Wednesday, October 31, 2012

CIA/ETM C.A.K.E. night.

This past Tuesday CIA and ETM'rs met together for another C.A.K.E. event. 

C.A.K.E. is like R.A.K.E 
(Random Acts of Kindness Everywhere)
but when we are doing them, the acts are rather contrived, hence the C.  

We gathered in the youth room and broke up into different groups. 

One group handed out hot chocolate packages to the employees of businesses around Calvin. 
They received mostly positive reactions from the employees. 

Another group traveled to Merivale Mall and handed out water bottles, chocolate bars, etc. to people in the parking lots....and inside the Mall. Mixed reactions there. 

Another group went to Carlingwood Mall and handed out Carnations to people.  Well received as well. 

Another group went on another prayer walk. 

The final group stayed back and made cards for our seniors, and one member of the armed forces serving in Afghanistan. 

As people came back, we had them help, to a point.  : )   

It turned out to be a great evening, and we were able to bless people in the name of Jesus in the city of Ottawa. 
Small cards were attached to everything we gave out. 

I received an email the next day from someone thanking us for our thoughtfulness.  
Sowing seeds, and letting God do the rest.....

We'll see where all this leads to for those whom we were able to bless on Tuesday. 

Thanks CIA/ETM members for your willingness to stretch yourselves as well. In all, may the name of Jesus be lifted up and His name be praised.  

Next month, we do this again.  

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