Friday, March 12, 2010

Peru 2010 - Prologue

Greetings all.
Sorry, no pictures in this blog entry. Just words.
So, I sit here in my office, wondering if I've forgotten any last minute detail before our group of 47 heads off to Peru. It's been a busy time these last months. Lots of orientation sessions, emails to Cornwall and Oakville, a Weekend retreat to get all three groups meshing together, airline issues, passport issues and the list could go on and on.
I wanted to take a moment and pause before leaving to collect my thoughts. The best way to do that is to write them down. As we head out on our third trip to Peru I find myself pondering the journey we have taken as a church in this endeavor. It began as a seed planted by Roger, from Frontline Peru in a 5 minute bus ride at a National Youth Workers Convention. It has become much much more than that.
People in Ottawa and in Peru have been touched through shared ministry and learning and growing together. We have moved from just a youth ministry "Learning Opportunity" (as I now like to call them) to more of an intergenerational opportunity. We have expanded to include not just members from Calvin but from other churches and even cities. Crazy!
In all of it the hope and desire is that people learn, grow, and come back with a broader world view when it comes to the church of Jesus Christ. Are those goals always met on trips like this? I'd be lying if I said yes. I leave the results to God, but he did give me gifts and a brain to try to maximize the impact of an opportunity like this, and I only hope I've honored God in that.
I am FINALLY looking forward to going to Peru. I leave with feelings of joy, anticipation, and yes, some anxiety. So many details to work out to ensure this group stays safe. So many questions that will be asked of group members that I won't be able to answer : ). Questions even amongst members of our church as to vision and direction of building a relationship with Gamaliel church in Peru.
Now, don't get me wrong, I think those sorts of questions are good ones to be asking. I would certainly not want to just have this be a Pastor Ron thing. Calvin church has to own, in some way, a relationship with Gamaliel church. I think we are on our way to doing that. A committee of people is discussing International Partnerships and we are trying to figure out expectations etc. between both parties. Not always an easy journey, but a rewarding one.
Do I know if we will continue to go to Gamaliel church after this trip? No. Do I hope we will have some sort of relationship with them in years to come? Sure I do, but, again, I leave that in God's hands. I certainly am happy with how our movement towards an international partnership has evolved vs. the shot gun approach to missions. It may not be as flashy for those returning to Peru, but knowing people when you return is really actually quite cool!
For now, it's time to get focused on the tasks at hand.
1. Getting to Peru - a 24 hour trip for us in Ottawa
2. Keeping the group safe and healthy
3. Having a GREAT time doing VBS, Home visits, some construction work, visiting the orphanage, etc.
4. Capitalize on ANY learning opportunity that presents itself to the group, or individuals.
5. Get some pics and video of the trip to share and blog about (we will be missing you John B).
6. Following up in a way that is effective and life changing for this group.
So, as we go, if you are going to follow our trip, please pray for the group. Pray for our wonderful friends in Gamaliel church too. They desire that our relationship continue to grow. We will see what God has in store for all of this in this week and the weeks to come.
My first official entry SHOULD be Monday evening in Peru, but there might be one coming before that. Stay tuned.........
Pastor Ron Hosmar


Peter said...

Well, It is now 8:31 on Saturday... Rosalynn left our house 30 minutes ago... I am waiting for an update Ron!
Have a blessed trip.

lene0312 said...

Greeting to all the travellers to Peru!
According to, you are currently at 31000 feet and scheduled to land in 43 minutes.
Prayers of thanks for a safe journey so far, and prayers for a wonderful week ahead.
A special shout out to my ClearView was quiet without you there this morning. We are missing you and praying for a fab week!!
In His Grip,
The Nirula Family