Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Calvin's Jazz Concert - December 12

Some time ago, there was talk by some people at Calvin that it would be great to have a noon hour Jazz concert at the church, and invite the surrounding businesses and neighbourhood to attend.  

The result of that idea was a planned Jazz concert that took place on Wednesday, December 12th.
After the youth group sent flyers into the neighbourhood, and Bea, Harold, Annette B and myself handed out flyers to the surrounding businesses, we prepared for the Jazz concert.  We set up Juice and water....

and coffee and Christmas cookies for our guests to partake of.   

This was originally John's idea, so a picture with him seemed apropos.      

Just before noon people started to trickle in.  We had no idea how many we would get.   

We ended up with about 30ish, with some from the neighbourhood and surrounding businesses.  One person saw our sign out front, and came in for the concert.  

John spent time talking about the pieces he was performing.  He did a great job.  

Here he is playing.   

A short break about 1/2 way through and then John finished off his concert. 

We weren't sure what to expect from holding this event, but we all felt it was successful, and hope to hold more of these in 2013.  Thanks John for your contribution, and for your help Bea, Harold and Annette.  

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