Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Day 5 - Tuesday

Another day is completed. Everyone is off to bed, and I will be too once this chronology of the day is completed. I apologize if there are some spelling or grammatical mistakes in these entries. They will be corrected next week when my brain has had a bit more sleep and my fingers and brain get reacquainted once again. I trust you will be understanding.

So, today was another day of work sites, fun outings, relaxing times and worship with a purpose. Read along with the pictures and enjoy.

Kyle and Tyler awake at the crack of dawn and ready to face the day. Tyler likes his coffee in the morning.

When I awoke this morning, I saw Geert hoarding the orange juice, and other items. He was afraid there wouldn't be enough food for him for some reason.

We had scrambled eggs and bacon with toast this morning. It was excellent as usual, though some people decided to ruin their breakfast by putting ketchup on their eggs. How can you do that Danielle and Joanna?

The breakfast line is always a happy place. Thanks again to the volunteers who have been assisting Anne in the Kitchen. Fabulous.

Then it was off to our work sites once again. Back to the food bank where Kyle and Tyler worked very hard.

There is always something to do at the food bank. Our group spent their day sorting and boxing. I learned that Danielle H has a gift for wrapping boxes with tape. Boy is she fast.

We worked at Redeemer again today as well.

Lots to do. Here Rebecca and Olivia help lifting heavy boxes out of the elevator and into storage.

Rey didn't do much else but take pictures with everyone's camera's. He told me they were quite heavy around his neck.

Once again there were lockers to clean.

Stacy and Olivia make a great team.

It seems that everyone once in a while the group gets a bit bored and tries to fill the time. Here an impromptu square dance started up.


Shawn is exhausted after that dance routine. Had to lie down for a while. But he had lots of fun. He tried to get me to dance, but I wasn't up for it today. Maybe tomorrow.

Oh, and speaking of board. You might want to ask Joanna and Jackie about their mop dancing episode, as well as giving CPR to a damp mop head. They need to get out more.

The Red work team.

We also worked at the Mission today preparing and serving meals to the homeless of our city. Shona worked very hard with Danielle by her side.

Here Amy and Rachel and Melissa do some office work.

Some went to 220 viewmont, which is an independent living apartment complex that houses many of our seniors from Calvin, and other places. Here Elysha and Alex take a moment to smell the flowers. Looks like Alex is going to inhale the pedals.

There was lots to do at viewmount. Here Jenny is resorting the books in the library.

At 10 am each day the members of the complex get together for coffee. Alex made many new friends today.

Here Alex did such a good job of taking the books off the shelf, but he wasn't too eager to put them back on again.

BTW you should know that I gave Adrianna a camera to take pictures with today. She alone took 125 pictures of their stay at Viewmount. I thought it better NOT to show you all of them. 125.....whew.

Once the work sites were done, it was back to Redeemer for a warm shower. Here Alex and Jackie wait it out and pass the time with some good joke telling.

A team shot on the grass. The reason for that was because I had to announce to the group that Tamara finally had her baby. They were very happy for her and Ian. Another daughter in the family. She was born at 11:30 am after a short labour. Her name is Anneke Grace and she came in at 8 lbs 4 oz. Both mom and baby are fine, and if I know Tamara, she'll be at our closing worship time on Thursday morning. You mark my words.

Isn't Anneke cute! You are a trooper Tamara.

It was then on to Merivale Bowling lanes to take in a serious game of glow in the dark rock n bowl. First we needed to get our bowling shoes on. Oh, and I understand that Adrianna kind of tripped going down the short stairway to the bowling. She's fine, but she wanted you all to know this. Really. : )

Janine and Grace forgot their socks so they had to buy some from the bowling alley. I think the socks helped Janine as she bowled a 177 and got our highest score of the day.

Here they groups are getting their names typed into the computer screens.

Looks like these people aren't having too much fun bowling, wouldn't you say?

Spontaneous dancing broke out several times during our bowling stay. I must say that Adrianna and Kyle made pretty good dancing partners.

A nice blue haze over the entire alley.

Amy showing us her bowling form. Everyone had a very good time at the rock n bowl.

Then it was back to the church to relax before supper. Here Amy Melissa and Rachel look at the previous days blog.

Some others take in some cards.

Melissa said I wasn't taking enough pictures of her, so here are her and Rachel hanging out together.

Shawn and Jenny becoming fast friends.

Then it was time for supper. Shona and Danielle V having fun in the food line. They are always smiling. Always a "pick me up" when you meet them.

I'm not sure if you know, but Danielle V and Geert are engaged. The date is some time in October ish. I've noticed they've not had much together time, so here they are catching a bit of time together.....which I interrupted of course : ) They are a great couple and it is an honour to have them here this week.

After supper it was time for a puppet show. The team really enjoyed it.

Here the group got the chance to try out their own puppets. Even doing their own short puppet show.

Then it was worship time. It seems that our worship team is slowly growing. It also seems that more people have been attending our worship times from the surrounding churches, and we are thankful for that too. Come on out tomorrow night at 7 pm. We'd love to have you. So far the worship times, and Shellie's talks have been excellent.

Hey, here's a picture of my family. I haven't seen them in a bit. On the left is Christopher, then my wife, Joycegina, then Katrina, Sarah, and me. What a cute family eh!? OK, 4 out of 5 then.......

Shellie continued her talks with the theme of the locker room. Today we learned about DEFENCE, and what better way than to use football as the illustration. Does Shellie look well, GREAT!!

Then an illustration about putting on the armour of God using a balloon, and a candle. The two don't mix as Rey discovered.

However, a balloon filled with water doesn't break over a flame. Neat eh. Just like putting on the armor of God will protect us.

Then it was downstairs for small group time. Today we made cards that we will give out to people tomorrow in the mall parking lot by our church. Kind of like a Random Act of Kindness. Here Jenny lovingly prepares her card.

Some of the finished cards.

Inside the cards.

Then it was time for a snack, and off to bed for the participants. They have had long days, and are going to bed rather well now. The routine has set in, as well as the activities of the day tired us all out.

It was another good day for which we give God thanks. As I drove around to the various sites I was touched by the comments many of the hosts made about how hard working everyone has been. A true testimony. You should all be proud of yourselves.

As we continue in this SERVE project, I can see everyone is getting more comfortable with each other. Great relationships are beginning to be formed between fellow participants and mentors alike. LOTS of laughter has taken place today, and everyone seems to have had a GREAT day. It has been quite fun getting to know each participant and mentor here this week. You as parents should all be proud of this team. They have been wonderful.
Tomorrow we spend our final day at the worksites, and then it's time to party!!!! We'll ride on some motorcycles, play some sports, get all dolled up and take a trolley ride downtown, and then it's time for a fancy smancy meal together ending with line dancing. I'll fill you in on the details tomorrow night. Until then, a P.S.

I have yet to get a group picture, and our Youth Unlimited shirts were kind of grimy, so Annet volunteered to wash them. Here they are drying on her cloths line. Thanks Annet for being so willing to help out all the time. You too Evert (her husband).

And finally, a tragic story. One that tore at me when I heard about it. It seems that Danielle H broke off part of her nail today. As you can see, her right nail (our left) is much shorter than her left our right. You just need to know that she's taking it very well.

So, I end this day and it's time for rest. Tomorrow is a big day. If you are reading this Tamara, blessings to you and Ian as you now rest and heal. Enjoy Anneke. It's been a priviledge working wiht you on this project over the past year and thank you for agreeing to persue this when the idea surfaced some time ago. Thank you too to all the planning team who have been simply AWESOME. God has worked things out with our different gifts and abilities and it has been inspiring to me to see how we have gelled and come together. There is so much behind the scense work that many do not see, but should be recognized. Thank you all.


Anonymous said...

To Jackie and all on the serve team.
Each morning the first thing we do is read the blog. It's good to see you in some of the pictures. Sounds like your having lots of fun and creating lots of memories. Thank Ron for all the work he is doing and the work on the blog, it's great. Did you revive the mop head?
Lots of love from Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

Hi again. Are you busy or what? what an action packed day. I see Rebecca is pretty strong carrying that heavy box, good job Rebecca. And Shona helping in the kitchen - that is what "serving" is all about. Amy - in the office, the perfect place for you - and singing in with the praise team, would love to come to worship tonight. Hannah, have a wonderful day today with Rebecca.

Anonymous said...

This is a note from Kitchener for Melissa
I love reading about what you have been doing and looking at all the pictures . We hope you are having lots of fun and a great time with all the new people that you ment
Love you lots,

Anonymous said...

Melissa - it looks like you are having fun at work and play!! We will be looking forward to hearing all about it. A special thanks to Pastor Ron and the organizing team for this great opportunity for participants and mentors! God bless you all and enjoy the remaining time together. Love you Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

Hi Danielle H.
It seems no matter what you do , you are always having problems. It seems like you are having lots of fun. Thanks to Pastor Ron, you are doing a great job. By the way your cousins in the Holland Marsh say HI.Love Dad and Mom.