Monday, December 1, 2008

Boys Club Antics

Our Boys Club meets every other Thursday Evening from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. At present there are about 10 boys and 5 adult mentors who make up the group. They begin with a short Bible study/discussion time. Then they move on to some activity. Things like Archery, Marksmanship, Outdoor Hockey, Building Cub Cars, Making Model Rockets, and as you see below indoor hockey. At times I think the adults are having more fun than the kids. They seem to live through the kids in the activities that go on. It's sure fun to watch. Shawn does a GREAT job of heading up the ministry, and the other men are great with the boys. I am very thankful for their ongoing willingness to give to these boys. The boys love coming and their excitement and energy is infectious (ok, and at times tiring : ) ). If you have a son who's in grades 2 - 6 and would like to know more, email me at and I'll be happy to answer your questions.

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