Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Peru 2010 - A day we will never forget

Greetings all. Thanks for the responses on this blog. I thought, since I had the time, I'd tell you how we are doing and what has been happening to us so far. Let's begin with Monday morning. Chris and I enjoyed a wonderful visit with Kesi. She is our new compassion sponsor child. Dilan, our previous child, had his mom and dad leave the area because the got new jobs. We found out about that just before coming to Peru, so we asked if we could sponsor another child. Kesi (? Spelling) was one we selected. Her village is much poorer than where Dilan lived. Her home is a dirt floor and much the same as those living in Pachacutec. Chris and I toured her Compassion site, the first in Lima. A much more basic place than Dilan's site. We then met her family. 5 others siblings and her mom. We then took her out to lunch and she enjoyed that alot. She has a sparkle in her eye and a great sense of humor. Our translator, Maria, was once a sponsor child, now working for Compassion. She sponsors two children as well. Neat to see how the circle works. We would show you pictures, but alas, they are gone with the backpack. I was also planning on blogging more about our visit with her, but I'll save that for a time when I'm coherent and more focused. After our visit, we went to Louis' home. He was a translator for us 2 years ago. We stayed for a bit there and then we travelled to the port and ocean. It was strangely quiet there. No buses, no horns, but very nice. A nice afternoon spent on the waterfront. Then it was time to go to the airport. We packed up all our stuff, and I made sure that backpack wasn't going to leave my sight. Louis dropped us off at the airport. In hindsight I was hoping he would have accompanied us into the airport and walked us to the security check, but didn't think much of it, as we were feeling comfortable in Peru after the 3rd time. Something I will ponder for many years to come. I will also ponder why we didn't change at Louis' home, instead of the airport....but focusing on that is going to drive me crazy, so I'm trying to put those kinds of issues behind us. Anyway, we proceeded to the bathrooms to change into our travelling long pants, etc. I let Chris change first and then I decided to do the same. I had to put the digital camera and camcorder in the backpack, and someone must have been watching us. Then, in a split second of being tired, and not thinking, I let Chris be the one to watch the pack, and neglected to tell him to watch the pack. I went and changed, all of about 1 minute, and when I came out, he looked pale and panicked. I noticed immediately that the pack was missing and asked where it was. He didn't know. Apparently someone on a cell phone distracted my poor tired son and another just picked it up and walked away. My emotions went from intense anger at my sons apparent stupidity, to sheer panic because I knew what this meant for us, to resignation that we were in big trouble and needed to begin our journey back to Canada. Let me tell you that I have learned alot in the past 24 hours about both of our countries. The time of the theft was 8:35 pm. at 8:40 I was trying to get someone to get the police, but no one would help us. No one spoke English enough to understand. I had to leave Chris, panicked and very scared, alone in order to look around the airport, knowing that this was a futile effort. I went to Delta's check-in counter, but they told me they just handled passengers, my situation was my problem. I was then ushered to customer service and they were no help either. I returned to Chris at about 8:55 pm. He was shaken, I was relaxing my anger, and realizing that this was more my fault than his. We were both tired, and both vulnerable in a place that we had gained a false sense of security. In fact, in retrospect, the Lima International airport is the most unsafe place in Peru. People blend in on purpose to prey on tired tourists in the hope of scoring something. Tonight they sure did. At 9:00 pm I got my wits about me and realized at least I had Pepe's cell number in my luggage. It too 15 minutes to find out where I could make an international call. Apparently no check in counters, and the information centre are unable to do that. Go figure. I did have my money belt with me, so we do have a couple of hundred US to get us through. That was the only smart thing I did last night. : ) I got hold of Pepe and he called Louis up to come help us. A lady from Argentina who heard me yelling my head off in the airport also found us and tried to help. She spoke Spanish, but she to got now where. Passing you off to someone else seems to be the one thing that Peru staff at the airport excel. About this time 9:30, I began to realize just how vulnerable we were. We were refugees in the airport and no one was going to help us. If we didn't have Pepe, we would have been stuck there all night long, and then on our own to get a taxi to the Canadian Embassy. A sickening feeling. As we were waiting for help, I talked with Chris and apologized for my anger. He was very upset and it hurt me to see an already sensitive boy loose some more of his innocence that evening. He felt, and still feels, quite awful about the whole thing. I move from acceptance to anger, to thankfulness to frustration all the time. Part of the grieving process and the notion that I too lost some of my innocence in that moment. I was able to contact the Canadian hotline and they assured me we could get things straightened out tomorrow, but we needed to file a police report in the airport. I didn't think that would be a fun thing from the get go, and I was not disappointed. When Louis and Isa arrived, they began the discussion about the police report. I tried to reschedule my Delta flight for today, and even that was a huge process. Apparently they have no way to contact their own reservation system. I had to use a pay phone to do that. More frustration. I was discovered that the Lima International Airport has no way to report thefts. We had to go to a police station just outside the airport. I was now beginning to realize the predicament we were really in. I was beginning to realize that the police in this country are not actually your friends. They work against you in many ways. This is the regular life of the Peruvian people. I was experiencing how it goes every day for people on Peru. So, off to the police station. It was now 12 am. We walked into a dimly lit room with two men looking like they didn't have a care in the world. Louis began talking with them, and the conversation took a long time. It escalated and then relaxed. Chris, looking exhausted, and I just sat quietly and let Louis work with his countrymen. The process to get the report took 3 hours. In that time I was asked my mothers and father's name, date of birth, name and address, and even my salary....at which point I became angry and told them they would not be getting that information. I also witnessed a written report, two computer reports, and one report that I would actually receive be printed. I have no idea what I signed, nor why they needed my finger prints, but I needed that police report. Once we were done and I had that valuable piece of documentation for us to proceed with our passports, Louis explained to me what had happened. He had to tell me once to be patient, as I was getting a bit agitated with how long things were taking. He said that at the beginning of the conversation the two police officers wanted a bribe of $100 USF. They do this because they know that the report is also to try to reclaim the lost items from insurance, and they want a cut from that. Louis got angry with them and told them no money would be exchanged and that he was on the same side as they were. Another realization that those who help us in Peru don't have an easy life here, and get angry with their gov't structures just like we do. After much negotiating we were able to obtain the document we needed. Then it was off to Roger's home to get some needed rest. We were both exhausted. We needed to be at the Canadian embassy at 7:30 am, as per the instructions given. At 7:30 am we were there.....but the embassy opens at 8:00 am. We waited in the lobby. This little exercise on Canadian soil in Peru has proved to be another revelation for us. During our stay we didn't talk to one Canadian official. A bit frustrating. Also, it appears that your, and my, Canadian passport really isn't worth the paper it's written on. Even though our picture, files, documentation are all in Canada, we had to re apply for Canadian passports like we were first time applicants. Hard to do when you have no ID. This 3 hour process was equally frustrating. We filled in 4 different forms, and Chris had to help me to get things right as my exhaustion was starting to take hold. We also had to contact 4 people in Canada that knew us in order to verify that we were who we said we were. I talked with Joycegina several times, and thanks to the 4 of you who helped verify that we are actually who Canada already knows who we are. The irony of this is that the lady helping us received our original passport applications by computer, but they are of no value. She showed them to us, and then shrugged her shoulders saying that she thinks the whole thing is crazy too, but must follow Canadian protocol. I had to apologize to her for getting short as well. Here's an interesting thing. We needed passport photos again, even though we have valid pictures on file and transferable in Canada. I thought there would be a place for this in the Embassy.....no a chance. Walk three blocks, see a small shop that does this for them, pay $10 USF and walk back. Chris and I are getting to be more Peruvian every minute, but I can say that I was nervous taking that walk. Joycegina also had to make a trip to the passport office to verify that Chris is her son. CRAZY stuff. I've been trying to call her to see if the form we need has been faxed, but no word yet. We are due to return to the Canadian Embassy in 2 hours. IF all goes well, and keep praying it does, then we HOPE to be on a plane tonight....The police report SHOULD prevent a $300 USF charge each to rebook our flight. I'm hoping so because we don't have that sort of $$ or credit card to pay. So now you are up to date. Here's what we lost yesterday, in case you are interested. Lost 2 Canadian Passports 1 digital camcorder 1 digital camera All video from the week All pictures from the week $1400 cash that was supposed to be exit visa $ not needed since it was included in our ticket. prescription sunglasses, and my old pair of regular glasses. High capacity card reader 1 Computer 1 brand new hard drive 1 cell phone Our innocence and sense of safety and security Your prayers: Priceless : ) So, in reflecting on all of this, I can honestly say I'm not impressed with either of our countries at the moment (my MP is getting a long email from me when I get home). Gov'ts may be there for our protection, but in many ways you are on your own. "When in need, don't" is what Roger says. I'm not impressed with myself either, but I would have thought for those in need Canada would want to get you home, and that isn't always as it seems. I've also come to see how injustice can be brought upon all citizens of any country, whether intentional or not. We are at the mercy of others and that is a humbling and frustrating experience. I am saddened to have to now know that police in Peru really mean nothing when it comes to protection and helping. (The report we filed may or may not be investigated, but it was the thought of getting $$ out of us that really woke me up. ). I am sorry that all those pictures and video are lost. Thankfully you all have lots to take their place, but the video loss is sad. I have struggled with all of that loss for you, and for us. I could continue to rehash the past, and probably will for some time, but also know that that is self defeating. It's time to focus on the task of getting home. So, here we are in legal limbo until that fax arrives. I just called Joycegina and was informed it could take 3 - 4 days for the information to clear legal channels. Please pray it happens today. Thanks. I'll keep you posted if we end up having to stay longer.


Jeannine, Peter & Yvonne said...

My parents and I are praying for you. Our hearts go out to you and we find it hard to fathom the situation that you find yourself in. We are thankful for the connections that you have there. You have been truly blessed in that sense. In some way, we find ourselves also feeling violated in the sense that we can sort of take this personally. Our prayers are for wisdom, especially for you and your role as a father, reassuring and demonstrating for Chris how to react in a crisis like this.

Our prayers are with you too. If you really think about, it could have happened to anyone. You are one great guy and we're glad that your dad has you there to encourage him and keep him sane. :) He needs you!

Love and Prayers,

The Westras

Rosy and Leah said...

Ron and Chris,
We are praying for you! We are glad you are safe and hope you come back ASAP. Take care and God bless! See you soon!
We really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, miss you!!!!!!!!!!! Come back NOW!!! !!!hahahahaha JKJKJK ... whoops! no joking NO JK!! we want you back! and we miss you tons!

Leah Kubanek (the BEST ever BTW)
Rosalynn Berti (who is 10x better than Leah, no JK)

haw haw haw...
dream on Rosy!
dream on...

Leah, I think you should know that I think that you should go die in a valley! :)

(*snort*) what's that??? a VALLEY! well I think you should die in a HOLE!!!
oooooo you better go take a cold shower 'cause you just got BURNED!
oooooooooooooooooooo oh SNAP!**

Valley is the polite way to say it... but really, REALITY CHECK HERE... you may think you have self confidence, but you DON'T!!!
I'm SUPER smart and SUPER cool!
At least I have manners!!! :)

well you might have manners, but I've sure got LOOKS! hahaha ooooooooooooo you better go take a ... must I go on....

The funny thing here is you laughed at yourself after you said you got looks! SO THERE!!!

well I WIN HA!

this has been funny words with Rosy and Leah

p.s. have fun getting more tanned and don't show it off!
p.p.s. COME BACK

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Ron.
We're prayin'
And don't go beating yerself up!
May God open doors in those slooooooow diplomatic corridors, grant patience and safety to you and Chris, and surprise you with a good moment or two to lighten the load and maybe even give you a little giggle or two while you wait.
Peace, Ken & Sharon

Joycegina Hosmar said...

Ron called home at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday. They will have to stay in Peru another day. He is getting some help from a member of Calvin CRC in Ottawa who has some connections in the government. Ron and Chris will be staying with Roger from Frontline Peru and try again on Wednesday. He was able to book another flight for March 24. If things go well, they could be home on Thursday, March 25.

Thank you all for praying. They are very tired, but doing okay. The girls and I are doing okay too.

Anonymous said...

Ron & Chris,

With the wisdom of hindsight we all have done things that we know were not wise. I think that is why they call us humans.

It is our prayer that the Lord will bless you and those around you and that you may return home again safely.


The van der Booms said...

Hi Ron and Chris,
We too continue to keep you in our prayers and hope that you will be home soon! May you both be encouraged this day with the words of Proverbs 3:5,6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths."
Lots of Love,
Edith, Carl, Nicole and Kyle

Anonymous said...

Hey Ron & Chris:

I remember that you told me that you didn't care how long it took you to get home but it's too bad it had to happen this way. We are praying for your speedy and safe return. I'm sure everything will work out for you in the end.

God bless!
Marg Harris

Anonymous said...

Hi Ron and Chris,

We heard from Joycegina today about your delay. We will continue to remember you in our prayers and hope that you make it home in due time. Lots of love and clingy hugs,
Paul, Marsha, Rachel, Alexandra, Mark and Joel

Anonymous said...

Pastor Ron, I have been bragging about you since I got home. You were a fantastic leader while we were gone and your efforts blessed alot of people and advanced the Kingdom in ways we cannot imagine. Chris, you are a great kid and I was also very impressed with how you handled yourself last week. You were so mature and did not complain or act irresponsibly any time that I saw!

It is not a surprise to me that such a spiritual victory is followed by an attempt to discourage you - a pattern we see often in our Christian walk. Maybe your work in Peru was not finished.... maybe the Lord wanted you to develope your patience.... maybe He knows you can handle it and be an example to the rest of us even when you feel you fell short... only God knows why this is happening but I want you to know that you are amazing!!!

It is heartbreaking to have things stolen and to feel violated but in then end, it's just stuff and stuff can be replaced. The main thing, and the only thing, that is important is that you both stay safe,come home and grow closer together. Nothing else matters. Don't fret -you are both loved and there is lots or prayer surrounding you and your efforts.

See you soon!!!!

Nancy Donnelly

The Waldroffs said...

We are praying for you Pastor Ron & Chris.May God keep you strong and up lifted. Lean on him (God) he will see you though, he will not forshake you.Blake had the best time of his life and would do it in a heart beat again, and from one father to another I thank you for that Pastor Ron. God Bless you and keep you safe.
The Waldroffs Garnet,Nancy,Blake & Alyson.

Anonymous said...

Ron and Chris,

We hope and pray that you are able to come home safely real soon. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Arlene and Jake Brunsting

van der Booms said...

Ron and Chris,

Sorry to hear about this unfortunate incident - this is definitely a frustrating situation! We pray that God will bless you with patience with the the slow process to get you both back to Canada.

We are very happy and thankful that you both are safe and have had a place to stay!

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and that you get home as soon as possible!

Kyle, Nicole, Edith, and Carl

Anonymous said...

Ron and Chris,
We have been so blessed by this opportunity to go to Peru. Upon arriving home, we just have reflected on such an increased sense of God's nearness and love. We pray that you will continue to feel His presence especially now, and as He guides you safely home. There is an army of prayers being said for both of you and for your family. We are so thankful that you are safe. Praying that you will return safely and quickly.
With love,
Gerry, Marsha and Sarah

Ruth Lee said...

Marg Harris told me about your predicament. So now I am praying too. My husband and I lived in Peru for 3 years and got to play a few paper games. That is how we referred to it. I will let him tell you about clearing customs with all our stuff when we arrived in Lima (to move on to beautiful Arequipa).

Ruth Lee

Anonymous said...

Hi Ron and Chris,
Thank you for keeping us updated in your blog. It is amazing that you have it in you to put all your thoughts and actions on paper as you have so been so dedicated to doing. Thank you for being so honest and raw, for demonstrating such humility at a time of great frustration and disappointment (I would have lost it years ago, not to mention become incoherent at an earlier time than you!).

Chris, you have done a marvelous job of being strong and courageous for you dad. Keep your head up -- you're awesome!

Ron, you have such an honesty about yourself and the situation at hand. You call them as you see them, with eyes of wisdom I might add. Ultimately, God watches over you. Please know that you are not alone, despite the isolation in language and government/airport mayhem. Just get home...that's all we care about. As for video taping and picture taking, we can do it all over again. That would be a great excuse to get together again sooner rather than later. How about next weekend?

May God continue to carry you and protect you. May He continue to sustain Joycegina and the girls so that when the two of you return safely to Ottawa, you will attest to an immense sense of peace and rest.

Love and prayers from Oakville,
Patty, Tim and Jacob Schuurman

Unknown said...

We are all praying for you, and we trust that God will provide! It is a learning experience, and we have to cast all our worries on him.
God will provide, though we don't understand all the time! This trip has really taught me to rely on Him all the time! As one of the "leaders" I must say, being back for the 3rd time has been much different, all the excitement has been in building relationships with the youth and seeing God working in them and through them!
Please take time to see God at work in all this that is happening!

Unknown said...

Hey Ron and Chris, talk about a bonding experience...I pray that you get out of there soon, and that you may be able to laugh about it sooner than later. Lots of prayers for my favourite bother in law named Ron, and my favourite nephew named Chris. denise

Unknown said...

Just heard from Peru that Ron and Chris are in the embassy again, working on Chris's passport!
We pray that they may be able to fly home tonight!