Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Peru 2016 - Interim post until this morning.

Hello all, 

just a quick note to tell you that we all had a great day today. 

The team is checked in and awaiting their flight home.

I will post today's events in the morning.  Just too tired. :) 

I wanted to let you know that the flight from Toronto is scheduled to come in at 2:16 pm. D.V. 

Air Canada Flight number 452. 

All is well, and they will see you all soon. 


Unknown said...

Safe journey home everyone... I am tracking you on Fligth Aware. You've been delayed I guess. Sleep on the plane- not long now!

Anita Herweyer said...

Can't wait to see you back in Ottawa!
Ron and fellow organizers - thanks for all the work that you do for this trip.