Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Part 2 - Youth Fall Retreat 2010 - Circle Square Ranch

After a great lunch it was time to enjoy the perfect fall day with some activities offered by CSR.  We broke off into 5 groups and did several activities.  My group began with High Ropes.  Here Chris and Hannah try to get their climbing harnesses on.  It's not as easy at it looks.  

Right Christine?

We didn't have alot of time on the ropes course, but were able to get most of our group up.  Here Jacob and Hannah are climbing up to do some aerobatic stuff and try to get each other off the log.  

Hannah looks petrified up there.  

Ben starts out being nice with a handshake, but he wasn't that nice afterwards.....

Here is my son fighting against Leah.....oh, and notice how he's being beaten by Leah.....hmmmm.  Got any explanations for us Chris?

Here are Rosy and Kevin up on the log.  Rosy told me she beat him.....once out of four times.  Not bad if you're playing against Kevin.  I can only imagine........they were in a different group.  

Fontana was very excited about going climbing.   She harnessed up and began to climb once she knew her spotters and bilayer was ready. .....

....as she climbed higher, however, she got progressively more scared.   She froze about half way up and had to come down.  I won't be bugging you about that Fontana b/c you wouldn't get me up on that course for any amount of $$$.  

Megan enjoyed her climbing time too, but I really think she rather enjoys posing for the camera with strange faces.   

After high ropes it was time for BMX biking.  It took a while to find bikes that were ridable, but eventually they all did.  Here Chris shows off his bike technique.  

The group went for a long ride while they waited for the next event to occur.  

While some of the group biked, we watched another group do Archery.  Here's Kevin giving Christine some pointers.  There is an art to proper Archery.  I learned a few things from Kevin that proved helpful.  

Here's Jeannine taking a shot at the target.  She did quite well.   Have I told you that there's a story about Jeannine that's coming soon.....stay tuned......

Here I am trying out my technique.  As you can see, I'm aiming a bit high, but eventually I began to hit the target. Ben looks very unimpressed with my technique.  He was much better at it than me.  : ( 

Chris was asked to pose for the camera by the girls in our group.  He happily obliged.  : )  

Brother and Sister, Ben and Hannah, show off their ability.  Ben did very well....Hannah....well....let's just move on.....

Not everyone hit the target.  I think that's Christine going way back to get the arrows that missed the target......could be someone else, but not sure.   

Here is the target that we used.   It was well used for sure.  

After Archery we needed to walk to the horseback riding stables.  As we walked, some in the group decided to jump off a pile of dirt and be creative.  Here's Jacob......

...and Chris.....

.....and Ben.....

It was then time for horseback riding.  Joy enjoyed her horse and her horse seemed to cooperate with her.  

Melanie has worked at CSR, so she felt right at home here.  I can't say I did.  Horseback riding was ok for me last year, but I prefer a horsepower that will respond when I ask it to.  Horses don't.  : )  

Here's the group on the trail.  

Chris was on Samson.  The same horse that stepped on my foot last year.  He did better for Chris this year.  

Fontana rode this smaller white horse.  It had an awful cough.  

Jeannine, too, has worked at CSR.  She did just fine on the horses......however, there was another activity that proved to be too much for her....as we'll soon discover.  

Christine feels the same way about horses as I do.  We can take them or leave them.  

Hmmmm, I think Megan and this horse are both smiling.......

After riding, a short break for a picture.  

And some interesting photography.

Our final group event was Skateboarding on the skateboard park.  My group found an interesting way to use their boards.  Hey, I give them marks for creativity, and safety.  Most of them aren't very good on a board, and these hills are very dangerous if you don't have proper balance.......

My son gathered up the courage to try some of the ramps.  I was a bit concerned, but he handled himself well.  He learned from last year when he took a pretty good fall  (see last year's entry).  

Now a bit about one of our fearless youth leaders, Jeannine.  She isn't that sure on a skateboard, but she really wanted to try the easiest ramp.  I was not encouraging her to go down the ramp because you shouldn't if you are unsure of your skill and balance.  However, all of a sudden she did, and she made it successfully.  

Boosted by that success, she decided to try again........I'm reminded of the time when my daughter broke her arm while camping with me as she told me.....Just one more time daddy....

Jeannine went down that ramp, as you see in this picture.....  

Unfortunately she didn't land the ramp well and fell.  An awkward enough fall that we found out after the weekend that she fractured her wrist.  I felt bad for her, and watched out for her for the next while.  She handled the pain pretty well. 

Take a look at a brief video clip of that ramp ride.....

You didn't think I was going to show you the fall did you?  I'm not that mean you know! : ) Don't worry Jeannine, I'll get you a personal copy for posterity sake sometime soon. 

Soon it was time for dinner.  Roast beef, potatoes, vegetables.....yummy.  

I wrapped Jeannine's arm first, after she iced it for a bit, but apparently I wrapped it too tight.  Melanie wrapped it again, and then Kevin did it yet again.  3 times the charm......

After dinner it was time for worship and Pete to speak.  

Fayth was a great addition to our group.  A natural bass player.  I just wonder how we could get her to migrate over to our youth group.....hmmmmmm   : )  

The older members of the youth group....I know, I know,  speak for yourself....is what Christine is thinking....

We ended our evening with some night games. You see the bubble bulging out of Leah's back.  Each YP had a balloon placed at their back and others had to try to break them.  Teams were identified with different color glow sticks.  

I just liked this picture of the glow sticks that John took of me.  

Even better was Kevin and I jousting in the dark.  

Everyone was off to bed by midnight again.  It was Kevin's turn to be up, but he didn't have to stay up very long.  Everyone was tired because of all the activity.  Many also had face sun burns because of the sunshine.   We woke up a bit later on Sunday morning and had a light continental breakfast before our worship time.  It looks like Ben didn't get enough sleep.....

Here we are leading everyone in worship once again.  

Pete closed out our time sharing some great life stories.  Thanks Pete for sharing how God has worked in your life.  

A group shot just before lunch.  We had a great group once again this year.  

John and I each took pictures of each other after the group shot.  

Here's a pan picture of the kitchen area.  

We had a great brunch of bacon and eggs, packed up, said our goodbye's, and then headed for home.  As soon as we arrived, father of Jeannine wasted no time getting a temporary cast on her arm.  Nice that they had one....but I guess that means this has happened before, eh Peter...?

That brings us to the end of our weekend festivities.  We were blessed with great weather, a great group, great worship, and a great speaker.  Thanks to all the youth leaders who came out for this weekend and helped all the YP have a good weekend.   Thanks to our youth praise band for some great worship time.  I'm really proud of the talent they have, and the fact they are using their gifts for God's glory.  

P.S.  Jeannine spent about 4 hours in the hospital, only to find out that she'd have to come back because the xray's weren't conclusive enough to prove her wrist was actually broken.  Here she is at youth group on Tuesday, still smiling.  

Hannah made a get well card for Jeannine too, which we all signed.  I think that lifted her spirits too.

Well, I guess the doctors decided Jeannine wrist was fractured after all.  Here's the cast to prove it.  It'll make a great souvenir, eh Jeannine?   :  )  She wants to keep the cast clean, but I really wanted to sign it.......come on Jeannine..........!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I totally beat Leah!!!! BTW

Jeannine said...

And Ron, I will let you all sign it the last Tuesday I have it on, I promise!