Thursday, June 23, 2016

CIA - Grade 12 Graduation Party

One week later, May 31, we gathered at Miriam's home to celebrate another milestone in the lives of some of our youth.  
Graduation from Grade 12.  
This year we are graduating out

We have started a tradition of gathering them together, with their mentors now, and sharing a meal together, and then sharing life together.  

In previous years we have gone to restaurants when we've had a very small group (like when only Ben graduated), or if a larger group we have gone to a home. 
This year we served salads and hamburgers.  

It was a cool night, so we gathered indoors.  

Food is always a great way to celebrate anything. : ) 

Decisions, decisions.  : ) 

The group sharing a meal together.  

Once the meal was finished, we took some time to go around the circle and highlight things we appreciated about each retiring young person, or should I now say, young adult.  
They in turn shared a bit about how they experienced youth group over the years.  It was neat to hear what they liked and grew from.  
We ended the evening by praying prayers of blessing over each graduating youth. 
Special times. 

We will miss you 
Seth and
You have been a blessing to us and we have appreciated your gifting and how you have used them in this youth group. 
May God Bless you in your new adventures.   

1 comment:

Drew Watts said...

This Grade 12 Graduation Party is looking fantastic! Pleased to see these lovely photos. We attended graduation party of our niece and it was equally blasting. She had reserved one of best venues in NYC for the party.