Friday, October 24, 2008

R. A. K. E. Event

This past Tuesday our grade 7 - 12's went out to do what is known as Random Acts of Kindness Everywhere (R.A.K.E.). I try to host at least one of these events a year, more if possible. This year we did three different RAKE events. 1. Went to 220 Viewmount to hand out Carnations to the Residents there (many from our church). 2. Went to a grocery store to hand out water for free. 3. Went to a grocery store to help people with their carts (it was raining) and to put groceries in their cars. It's always an interesting time when we do a RAKE event to have everyone come back and share their stories. As always, the seniors loved the carnations. Brings a smile to their faces when many are finding it hard to get out and move around. The other events bring about different responses from people. Some think there's a catch. Do we want $$. Is this really for free? You don't want anything from me? In a culture that is very leery of the church, always thinking that it wants their money, it's nice to just offer something for nothing and see the reactions. They are many. Some found people were just amazed that someone would do something for them. It made their night. Some were quite skeptical about what was going on, but accepted our offer once they understood we weren't seeking ANYTHING from them. Others, well, they just weren't interested. Once the act is completed, we hand out a small card to people so they will know who to contact if they so desire. Sometimes that actually happens, but it's not very often. We don't do it for that reason. I do it so that we can bring the gospel message to a world that is increasingly bored, untrusting, and not engaged with Christianity and the church. I also do it to get young people out of their small worlds and looking further out to see that many people just don't trust others, and what does that mean for them as they grow up. I hope that God blesses these efforts in some way and that some were genuinely touched by the acts of kindness. Only God knows the results, and that's just fine with about you? As always I welcome your thoughts/comments. Here is a response we received from our RAKE event. A reminder that ministry is about relationships.
Your youth recently delivered a Yellow Carnation to my parents at 220 Viewmount. I want to say a very special Thank you to your youth for this kind gesture. I also want you to know that it has brought so much joy to my 90 year old father. He put it in a glass of water and added a bit of salt to the water. Every morning at breakfast he dips his finger in the water and sprinkles some water on the petals. He cherishes that carnation as new parents view their first born baby. The flower is still as fresh as when it was delivered. You and your youth are a great blessing to the Seniors at Viewmount and I am sure that the other seniors are enjoying their flowers as well.
May God richly bless you, your youth and the beautiful ministry you are carrying out.
I am a recently retired teacher who moved here to look after my parents, so anything to do with young people is of great interest to me. Thank you for such a caring Random Act of Kindness.

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