Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Final C.I.A. / E.T.M. Event - Bowling

Well, another year of ministry with our grades 7 - 10's has drawn to a close.  It has been a good year of growth in relationship with each other and others in our community.

During the past year we havemet together to fellowship and be challenged in our relationship with God.  We have also:
  • done random acts of kindness,
  • worked in the Ottawa Food Bank 
  • helped out with our church's Friendship Group
  • Attended a great choir concert by Redeemer College/University, and
  • several have been involved in our latest trip to Peru. 
As our final event of the year we decided to go bowling.  Below are some pictures of the event with, of course, some commentary by yours truly.  : ) 


We bowled at Merivale Bowling Lanes.  A GREAT place to rock'n bowl.

Some pretty awesome shoes they offer here if you ask me. 

Everyone just LOVES the computerized screens that allow you to enter in your names. 

"Hey, Pastor Ron, they started without me!"
Well, that's what it LOOKS like Ben is saying to me.  : )

Ken bowling.  You'd think he'd done this before.  What form.  I only wish we could have said the same thing about Rosy.  Let's just say that she has LOTS of work to do in the area of bowling. 

Jeannine being congratulated after getting a STRIKE! 

I managed a few STRIKES of my own. 

Nice smile Makusi. 

Looks like Jonah may need some glasses? 

Megan bowling.  THAT was fun to watch!!!

All our regular shoes, and an interesting pair of rubber boots.

Notice the names on this screen.  Common theme "Face".  LOTS of other interesting names ended up on the screens.  I think some of the kids came just to play with the computer, not to bowl. 

Simon bowling. 

Me bowling.  I think I pulled something on that throw  : ( . 
I'm getting older you know, and it's beginning to show. 

Ben - still upset that they started without you? 

William enjoying the evening out wearing one of his favourite hockey jersey's. 

Janine (middle)  relaxing and just watching the games. 
Jeannine (back right), just being weird. 

After bowling we went to Tim's next door.  We met the parents there.  Here is Peter relaxing and reading some stuff about a cow or something like that that he purchased.  I think he's drinking happy milk now, or something.  I have to talk to him more about that. 

Waiting in line for something to eat/drink.  Apparently this Tim's didn't have much left for the evening. 

Our four youth leaders who do a great job in our youth ministry. 
Thanks for your work over the years.  
I hope it continues for years to come. 

We end our time here with a picture of Hannah.  She purchased just ONE Timbit.  All she had money for.  Sad really.   But, at least she's smilin'.

That brings us to the end of our CIA/ETM season.  Looking forward to seeing you all again in September.  Oh, CIA will be going camping in June, so I'll let you know what happens with that as well.  



Anonymous said...

UM Ron,
I did have enough $$, i just didn't WANT something bigger.
Hannah <3

John's Going To SERVE! said...

this looks like a LOT of fun!