Sunday, March 20, 2016

Peru 2016 - Day 6 - Marketplace evangelism - Part 2

Part 2

Now that I'm more coherent this morning, I noticed I actually put a pigs head in the blog. 
This is in honour of all of you who LOVE the game PIGS. 
Yummy  : ) 

Once the crowd had gathered, I started things off by introducing the group from Canada to the people. As they were going about the market, Gigi and I broke out into dance with the music playing.   

I then introduced the drama. 

A nice crowd. 

And then we saw the drama.
A tale of people with infirmity's like being a cripple..  

Our upset over  a death

Or suffering from blindness..

And having Jesus

Come and take these things away from them. 

And he died on the cross. 

But was raised from the dead and victorious over death. 

It was a powerful drama actually. 
Ryan and the others did so well. 
I learned today that this was not something that Ryan really enjoyed, but he did it anyway. 

I was proud of him for getting out of his comfort zone for God. 
Thanks Ryan...we'll talk more.  : ) 

After the Drama was done, our 5 groups converged on the crowd and stared talking to whomever would be receptive, which is what we prayed for.  

We had bracelets to give out, with the explanations of the bracelets done in English and Spanish.  

It was neat to watch our group interact with the crowd. 

We were reminded that all we did today was not done in our strength, but Jesus'.  

After doing this inside the market, we moved outside and redid things all over again.  

Inviting people to watch the drama. 
Inviting kids to come to VBS.  

And then Gigi and Brenda introduced our group to the crowd.  

And the drama was done again. 

This time we had one of the youth of Gamaliel church involved as well.  

We ran out of song time, so the drama was cut a bit short this time. 

And then we talked to whomever would listen again.  

How sweet.  

And before we knew it, it was time to return to the church for lunch. 
The was a great experience, which we will do again tomorrow with a smaller group.  
We worked out some of the kinks in things. 
In all of this, we remember that some sow the seeds, others water, and others see the harvest. 
It was just fun and wonderful to be faithful today.
And the question for us, and for you who read this blog, is this:  Why can we do this in Peru, and not at home?" 
How could we do something like this at home? 
Good questions to ponder.  

More lunchtime pictures.  

Andrew's arm AGAIN!  

Andrew worked in construction today. 
And you could tell he was sweaty.  : ) 

Hey sweety, it was a hot day today, and many of our faces showed it.  

Jackie has found her favourite lunch spot.  

Some of our group share lunch with some of the church group.  

Time for more balloon making.  

And we needed to prepare today's craft. 
A fruits of the spirit hanger.  

The women's group leaders met with one of the Church leaders to talk about how to keep the group going after the Canadians left.  

Colin took some time to converse with Fernando. 
A good visit.  

The balloons are done.  

Mila translated a letter for Marsha today. 
Thanks Mila.  

Tobie with a child in her arms.  

Face painting.  

And Lucy with a child in her arms.  

2:00 pm arrived and it's time to play with the children again.  

Tobie seems to be enjoying herself.  

Gigi with her wonderful umbrella.  

hmmm, I don't remember this picture being taken. : ) 

More face painting. 
This group is doing such a great job. 
A job high in demand. 

Pastor Steve has a real talent in this.  : ) 

End of part 2.  On to part 3.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello from Ingleside!

Just loving all the pictures and love reading the comments too. Ron, the reason Andrew is sweating so much is because he really doesn't work that hard at home. Kisses Andrew!

Andrew, remember how last week we talked about not wanting to know if there was an "accident/mishap" when we are on "vacation"? Especially if the "accident/mishap" is being taken care of?


Rachel has said a could times that she misses you. Mark was missing you yelling at the tv last night and almost fell asleep! Eric's back at Tyndale (our food is safe again) and he missed you being around at the supper table. Poor Zoe is confused as to why you are never home at the right time after work. I'm missing you too. No one is making my tea after supper!

I can tell by all the smiles that everyone is having a great time. So happy for everyone of you!

Can't believe it that it's Sunday already today! Ouch, that means today is basically your last day with our friends in Peru. Ron, I get a lump in my throat just thinking of "the rain that will be falling in Peru". Hugs and lots of Kleenex! It's hard to say goodbye but I am looking forward to welcoming you all home at the airport on Tuesday.

Blessings and love being sent your way!

Lori Ann