Monday morning. We awoke to the sound of car horns and singing from school children at the Christian School just outside our window. The sleep was short and not so sweet for me, but for some, it was rock solid.
Breakfast was at 9:30 am. We had fresh bread and eggs with juice and coffee. I spent some time with Erin going over the day and trying to organize the many details that make trips like this succeed.
You need to know that this is the first time I’ve actually met Erin face to face in the six years we’ve been working with FrontLine Peru. I only know her through emails and phone calls. She is a cracker jack lady who helps give Frontline the great reputation that I know it has. I’ll try to get a picture of her for you, but she’s very camera shy.
After breakfast we boarded our two large busses and it was off to Patchacutec. The sounds of the road came wafting back to me. The horns and the smog from the tailpipes of the legion of taxis that meander down the road in apparent disarray. Some things have changed from two years ago. There are newer buildings in different spots and more grass around as well.
It was fun to watch those who are here for the first time drink in all the sights and smells. For me this is familiar now, for them it was amazing, interesting, shocking, and thought provoking.
Some of the boys in Oakville took a liking to greeting every Peruvian on our way to Patchacutec. Quite a noisy experience, eh Thomas. It was fun to watch the reactions of the Peruvians as they exchanged greetings.
As we entered the outskirts of Patchacutec I noticed the dirt road we had used was now paved. A nice change for our Kidneys : ) . We arrived and offloaded our bus and were greeted by the children that were now attending the Gamaliel church Christian School. The outside of the building was now looking quite nice, and the sanctuary was now concrete, not dirt. Another church had poured that floor in 2009.
I met Sergio and we exchanged greetings. He then welcomed our group and the children of the school, about 25 in SK and grade one I think, did a song and welcomed us. It was cute and neat to see the reactions of everyone as they met the kids and the kids just loved on them. Tears flowing for some and a melting of hearts for others.
Sergio then took us on a tour of the church grounds. We listened to him tell of the history of Gamaliel church. A touchy and inspiring story that you will hear about some time on this blog once I edit that video. Sergio is such a man of God and it did not go unnoticed by many in the group. He speaks with a passion for this church and a vision of what could be that is grand, but not arrogant. I was humbled listening to him explain how he and his church have been praying for us in our preparations to come and be part of the Gamaliel church family. He had been praying for our lives in Canada, our jobs, our way of life, and our walk with God. He said that we are not very different people. We do the same things, pray to the same God, love in the same way, we just happen to be from different parts of the world. I was almost in tears, and it takes a lot for me to cry. : )
Next we saw the area where the feeding program takes place and met the cooks who prepare the food each day. Sergio thanked us for our donation towards this program. There is great need here, but the church has prayerfully tried to help those who need this program the most. Some kids from the Christian school attend as do others in the community. On Tuesdays and Thursdays a lady comes to the church library and these children spend time with her learning to read. This is a requirement of those enrolled in the program. A neat way to do this.
After this we split up into groups and went into the community to invite kids to VBS. The past two times we have done this, we have started with about 35 kids and worked our way up to about 120 ish. I’ll let you know how things turned out in that area in a minute. Our groups enjoyed going out. In our group, different people tried out their Spanish and our translator helped, as we invited children to come to VBS. Some groups encountered children that wanted their autographs. They thought that was pretty cool.
We returned back to the church and entered the library, closed the door and then had our lunch together. After lunch I went to the internet café to send an entry, and the rest of the group prepared for VBS. As I returned, I heard the sound of the music from the loudspeakers in the church, and saw all the children playing in the front of the church with our group. There was soccer going on, Frisbee, skipping rope, and just hugging and talking.
As I walked closer and closer, I noticed that there were a lot of kids there already. I was quite amazed. We eventually gathered everyone into the sanctuary and Inese lead all of us in some songs. The old favorite, the shark song was done once again, as were many others. Patti and Jackie and some of the Oakville YP jumped up to help with the actions. We then did a short Drama and Dianne did a GREAT job in narrating as Luke. Seems that as Dianne was putting on her beard, made from coffee grinds one of the kids decided to help her out. Her beard ended up a bit messier than she had anticipated, but she got a great laugh out of it. She did a great job too, getting the kids involved in the drama’s.
After the drama’s it was time for crafts once again. We had originally planned to rotate three crafts for each craft time, but we soon discovered that if we did that, we wouldn’t have enough. It turns out that we had 130 kids our very first day. What a great problem to have. : ) Things were a bit hairy at first, but everything worked out in the end and Marsh and Dianne and Brenda were amazing.
Every kid loved the crafts, but way too soon it was time to pack up and head back on the busses for our Hostel. I rode back with Pepe in his car. We talked a lot about Frontline and it’s hopes and dreams, and those of Gamaliel church too. Lots of neat things are going on here in Peru and it is exciting to be part of it.
Once back in the Hostel it was shower time. I just happened to get there first, so I got warm water and water pressure. The others weren’t so lucky. Too many showers at once made for little water pressure and cold showers, but no one seemed to be complaining. Supper was soon served. Cut potatoes with an orange sauce and then spaghetti and meatballs. We have not had that before while in Peru. We have different cooks than in our previous years, but they too are wonderful people.
After supper it was time for our video blogs. I gathered our six groups, one at a time, into our larger meeting place and asked them 3 basic questions:
1. What was a high point in your day?
2. What was a low point in your day?
3. How have you seen God at work in your life, or in the life of someone else?
These questions always elicit excellent feedback and help people reflect on a busy day for a moment. Gerry liked it so much, he stayed and listened to all the groups speak. I loved hearing about people observations, their struggles, and their joys for the day.
In answering those questions for myself I would have to say:
1. It was truly a joy to watch everyone get into the life of Gamaliel church. People didn’t DO much today in the way of work, but they met the people, heard about the heart of the Pastor of this church and were touched by the children and the presence of God in this place.
2. The only downside for me is not having internet connection here at the Hostel. It makes for a more difficult blog entry and less ability to format things, but I trust you will understand and work with me on this.
3. God is always at work here in Gamaliel church. As one person put it, “While hearing Pastor Sergio speak today, I heard the voice of God speaking and working.” Such true words. Listening to everyone’s reflections is also a way that God is present because I see lives beginning to change, even in the smallest ways. One can’t help but not be changed in some way after returning from Gamaliel church.
After that it was group time. A couple of songs to practice for Wed evening’s 10th anniversary celebrations in Gamaliel church, and then off to bed. A place that I’ll soon be going to after I select a couple of pictures for this blog entry.
Oh, and John, Annette told me to tell you (well, actually she asked me to do this yesterday, but I forgot) to put those drops in Molly’s ears. There I’ve done that.
Until the next blog entry, I hope this finds you well and full of the grace of God.
Below are more pics of the day, and comments too. Sorry about the few pictures from our Ottawa Crew. I've been taking video, and Cindy's been taking pictures for the most part. I'll have to get her to take a few more of our group too........
Hanging out before Breakfast begins.

We all brought our peanut butter jars downstairs to the kitchen, but they didn't quite make it there.

The end result. Way to go Gerry!!

No Patti. That's not how you contact your family while in Peru........

Ah, Kevin and the Pepto. Several ML's a day, keeps, well, you know, away !!

A good shot of our breakfast spread.

Several from the Cornwall Group

Just a nice picture, don't you think.

The Oakville crowd sharing a moment.

Patti doesn't look to happy with the task I gave her to gather up those Passport documents.

One of the many taxi's you can take here in Peru. This is a pretty nice one.

Getting on one of our two busses and ready for the 1 hour drive to Patchacutec.

One of the many san mountains as you drive closer to Patchacutec.

More homes planted on the sandy hills.

Those chickens are fresh for the day. No refrigeration though means we won't be eating them.

The dogs run free here in Peru.

Arriving at Gamaliel church and being greeted by the school children.

Sergio welcoming us. Inese is translating for us.

One of the children from the school welcoming us.

Here are the school children gathered to welcome us. Some of the younger ones were actually scared of us. Well not US per say, but the large crowd of us.

The children in their studies.

This building was being built two years ago. It is right across from the church and is now finished. A nice hardware store actually.

A more rustic taxi in Patchacutec, but very reliable. I think Patti and Corrie want a ride.

One of our groups out getting children to come to VBS. It worked. ! 130 kids on the first day....whew!!!

Chris and Kyle with the church sign in the background. These two are cousins and are having a great time together.

I don't even think this picture deserves a comment!!!

John was having a hard time keeping his eyes open. I think someone was trying to help him out here.

I took this picture coming back from the internet cafe. Lots of kids.

Annette is trying to coax the frizbee out of this girls hand. She's quite competative you know....Annette, not the child.

Relaxing and watching all the sports going on.

A Cindy. She just latched on to these kids. The tears were a flowin' pretty much instanly for her.

Cute picture. Nice soccer Jersey too.

Playing soccer on the newwly paved road. Chris actually lost that ball over a roof. Someone has a new soccer ball now.

Playing some sort of weird game with the kids.

See, I don't know WHAT they were doing.

Mina did an awesome job of helping with the jump rope.

Esther really enjoyed herself today. Lots of fun with the kids.

Colin got to meet Fernando today. I got to meet his mom again. Fernando is working in the trades, but also preaches in different churches on Saturdays and helps Gamaliel church with the worship.
Oh, and I should mention that I met the new youthpastor of Gamaliel church today. A highlight for me. He's a teacher too, and works as the youthpastor on a volunteer basis. We talked for quite a long time, and it's exciting to see his enthusiasm for ministering to teenagers.

Helping out with the songs during VBS. LOTS of actions.

Blake also really enjoyed himself today. A great kid that Blake!

Here is Dianne with her skit helpers and Inese translating.

Rosy made many NEW friends today, and met some old ones again tool.

One of the three crafts that went on today. There wer 43 in the church sanctuary alone.

The children loved the crafts. They were Top Knotch. Nice work Marsha and gang. !!

Sam had a great day too. Smiles all the way around, but that's how she usually is.

Somehow I got a picture taken of me. I'm still smiling. As I say, "It's always a good day in Patchacutec." It really is.

So, about that pack mentality for girls going to the bathroom. It holds here too. Seems these ladies were making sure no one accidentally walked in on the other. What a group!!!

Hannah on the left, and Hannah in the Middle. with Corrie on the end. All Smiles. I like that. !!!

Here is the internet cafe I posted the first blog entry on. It's about a 5 minute walk from the church and you have to go into a dark back of the building to use one of about 7 computers.

And finally for is a picture of Erin on the left, and Pepe on the right. Two VERY awesome people that anyone would do well to get to know. I'm honored to know them.
There ends our Monday. It's 1:oo am Peru time, 2 am your time. I just happened to find some internet access in the outside courtyard, so I decided to get these pictures and the post up before I went to bed. This way you can all take your time tomorrow reading it.
Just a short note to my family back home. Chris is doing well, and I am holding up well too. We are having fun, and things are going well. I miss you Katrina. Hope you are having fun sleeping on my side of the bed. Sarah, how did your slumber party go? Joycegina, thanks for allowing me to go and do these trips. I know it's not always easy having me away. You are awesome and I love you.
Blessings to you all, and good night........oh, and sorry if there are spelling errors, but on mission trips like this, I don't apologize for them. FYI : )
Hi everyone. Glad you had a safe trip and are now having a wonderful time. Tell Gerry to make sure not to bring any peanut butter back to Canada.
Wilma & Martin
Sounds great. From Donna and Sharon, we are praying for you....and we hope that Alex and Jono are having fun in addition to having this great experience in Peru.....if you catch them smiling please post a pic lol!
I am now especially praying for Pastor John to get some sleep lol!!
See you soon! Thanks for the blog.
Hello Pastor Ron,
I've just read your blog for the day and God bless you and all involved for all the thoughtful and sincere work for all those children and especially for this extensive recap of the day so late at night I don't know how you you do it. By the the my name is John Miron I'm the brother of Mina Miron-Woods and if you could be so kind as to pass on a message that we are all thinking and praying for her to have strength & courage on this wonderful journey for God.
Thank you and have a Great Day.
John Miron
Hi Ron and group!
Thanks Ron for your extensive blog, it's great to see what the group is up to.
Please tell Cindy and Esther that they may NOT take any of those precious children much as we would love to bless them that way!
Greetings to Jordan, Zach and Esther...the house is amazingly quiet without them!
Heather DeBoer (mom of Jordan, Zach and Esther)
Thanks Ron for the entertaning & informative blog. I guess you actually do some work!
Hope you all have a rewarding and enjoyable time. You're all in our thoughts and prayers.
The Harris household
Hey Ron, how do you spell sand??
It's so cool to hear from you all and see pictures of a place that feels so familiar now. Hope you're all having a great time. It's great to see God at work at Gamaliel church!
Just a shout out to Mom, I'm not having any root canals any time soon.
God bless you all,
Samuel Harris =)
Hey all:
I check the computer often, and am so happy to hear how well things are going. As I read the happenings of Monday, tears were in my eyes, but boy did they flow when I saw the most beautiful picture of Blake. We are so very proud, and know that you are excited to share the love of Jesus with everyone. Thank you so much Ron, for the great blogs and at such late hours! Can't wait to hear and see about today.
Take good care and love to all,
Garnet, Nancy, and Aly xoxoxo
Hello everyone. My name is Steve and I'm indirectly connected to your outreach group through a conference in Toronto at which I met Annette.
I'm so very pleased to hear of your safe travels, the quality of your fellowship, and the encouraging reports from the first day's ministry times with the children.
There are 3 churches in Pennsylvania holding you up in prayer.
Talk about a walk down memory lane! Now I do miss not being there. Fantastic about the number for first day VBS. As Bea said, that explains why God made sure there was such a large group this time! Enjoy yourselves. The time will pass quickly! Keep your hearts and mind open to God's voice as you work and play in Pachacutec.
Harold and Bea
Hi all,
I`am glad to see you all made it through your travel ordeal.I hope Julia was ok on the plane. Thanks Ron for keeping us up to date with the great pictures.It wouldn`t be VBS without seeing Di without a beard. Please let Di know that all is well with here at home and we miss them. Just to let you know that Di`s birthday is Monday March 22.
Take care and god bless you all
George & Steven
Hi all
Glad to see everyone safely there and lots of smiles as you bring God's word through your words and action. Enjoy your time as it will pass by before you know. Let Brenda and the Cornwall group know that all is well here, and everyone wishes you well and know you will show how VBS will bring the power of the Spirit.
Love Robert, Brittany, Bradley, family and friends.
Hi Cindy and Hannah,
From the pictures, look you guys are having a terrific time in Peru. Be a blessing when ever you can, I know you will not miss an opportunity when ever you have a chance.
Love Nico
Thank you Ron for letting us all live the experience from afar. I miss being with you all. Please give my greeting to Inese and Pepe. It is simply beautiful to see the pictures of the church and the community. God Bless Front Line, the church and each of your efforts!
Please give Leah a big hug!
love Carmen
Thanks for your updates, Ron. Just wondering if you've ever been able to follow up with more of the children that you/we met on previous trips, to see their progress over the years? Would be interesting to see a picture of them from 2 or 4 years ago, and a picture of them now. Anyway, wishing everyone good health and a wonderful time there!
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