Sunday, April 10, 2011

Pastor Sergio's Visit - Day 2, Sunday, April 10th

Day two began at 8:15 am.  So let's get to it.  

Pastor Sergio loved the hockey game last night.  It seems that someone was checked into the net literally, and he thought that was quite funny.  It was also warmer in the arena than it was when he came outside. He found that comical as well.  

 I picked up Sergio and Erin at 8:15 am.  
Sergio got comfortable in the front seat.  

 Erin, well, you get it.  : )  

We spent the next hour talking together.  The time went very fast.  Sergio had much to say about his church, and spreading the gospel in the world.   We compared notes between countries, and churches.  The similarities and the differences when it comes to the passion we have for the gospel and spreading the good news.  

One thing that struck me was a comment he made about acting.  Sergio stated we are all actors in a play, and we all fulfill roles in that play.  That could be taken two ways.  The initial way I thought of was that often times we are acting in our lives as Christians and not always living our faith authentically.  We play the role of Christian, go to church, say the right things, volunteer in the church;  all to show others that we are good Christians.  

Another way that can be taken is that we are part of a broad play that God had choreographed.  As Christians we are part of the different scenes in it, and we Christians are actors that fulfill a role in order to bring the play to its conclusion.  

I think both are true, the question is, "Which actor are you?"

We arrived in Cornwall and met the group that had gone with us a year ago.  Here is Dianne embracing Sergio.  

 The group set up a memory table with all kinds of stuff from the trip to Peru.  

 Sergio took some time to look at the table.  

 I've seen a few times where Sergio has laughed out loud. I like his laugh.  Here he's laughing, either because he's being tickled by Gerry, or Gerry is saying something funny....either could be true.  

 After a brief time with Pastor Steve, to go over the service, it was time for the church service to begin. Brenda did a wonderful job of introducing Pastor Sergio to the church.    

 Erin translated the service for Sergio.  

Here is part of the church standing to sing.  

 There is a time during the service to say hello to each other, and this was it.  Sergio greets a member of the congregation.  

 Dianne did a short children's message.  

 Then some of the young people shared some words for Pastor Sergio in English and then Spanish.  

 It was then time for a Spanish song from the kids.  
Nicely done.  

 Pastor Steve continued to lead us through the service.  

 Soon it was time for Pastor Sergio to lead us in the Word.  He did a great job.  

 After the message, it was time for the offering.  Blake spoke a few words of remembering about being in Peru.  Nice touch.  A slide presentation was shown during the offering that Blake had put together last year.  It brought back great memories and Sergio really enjoyed it.  

 It was then time for the Congregational Prayer.  Pastor Steve prayed for Gamaliel church, and Pastor Sergio for Cornwall church.  I had to chuckle as Sergio had the mic and was using it to talk into, and Erin just tried to speak over top of Sergio.  At times we heard her, at times we didn't, but God heard everything.    :  ) 

 The Cornwall group then wanted to present a gift to Sergio to bless the Gamaliel church.  

 They had purchased a guitar for the church.  

 Sergio also wanted to present gifts to Pastor Steve and his wife.  

 Here is the Cornwall church congregation.  

 After church was over, Sergio and I took a closer look at the guitar.  Nice.  Comes with a built in Amp, extra strings, strap, and batteries.  A nice case too, and a plaque on the back to remind them where the guitar came from.  

 Here's a hand painted painting done by Sergio's wife, as well as a blanket.  These were presented to Pastor Steve and his wife.  

 I know Erin doesn't like being in pictures, but this was such a Kodak moment, I had to take it, and had to put it on the blog.  Erin did a marvelous job translating during the church service.  People don't realize how much work it takes to translate, and I THINK she's still tired from the trip and previous group she was hosting with Frontline last week.  NOT that she'd tell me or anything....nooooo.....not Erin.  : ).   

I'm so impressed with how she conducts herself.  A real trooper.   

 After the service, it was time for soup and buns.  Lots of soup, and lots of people stayed behind for it.  

 Just enough time for a group shot with Sergio.  

 Then it was time for food.  I have yet to ask Sergio, but I'm wondering what he thinks of the food so far.  

 As you can see, lots of people lining up for some great food.  

 Sergio and Erin mingling among members of the church.  

I decided to leave them be, and go sit with the youth of the church.  Seems that one of them can't keep her food down too well.  I thought the food was very good.....maybe she didn't.  : )  

Brenda has been taking some serious Spanish courses over the Winter months, and was trying out her Spanish with Sergio.  

 After the food it was time for Sergio to share with the church some of the history of Gamaliel church.  

Some great questions were asked by members of the congregation as well.  

 For the rest of the afternoon we were going to spend more relaxed time with the Peru group.  I let Sergio have a seat in the driver's seat of the van.  He liked that.  Unfortunately, that's the closest he's going to get to drive in Canada. :  )   

 As we do when we go to Peru, Sergio has been taking notes of his experiences to reflect upon later on.  

 Sergio with some of the group as we were waiting for Dianne to come for a walk along the waterfront.  

 Sergio liked the water, and noticed the docks on land.  He was curious what they were, so we explained what they were for.  

 The group on the rocks by the water.  You should know that the younger ones of the group enjoyed splashing in the water and getting pretty wet.  

 Once the walk was over, Gerry came with us to take us to his house.  We went by the water dam in Cornwall and Gerry shared with us what has been happening in Cornwall.  

We then ended up at Gerry and Marsha's home.  Here are Sergio and Erin looking at pictures of the Peru trip from last year.  

 Erin showed the group some pictures of what has been happening at Gamaliel church recently.  Lots of changes have been going on.  

 Here is Gerry looking at the cloth book.  The group really liked the book, especially Gerry.  

 Before we left, the group gave Sergio and Erin some parting gifts.  They were great.  As Erin was born in Canada, she liked the T-shirt too.  

 Sergio really liked the Ottawa Senators socks.  

It has been a long day, and Sergio gave his parting words to the group and then we were off for home.  It rained all the way home, pretty hard.  Sergio keeps talking about the large expanse of farm land and the great distance between homes in the country.  

He fell asleep part way home, and Erin and I did some talking.  

Soon we were back home and it was time to depart.  Today was a good day for Sergio.  A lot to take in, and he gave  much of himself.  He is such a humble man.  I come to appreciate him the more I watch him.   

There were times during our time at Gerry and Marsha's where Sergio was quiet and drinking in all the English conversation.   I was reminded of how I felt when in Peru and surrounded by nothing but Spanish and wondering what was being said.  

I know Sergio was very thankful to be able to spend the day in Cornwall.  I hope he gets a good night's sleep.  Tomorrow it's off to see Community Christian School, then to John and Cor's chicken farm so Sergio can see a working farm,  dinner with our Peru management team, and finally meeting with our church's leadership team.  Another long day.....filled with new experiences.  

More on that tomorrow night..................

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