Hello again everyone. It’s 10:35 pm on Tuesday evening. Everyone is just going to bed, and I now have the time to sit and write to you about the day’s events.
A HUGE thanks to all of you who have left comments on the blog so far. The group has found them enjoyable. I do read them to everyone, so make sure whatever you write is readable by the whole group : ) .
Before I begin, and editorial correction for you. I was told that Corinne Ouwehand’s name was actually Corrie, hence the reference to her as such in the blog. I now correct that to Corinne, but will change her name at another time as time is of the essence here and I want some sleep tonight to : )
So, about our day…..
We awoke and were up for breakfast by 7:30 am. The standard fair of bread with peanut butter or jam, eggs, and juice or Instant coffee. We were off in our buses by 8:30 am. I asked the group to do a chapter in our Deep Justice book, either on the bus or sometime during the day. Many people opted to do it on the bus, while others chose to do it during the day. We are covering different chapters in the book as we continue to reflect on what we are experiencing here.
The sites and smells of Peru continue to waft into the bus as we travel. People are getting accustomed to the drive and great conversations and bonding is happening during them. We arrived at Gamaliel church at around 10 am and began our work. Today we split up into different groups.
1. Visiting the orphanage
2. Visiting the orphanage
3. Working at the church
4. Helping with the feeding program
5. Visiting in home of people in the community
6. Visiting in home of people in the community.
Lots of great experiences today. Our group visited in three homes today. We got the chance to listen to the lives of those in these homes. Some was painful to hear, but God was there with us and we were able to pray and even be of direct assistance through our translator for a mother trying to get her daughter’s baby back to her. She had married a man from another country and that man had kidnapped their baby and the daughter was trying to get the baby back. Our translator happened to intern at a lawyer who could be of help, and information was gathered to assist the grandmother in this.
Our first home was quite nice. Concrete floor, good furniture, gas stove, good TV, etc. The second home was a dirt floor, tarped roof and not much in the way of furniture. Our third home was that of Fernando’s mom. When we visited her home 2 years ago, there was only a dirt floor and not much furniture. We returned to find a concrete floor and some pretty good furniture. Things had progressed for Fernando’s family.
It was nice to talk with Fernando’s mom about the church, about how she felt about our group coming back every two years, and other things. We continue to find those that host us in their homes to be very welcoming. They are willing to share many things about their lives that we N.A.’s would find uncomfortable to do.
Another group visited homes too, and in one home the lady had prepared all kinds of wonderful drinks for them to partake of. It was hard for them to tell the lady that they couldn’t have any of it because of the water in the juice. Some things are hard to deal with for us in Peru, but all of it is a learning curve.
Those in the orphanage had a great time playing with the kids, helping to feed them a snack, and some of them even read to the kids in Spanish.
We also worked on the church today. Bringing sand up the hill to help make a new floor for a new classroom that will help the Christian school. The group of males that worked their today had a really good time. Daniel wants to do this every day, if he could. I told him he won’t because we want him to experience other things too, but I like his enthusiasm.
One group also went to the medical clinic. The Doctor was able to spend time with the group to explain to them how things worked, the kind of medical care given and other things. Dianne found it especially interesting.
It was great to hear the stories of the groups as they came back to Gamaliel church. There is always that sense of excitement and awe.
It was then time for lunch with our group.
After lunch we organized for VBS. Some minor changes were made to how we do things. I stayed out of all the discussions. You have to know when you have good people in place, and don’t mess with it. We do, and I didn’t : ) .
We had 120 ish kids today. Not the same kids this time. The age groups were different. We began our time by playing all sorts of games with the kids. The soccer game had a bit of a mishap. Seems a translator hit the ball pretty hard off one of our group’s food and it ricocheted onto the windshield of a taxi and broke it. We paid to have it fixed.
Another excellent drama was put on by Dianne and company. The kids remembered yesterday’s drama, which tells me we are doing something right here : ). Inese once again wowed us all with her amazing talent in leading the group in song. She is a great translator who has been translating with us each time. I really appreciate how she loves these kids, but is also firm with them. She has a heart for them, but also a great sense of humor.
Our group worked really hard again making sure the crafts were done with excellence. Great job everyone.
By 4:30 pm it was time to leave. The days do go fast here. We said our goodbyes and prepared for the trip home. I had a headache so I tried to get some sleep. I think I actually did, which is amazing seeing as how I was beside Jackie and in front of Patti. : ) You know, that Jackie is a wonderful person. Definitely type A all around, but a heart of gold that woman.
We arrived back at the Hostel at about 5:30 pm. Showers all around and then it was time for supper. Rice with chicken and potatoes and soup. It tasted really good.
After supper we gathered in our large meeting room (I’ll get pictures of all of that stuff in a couple of days) for some group time. Just before that, some in the group gathered in the hall and began impromptu praise and worship. It was nice to see that bonding going on. We had to wait for a group helping out with Dishes, and I had to download some pics and blog comments for the group. Many in the group took the time to read the blog, as we have Internet access in one small space in the courtyard.
With everyone assembled we praised God in song and practiced our songs for tomorrow night’s celebration service. I then shared all the blog comments received to date. Seems John W and Blake are really handsome men to many of you who are reading this blog : ).
We took some time to reflect on our day through the Deep Justice book and I explained how things would hopefully work tomorrow. It was then time for the video blog for each group and then off to bed for everyone.
Fontana was very happy today because she received her luggage. As she was unpacking that luggage, it seems that she discovered that her mother was very kind and purchased 8 new pairs of underwear. An interesting comment was made by Fontana before she opened the package. She noticed that the picture was of a woman slightly larger than herself. Once she opened the package she, and her mom, realized that Fontana had receive underwear in which she could literally fit 4 of herself inside. Nancy almost died she was laughing so hard, and the rest of the group found it hilarious. I am going to be receiving a signed copy of this underwear soon as a gift from Fontana. I think this will be the most original gift I’ve every received…….now where to hang that underwear when I get home….hmmmmmm : )
It also seems that a couple of YP in our group have decided that getting ankle injuries are a good thing while in Peru. The methods they have received those injuries need not be told here because, well, let’s just say that they weren’t the brightest boys by getting these injuries. They are doing ok though, so don’t worry you moms of the male YP. : )
As I reflect on our full day, I am filled with various emotions. I’m tired, so that helps enhance those emotions. I am humbled at how God works in trips like this. I see all the hard work of preparing this trip now coming to fruition and, though I don’t take any credit for it, things are meshing together in this group and between this group and Gamaliel church. I see how God is working in many lives and I see several people catching the vision of partnership mission work. A simple bus ride of 7 years ago has lead a church in Ottawa to Partner with a Church in Peru and this has meant much growth in the people of both places. I know that we struggle with ministries at home and what to do about this or that ministry that is going on at our church, but being here once again reinforces for me that cross cultural learning opportunities are a healthy, and even necessary part of a healthy church community. The hard part for me is that for those of you who haven’t done something like this before, it’s so difficult to put into words the great things that God does in times like this. That is not to say that church school, youth group, young adult ministry, or even seniors ministries are not important, but without a cross cultural ministry of some sort, I now am convinced that the body of Christ is done a disservice without it.
We are so the richer for experiences like this, even if all who go don’t see it right away. I know that not everyone who returns from this trip, as in past trips, will become missionaries, or radically change their lifestyles, but some will. I know that some in Peru may loose hope, but I also know that our coming to this church has given hope to many in Gamaliel church. The informal relationship that we have here has changed lives in this small congregation. Segrio gives testimony to that, and we see it too.
My hope is that others will come to Gamaliel church and be able to meet Sergio, a true man of God. My hope is that those who come will catch his vision of God working in the lives of those in his church. My hope is that we will then come to know that it’s also because of those who come from Canada to Gamaliel church to learn and grow together that our lives are changed too and the Kingdom of God is expanded.
It’s only day two, but I could go home tomorrow and know that God has done a work in the hearts and lives of a group of 47 from Canada and many in Gamaliel church. Only God has the answer as to what that work will mean for each of us, but I’m ok with that. It has never been my role to change a heart, but to be an agent of change so that hearts will be affected in some way, shape or form. I think I have seen that happening in this group of 47 already and to God be the glory for that.
So, enough of my reflecting on the day.
Oh, one more thing.
The high point for me today……the satisfaction of seeing this group of 47 working so hard and beginning to gel. That this group is grappling with the issues of this country, their own country, their own lives, and what now? Visiting in the homes and feeling the communion of the saints with perfect strangers. Not something that happens in NA a lot.
The low point for me today….having to forcefully tell the group that holding puppies, or sharing water bottles with kids is NOT acceptable and must not happen.
God at work today……I’ve explained that already.
So, I’ll now get on to the task of selecting a few pictures of our day. I don’t think it will be many, but one never knows……………..enjoy them and we’ll talk to you tomorrow.
Some wonderful fruit tree that these girls found at the beginning of the day.
We need to get out of our compound and walk around the block to pick up our bus.
Hannah is starting her day off.....with a NAP of all things. !!!
Jackie is up to something again. Always a song, or a dance.
At Gamaliel Church. Marsha and Nancy talking VBS strategy I bet.
Ben and Annette. A nice mother and son picture.
Our wonderful toilet facilities.
Cindy looking pretty chipper. I wonder if that was before or after she left the bathroom stall.
Ah, the boys lifting all that sand up the hill the old fashioned way.
Blake looks like he's enjoying himself.
Gerry is a Keener. Two bags at once...but maybe they are only half full?
Colin and Gerry working hard. I guess you paid for not wearing that Sunscreen today, eh Colin!!
The men working really hard. You can't see it, but it's HOT and they are sweating. Gross!!!
One of the groups in the homes praying.
Same group, different home.
Our group entering our first home.
This picture gives you an idea of her home. A nice one in Patchacutec standards.
Our group entering out second home.
Some of our team with a woman (second from the right) who didn't own the home but was living there for a bit. Dirt floor and tarped roof in this home.
Our team at Fernando's home.
The group that went to the medical clinic.
Here they pose with the Doctor.
Here is the Doctor. He looks proud of his clinic, and he should be.
At noonhour catching up on that journal stuff I asked some people to do. Wonderful to see the dedication of this team.
A group going to the orphanage.
I think Jackie would take some kids home with her if she could.
Playing games with the children.
Fontana was VERY happy to get her luggage this morning.
Annette and Marg practicing their Spanish. Dedication, dedication, dedication.
Someone gave Erin Canadian Socks. Not from our team FYI, but how cool is that. Apparently she was born in Canada and has a Canadian Passport. What connections we have.
Now don't let this picture fool you. This is Inese resting. She deserves it. She's preparing for her time in VBS when she'll be leading the singing, etc. A hard worker and wonderful person.
I should mention that all the translators are great.
Our Oranges that we eat for lunch. Green skin.
Megan and Corinne enjoying some time making new friends.
It has been neat to watch Kevin grow over the years. I remember in Chicago how he wasn't so comfortable around children. He's a natural now. !!!
Sam sharing her sunglasses and love with a VBS child.
I'll give the first person $5 who can guess who that person in the Larry shirt is...and no, it's not Patti!!
Marsha gets some help sorting the VBS crafts from one of the VBS girls.
Several from the group helping with the actions to the songs.
It's Drama Time!!
Hey Son! Enjoying yourself?
Frisbee is very popular around here.
Kids always want to be carried, hugged, and just loved on.
Ben playing with the kids.
More social time before VBS begins.
That Blake. He has sooooooo much fun. I think his arms were soar at the end of the day.
I'm not sure what was so funny, but I bet it had something to do with Leah!!!! Right Hannah.
Fontana getting, and giving, her love quotient.
Oh, this picture just popped up. The kids are doing the actions to the songs too.
One of our crafts in VBS today.
The end result of mixing and laying the concrete for the floor.
Two of the workers who we are helping.
Aren't kids just adorable!
It's a tiring day, and many people take the chance to get some sleep on the bus ride home.
Not these three though. Annette said this was one of her high points of the day. I bet this intense discussion covered the topic of pray Annette?
It's supper time. We started with Soup. It seems that the tables are a bit high, as Hannah and I found out.
I hope your mother didn't teach you this Hannah!!!!
Hey Pepe. Are you enjoying your meal? You and Erin are doing amazing work here.
After supper I let the group take a look at the blog. Somewhere in the middle of the crowd is John reading it to them.
Here is my room with four other boys, Chris being one of them. A typical room design, but probably not a typical mess : )
Here is a picture of the boys bathroom.
Spontaneous song broke out before our meeting in this meeting room. They sounded pretty good too.
Here's a picture of those oversized undeware. What kind of a message do you think Nancy is sending to Fontana anyway!!!! : ) Good thing we all have a good sense of humor here.
Don't they look just dandy on these two!
I have to laugh.......
So, It's 2:30 am. I had to travel over much of the compound today to find any internet connection, but God has been good. I'm on the second floor just outside my room on a wooden stool. My butt is numb, but you now know what happened on Tuesday of this Learning Opportunity to Peru.
Tomorrow will be a long day, as we celebrate Gamaliel's 10th anniversary. A short blog entry will happen on Wed night, with a more indepth one probably at noon on Thursday. Just keep cheking to see what has been posted.
Good morning.....
Good Night!!!!
First my guess for the person wearing the the Larry shirt would be none other than Pastor Ron.It is amazing how God works in everyone for the good of man. I am proud of each and everyone one of you for the work you are doing for Gods Kingdom and the world.Keep up the great work.By the way wheather great up here sunny and high of 17 yesturday. God Bless and Lve from Canada.
Hey Jackie de, if you're bringing kids home, bring 1 or 2 for Mom and I too. Praying for YOU'all! PeterD.
Hi Cindy, its your daughter here. Not sure how to do the whole email things but it looks like you guys are having alot of fun and that Patty might be having a little to much. Don't bring any children back all we want is a dog. Lots of love from Canada. Good luck with everything.
God Bless!
Ron and company:
We're enjoying the blog. It's great to see the work you're doing... and Ron's issues with homophones always make me smile :-)
Please let Annette, Hannah and Ben know that Boots the hamster was found after 24 hours on the loose.
God's blessing on your day.
Good morning or good evening all:
I can't get enough of you all! I watch the computer, and look at the pictures so often. I miss you Blake, but it is such a good feeling for me to know that what you are doing is awesome, and yes I cry when I see your pictures. Whoever made the comment about Blake and John W. couldn't be more correct. Now I can officially embarrass Blake, right "my little stud muffin!"
Will leave you for now, but wish you all a safe and "SON"ny day.
hugs to all of you,
Nancy, Garnet and Aly xoxo (who by the way misses her big brother very much)
Dear Ron,
Katrina says "Daddy it was you in the Larry shirt, I don't have to guess....I know." We just read your Tuesday blog and we are glad everything is going well. We send our love to you, Chris and Kyle. Hug the kissing cousins for us. Our prayers are with you all.
~Joycegina and Katrina
Everyone...awesome job in Peru..It's great to hear about God's work and continuing work throughout there...you are truely the hands and feet of Jesus living out everyday for him and serving others.....keep it up
much love
ps. see you when you get back Sarah :)
Hi Mom, Hannah and Ben:
We want to know if Ben ate the soup. hi mom see u on sunday! bye-bye.
Samantha and Ella
Thanks for the morning laugh about the underwear!!
I am glad the trip is changing hearts! It is a blessing to see God working in our youth, and thier leaders.
Jono, I miss you!! I see from the picture of you tossing the frisbee that you have my athleticism!!!! (kidding LOL) It;s cold in Florida and we are in a reitrement community. Alex and Nick are doing aquafit with the seniors.
Thanks for this blog!! mom & dad
Hi Alex!!
Hey Bud, we miss you and love you.
Did youput your tensor bandage to good use? Give out your soccer shirts? And are your pants staying at your waste?
Love mom and dad
Jackay.........love you.....hope James goes this week hahahahahhahaha
As for John, well we always knew he was Handsome......
Victoria, I am so happy you are having a great time and definitely getting some sleep which comes as such a surprise! I definitely have some room for a couple little ones, don't let Cindy and Jackie take them all. I am so thankful that you are able to have this experience. I love all the pictures and reading about your day. Take care today and have another great one. I love you.
Love Mom
(your dad said he would write his own message to you)
Thanks also to all the leaders who are doing a great job taking care of all the kids!
HI Jackie,this is certainly your thing.Enjoying the kids,loving the people in Peru.Sounds like you're having a great time.Yeah,bring some kids home,they could be our grandchildren.Thank you Pastor Ron for the opportunity for these young people to help these lovely people in Peru.Praying for you all.Jackies mom Jane
Hey mom,
I read the blog as often as there's a new one, and I love seeing all the new pictures. Somehow I'm not surprised to see you surrounded by children in most of them :).
Miss you very much and I hope (and know) that you're enjoying yourself immensely.
Britt xo
ps: Brad and Dad are doing good so don't worry. I'm being a good long-distance babysitter. Colby is also having a great time by the sound of things.
Hi Sam and Daniel,
Looks like you guys are having fun! Sam always smiling, Daniel carrying sand (Brad was right about you!). It's great to be able to see you on the blog. I looked it up yesterday, you guys are 6100 km from home, and yet there you are on the blog for me to see. Keep having fun and know that we love you and you are doing God's work.
Love Dad
Hey Guts, I am hoping you start the day in true Canadian olympic speed skaiting fashion by saying , "Reeeaadddyy". I would love to see a picture of the starting position on the blog. I was also wondering where the big blob of drool was in the picture of you sleeping on the bus. PS Wood Gundy says hi, and we miss you. Love Dad, and rodent
Hi Sam and Daniel,
It's so great to read the blog and see all the pictures.
Sam you're so lucky you were able to spend time with Larry, the cucumber. Keep smiling!
Daniel, I know you enjoyed the job you had doing the physical work. I'll have jobs for you when you get home LOL.
Bel, here's your hug for the day. XO
I'm so glad you're all having a good time and are being blessed by your experiences.
Love you all!
Mom (Rose)
Hi Marg:
Greetings from Frisco, Texas! It looks like you are having fun learning Spanish. Where is Sam in the photos? I am sure this will be a spiritually enriching experience for you. Have a safe trip back to Canada.
Your brother, Gerry.
Natalie and Stephanie,
The cats are doing good! When I visited Monday night, ALL the food was gone, and I left a lot. I think they must have had company over and had a party. Keep up the good work!
Ola Everyone!!
A huge Ola to Pastor Sergio, Erin, Pepe & Inez. It is so cool to see pics and hear about what you have all been doing so far. Brings back alot of memories from the trip 2 years ago. It is neat to see how much as changed since I was there in 2008. I really appreciate the updates. The fact that Ron is still having spelling issues doesn't surprise me much :) You know I love ya Buddy. I am praying for all of you each day and Chris in particular. Keep smiling Chris, it looks like you are having a grand time.
You are doing God's work and I know that all of you and your efforts will be blessed by him in ways that you can't even begin to imagine. Keep looking for God at work each day, you will be amazed by what He is up to in your life and the lives of those around you.
God Bless, take care and I'm praying for all of you to continue in good health.
In Christ,
Hi Ron & Peru team,
We love your blog, especially the pictures. It sounds like you are having a wonderful time. We are thinking and praying for you. Say "hi" and "we love you" to our Mom, the nurse. We hope she is not too busy!
Carraugh, Gillian, Nic, Evan (and Eric)
Dear Brenda,
I am really enjoying Pastor Ron's blogging every day. The picture with you and a child in your arms is beautiful. Also, as I expected, there you were at the medical clinic in Peru. It will be interesting to hear all you have learned and experienced. We miss you here are our medical clinic but realize you are doing God's work in Peru. Praying for your safe return.
Hi Ron! Please say hi to Wilma and Megan for me. Great to read your blog -- God's blessings to all.
From Jason Wildeboer to John: "Hi Dad.We're having a lot of fun. I hope that you're having a lot of fun. How is the vbs going? We're going to the Lockes for dinner tonight and I'm looking forward to seeing Samuel."
From Michael to John: "I hope Daddy has a good trip and he doesn't get sick."
From Charis to John: "I will type something on my own later..."
John, we miss you lots. We love seeing all the pictures. Gotta go because Michael is eating lip gloss. Grace
Hey Ron and Peru Team;
It is so cool to see folks from our current church community in Oakville teaming up with our former church community in Ottawa to expand the reach of the Kingdom of God together on a global scale like this.
Ron -- thanks for being so diligent in keeping up the blog, and throwing in pictures, even when it's late at night. Its so nice for us back home.
Patty/mom -- Jacob and I miss you alot, but we're holding up really well....Jacob is happy at Oma's house seeing more TV and video games, and eating shrimp, popsicles and bacon like never before! But the pictures of you are so not flattering...remember to close your mouth when you sleep. :)
You're in our hearts, and prayers.
Tim and Jakie
Hope you're having fun. Can't wait to hear your stories. We miss you -it's awfully quiet around here. Marley keeps waiting by the door.
You can't hear us but we're cheering you on from 3500 miles away.
Mom and Dad
Hey Clearview gang -
Just found the blog (after several attempts!!) I am very proud of you all and love seeing the pictures and reading all about it. My heart is with you (especially my wonderful girls!!) Can't wait to hear all about it. Miss you, God bless you and may you experience the awesomeness of our Saviour!
Much love
Hi Ellie:
We have been watching the photos of you extra carefully and thank the Lord, do not see any signs of backpain. Love that turquoise shirt that matches the building and it looks like the little children are getting lots of love from you! We are looking forward to hearing your stories!
Still praying, Harry and Annie
Your parents are probably getting more sleep than ever.....
Sharon and Donna
To Jonathon Denesi,
I was reading the bible the other night and I found this verse that I really liked and I thought I would share
"Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up. You will increase my honor and comfort me once again." ~ Psalm 71:20-21
I hope you are learning alot on the trip about loving God and others. Everything is good in Florida. It's an older environment, that's for sure, but it's okay.
~ Alex
Unfortunately we missed the 5 dollar Larry T-shirt contest. :( However, we have highly classified information about Ron that could be shared for a small fee...
Looks like you are all working hard and God is using you in wonderful ways!
(Uncle) Ron - Thanks for the great narratives of each day. They are greatly enjoyed each evening.
Natalie - Hope you are having an amazing time and can't wait to hear about it. (From Nicole)
Patty - Love you and miss you, Sista! <3 (From Edith)
Chris and Kyle - You will be pleased to know that the Leafs defeated the Sens 4-1.
Kyle - We miss you and love you (From Mom and Dad). I'm having a great time as an only child (From your favourite sister:D).
Blessings to you all. We continue to pray for you each day.
Carl, Edith, and Nicole(AKA best sister/cousin/niece/friend!)
Hola Mykle y todos los demĂ¡s. Parece que todos estĂ¡n trabajando duro y con un gran tiempo. ¿CuĂ¡ntas bolsas de arena no se mueve? Parece que unos cuantos. Espero que todos estĂ©n practicando su español. Nuestros pensamientos estĂ¡n con usted. Tenga cuidado y no es gran Google para las traducciones!
Also, thanks very much Pastor Ron for taking the effort at the end of each long day to post as much as you have. Don't forget to get some sleep as well. God bless.
Marion and Brett
Victoria-We are so happy to see you in these pictures. You look like you are having fun. Grandpa says to look out for guinea pigs. Just kidding. Lots of love.
Grandma & Grandpa
Hey guys! Enjoy reading the blogs and viewing the pics - great job Ron and so kind of you to share your sleep time with us!! You Cornwall folks are looking great, proud of you all, Karly wants Julia to know she's being missed this March break and wishes she could be there with you. Blake love Tuesday's pic of you and new pals - could you bring a few home for me?? Di, Steve wonders if KB troubles happen in Peru?? We have seen Steven lots and he's faring well, even cooked for his friends today! Brenda missed you Monday, not much cheering without you. Thinking and praying for you all lots. God Bless, with love from the Girards XO
Great blog, Pastor Ron! I am cheering you all on from Kanata. It was especially good to see Annette and Marg working on their Spanish. I think I know Annette, Hannah and Ben from Coffee Break way back. And Marg is my regular coffee buddy. I'm praying for you!
Ruth Lee
Hey Jeannine!
Just wanted to let you know that you have been and are in my thoughts and prayers for this week. I hope that you are having lots of fun down there as well as growing from this new and challenging experience! I miss you tons and can't wait to hear all about it! Love you,
Hello from Hamilton Ontario! I am just about to go to bed but just had to tell you all that I am praying for you, for strength and courage. You are all doing a wonderful thing here. I know that once you're in Peru, sometimes it can be difficult to see the impact you are making because it seems so little. Remember that the transformation goes two ways. You too are changed by what you experience here. I hope that none of you are sick and all of you are drinking lots of water. :) Remember to have fun and trust and lean on the Lord constantly through the day. I love you all, be safe! Oh and Jeannine!! I hope the traffic isn't too loud for you while you're trying to sleep and that there are no lights shining in your window :P LOVE YOU SIS!
~Heather Westra
Hi Peru team (rosy in particular)
Have a great trip!!!!
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