiser for Hannah, Rosy and company

Bun Fundraiser

As many of you know, Hannah and Rosy (and a couple of others not from Calvin) are doing some mission work after they are finished grade 12.  

They need to raise funds to do this, and one of the things they did was hold a bun fundraiser.  

Thanks goes out to many of you who supported them through this effort. 

On a Friday, some time ago, a small group of YP came together to help Hannah and Rosy [and Leah and Didi] prepare the many buns that were needed to fill the orders that were created by you.  

The group seemed to have lots of fun cutting the buns, cutting the cheese, the ham, buttering, etc.....well, that is for the first hour or so.  : )   

This is the end result of the work.  

At a certain point, I think the group got tired of seeing all those buns.  : ) 

Leah became an expert cutter of the cheese.  : ) 

Ben's role was dissecting the bun so it's insides could be added.  : )

It seems that some split off from the rest of the group. Not sure why.  

They spent a whole day doing this, but in the end were successful in getting the job done, though I think I heard them all say they didn't want to see another bun for a very long time.  : ) 

Thanks again for all who supported Hannah and Rosy with your orders, and thanks to those YP who came out to help them, with no gain for yourselves in this.  Neat to see.  

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