Monday, July 8, 2019

A Historical Visit From Harrison to our youth group (April 16)

Back in April, I went to a STAR's event (the more mature folk of Calvin) at which Harrison showed them his collection of historical artifacts. 

I was quite impressed with his collection, and thought, "Hey, maybe the youth group should hear about this history as well!"  

So I invited him to come to the youth group and share with them. 

It took a while, but eventually things were set up for the evening.  Harrison sure keeps some neat stuff in his house  : ) 

 The group slowly assembling. 

Once we were all there, Harrison spent time sharing what each piece was and it's historical significance. 

Once he was done, the group was allowed to get up close and personal with the artifacts.  They really enjoyed that.  

All sorts of things. Do you recognize all the tools?   

A shell casing, and gas mask, and bayonet ends,  and a book with all sorts of information about the war.  

Different books of different eras.  
A 100 year old Bible too.  

Old lamps and wash boards and other items.  

A very old and fragile Bible.   

Note the date of the Bible signing 1814 (or could be 1874, but that's still old).   

 The group spent a considerable amount of time just browsing through the items. 

I like this creed of Canada. 
What do you think of it? 

THANK YOU Harrison for coming and sharing some history with us.  A great time of learning for us all. 

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