Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Peru 2016 - Day 2 - Introduction to Gamaliel Church - Part 2

Part #2
We arrived at Pachacutec at about 11 a.m.
The kids were getting out of school early because of the heat, but waited for us so they could greet us.  

Some of us high-fived the kids as we came to see them.  

I think that's Katrina.  

And several more of us.  
Annette, Peter, Dianne, 



Steve and Pastor Steve.  

Our bus waiting for us as we stay in Pachacutec.  

After greeting the kids we moved into the church for an opening program. 

We were greeted by a student. 

And then treated to a great drumming session with these kids and their teacher.  

We received lots of hugs from the students. 

Steve getting some of his own pictures. 

And during the opening presentation Tobie was kind enough to take the video. 


Hugs are never in short supply here.  : ) 

Pastor Craig made a new friend today.  

Steve and Jackie enduring the heat.  

Jackie and Danike

Steve's still doing a ok.  : )

The three amigo's.  

Pastor Sergio gave an opening talk about some of the history of Gamaliel church and his hopes and dreams for his congregation and community.  

We went on a short tour of the grounds, but first....a group shot.  

We went into the library.

Pastor Sergio unlocked the door.....

And we who have been here before saw some changes to this room. 
A computer lab that is in process.  

And a library with books on the shelves.  
The room has been split into two now. 
Some neat things are happening here.  

Then Pastor Sergio brought us on to the open area of the school and talked about how the school came to be, how it has grown to 160 students for grade 1 - 6 and how it is full to capacity with a waiting list.  
He'd like to build a high school, but just doesn't have the room to do so.  

Oh, and these hearts are a staple now. 
They are made up when we come as a sign of the church's love for us. 
Some names were spelled wrong, but it's the thought that counts. 

A poster board showing the process of growth of Gamaliel church.  

And then it was time for lunch. 

Hey, three more amigo's.  

Hey Sheldon.  

Ham and cheese and peanut butter and jam.  

I think Michelle had a hard time either sitting down....or getting up.   Not sure. : )

Yummy...I hope. 

Hey your eyes!!!  : )

Time to relax and try to stay cool. 
It was 34 Celsius today.  

Peter taking advantage of a 1/2 hour break. 

He said he wasn't tired.......   : ) 

Pastor Sergio enjoying his lunch before setting out with us to spread the word about VBS

The heat didn't stop us from playing some soccer though.  

After lunch we broke into our  groups and walked around the neighbourhood inviting kids to VBS.  

We came upon a cute little guy named Matteo.  
He happens to be Fernando's son. 
Colin and Fernando met on our first trip back in 2006, and now he (Fernando) is a dad.  

He doesn't seem too impressed with us.  

But Colin looks happy to see him. 

Special thanks to Daniel for taking these pictures.  

This is where Fernando lives.  

Andrea finding some flora and fauna.  : )  

We walked  to all sorts of peoples homes and handed out all sorts of flyers. Hopefully that translates into children tomorrow for VBS. 

There were some nice flowers and houses with gardens this year.  

What follows are some pictures of our groups handing our flyers to children and families. 

Cynthia and Andrea. 

Hey, that's me.....

You can see from the top two pictures, that this is how Pastor Sergio began his ministry. 
In a more or less dessert land, that God called him to, and has God worked through that call.  

We got to see Pastor Sergio's daughter too, Genesis. 
She sure has grown.  

Andrew is sharing something here, but I didn't quite get what it was. 

Pastor Sergio and Steve catching up.  

Gigi comparing her foot size to mine......I wonder who's is who :::) 

Pastor Craig and Lucy working on their secret handshake.  
Be ready for it in a couple of weeks after a morning service. : ) 

More flyer handing out.  

It must be garbage pick up day.  

The dogs were everywhere today, and they were cranky. 
The heat isn't kind to them either. 

No Lucy, don't pet the animals.  

It was a really hot day, and we were still really tired, so we called it a day and returned back to our Hostel. 
On the way back, Peter and Pepe and I had a really good talk about Learning Opportunities and how he tries to do ministry without harming the churches in his own country. 
I loved how he phrased things. 
When I'm less tired I'll share them with you.  

After arriving home, we showered, yay....and then it was time for supper.  

Soup to start with....I'm not sure if Joycegina liked it or not....hmmmmm 

Erin and Teya.  She's a cutie.   

Another three Amigo's.  : ) 

Some more good fellowship around the Tables.   

Hey again Leah.   

Soup to start.... 

Spaghetti to end.  

After supper another game of PIGS broke out...
sigh..... : )  

And it got loud.  I had to kybosh the game because they were keeping people from sleeping......  
Kill Joy.... I know I can be at times.   

To end our day we spent a bit of time listening to Pepe 

Share more of his journey in missions. 
Some very insightful thoughtful stuff as he has journeyed from seeing N.A. churches being enablers to equippers and fellow learners.  
Again, I'll share more on that later.  

After having the groups do some video blogging, it was off to bed. that's day 2 done. 
Hope you liked it. 
I don't remember typing much of it, so I hope it's somewhat coherent.

It's 11 pm and time for me to go off to bed. 
Hope you are getting a sense of the day. 
Don't bother pointing out my glaring editorial errors...I already know they are there.  : ) 

Till tomorrow night..........  


Smevelin Curtsy said...

Dear Tobie, Lucy, Sam and Ella. I am a plant and am not capable of sentient thought.

Lori Ann Bouwman said...

It's 1:45 in the morning and the dog wakes me up to go out. I don't mind at all, cause I'm sure that you posted on your blog Ron. Just love all the pictures. I flew through them fast and then went back and savoured each one! Andrew I saw that you found Cristel and Cynthia helped you...mission accomplished! Thanks! Seriously, looking through the blog really makes me wish I was there you....the heat....ouchie. I know Dianne is eating it all up.

Tobie...the bachelor didn't pick Lauren, he picked the other one...your peeps have lead you wrong...sorry! Nah, just kidding, I'm being a brat!

VBS, day one. Praying for a good turn out and lots of fun and fellowship and glitter glue....everything is always prettier with glitter glue!

Love ya all (especially Andrew),

Lori Ann

Unknown said...

Good morning. I WANT TO BE THERE! So glad to see the pictures of such a beautiful memory for me. Jackie,- Brayden, Blake, Karly and Steve are fine. Andrew is that a picture of the Leafs hidden in the picture that you are sharing? Pastor Steve and Steven - that food is to be shared with all! Enjoy your day, I am off to work. Looking forward to more pictures.

lots of love, Nancy

Bea Vandermeer said...

It's wonderful to see all of you in Pachacutec! I love seeing the improvements and changes, and great to see familiar faces in the Gamaliel church. May the VBS bless the children, the whole community, and all of you! May joy abound! Praying for you!

John said...

Lots of congratulations to go around.
First of all, I want to congratulate the Cornwall group on improving their transportation mode this time around. Yes, flying is better than driving. Well done.

And I want to congratulate Ron on using his blog so effectively to keep us up to date.
Maybe this would be a good time for a grammar lesson from on the proper use of Ellipses:

An ellipsis is a set of three periods ( . . . ) indicating an omission.

In informal writing, an ellipsis can be used to represent a trailing off of thought.
An ellipsis can also indicate hesitation, though in this case the punctuation is more accurately described as suspension points.

Like the exclamation point, the ellipsis is at risk of overuse."

Enough said. Maybe tomorrow we can talk about the use of the smiley emoticon.
(keep up the great work, Ron)

I'd like to congratulate my four brave daughters for embarking on eight solid days with no social media. And my brave wife for helping them through this ordeal.

And finally, congratulations to Peter for finally making this trip. I can think of 50 good reasons why you're the perfect guy for this mission.
Some of you might wonder why 50? Ask Peter. He'll tell you.

Blessings on your day.

Rosy said...

First, I should start by apologizing to the Brinkmans. I didn't know Ron would read the comments from the "preamble" on his blog, so I didn't bother posting the requested update.
So here it is:
The winner of The Bachelor (SPOILER ALERT) is Lauren B.
You're welcome.
P.S. Hi Dad and Daniel! I love you guys! <3
P.P.S. Hey Katrina! I hope you're having fun! I'm praying for you!

Felicia Mattie said...

Morning Leah... We have been waiting for these updates and pictures. We're glad to see you've arrived safely and look like you're enjoying your first few days. I showed Andrew a picture of you and he says "ELMO!!! Go to Per-u" Enjoy your trip... We miss you! Love from all of us xoxoxox

Anonymous said...

Peter's hair is 10/10

Sarah Kaldeway said...

Dearest Lucy,
I will always remember that one time in Peru when we became friends.
I hope that you're having a splendid time.
Lots of love,

Unknown said...

Hi Sam! I hope your having fun! Can't wait to see you again,

Anonymous said...

WOW. I wish I was with all of you. Can't tell you how much I want to be there! Keep up the good work and grab a couple of hugs for me would you please :) Gerry

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ron for taking the time to update blog for us back in Canada. Blessings to you all! - Fred

MrsBrodie said...

Marsha I love that photo of you it captures you, putting such joy in all you do!
Ron did Britney make it? I haven't seen to much pictures of her, I am sure Ryan and her cats would love to see her!
Andrew please stop explaing the toronto maple leafs, you are there to teach about God, he's the the best goalie that's why he's the saviour, to teach people of hope is good but there's no hope there sorry....
Sheldon olivian misses you, we went to the no frills she said hi to all the staff and no one said hi back to her, btw great sale of chilli ingerdients
Dianne I see you are talking to the kids that's awesome to see you are using your peruish!!!!
Jackie and Olivian .... Robert is at work I might see him later to tell him to talk to you

Lori Ann Bouwman said...

I was up in the middle of the night because Zoe (our dog) decided she had to go outside urgently. I wasn't ticked at all because I knew Ron would have posted pictures of your first day with the folks of Peru. Of course, he did not disappoint....thanks Ron! I sailed through them and then went back to savour each and every picture. Seeing them really makes you wish you were there with you. I have to admit the high temperatures would have made me wither...unlike Dianne Kuipers who blooms in the stuff.

I see Andrew, that you meet with Cristel with the help of Cynthia a.k.a. Sassy. Thanks for that. I hope you gave her a hug for me too.

Rachel hopped in our bed last night and said "I miss Dad!" We all miss you and can see from the pictures that you are right where you're supposed to be at this time. I hope you are sleeping well and that the earplugs are working to block out Steve's and Georgie-Poohs snoring. My snore was just training till you slept in the same room as the experts!

I'm thankful and rejoice with you all that the Lord has prepared for you guys to see and do!

Love you all (especially Andrew)!

Lori Ann Bouwman

Anonymous said...

Yay!so happy to be visiting this blog once again, also happy to see all the happy faces. Praying your time in Peru with be a blessing to all of you and everyone you touch there. Brenda and Britt, Oma has been leaving me messages on my machine inquiring how you are doing so it will be good to show her the pictures as proof you haven't wandered off;) All our love to you all!


Unknown said...

Good evening Peru Crew. I think the photos are wonderful and am really looking forward to more! (A big thank you to Ron for taking time out of his sleep routine for posting) You all look to be having the time of your lives. I am glad that the plane ride was great and you all looked to have been kept busy. A tear came to my eye seeing the children hugging everyone- how beautiful!
Danike, you are a wonderful person for embarking on such a life changing mission- you worked hard to get where you are- we are so proud of you! We all miss you, but know that you are in good hands. Thank you Jackie and Addie for taking her under your wing! When she comes home I want her back though!!
Take care and we are thinking of you all!
Lots of love and hugs, Kylie- mom, dad, Chloe, Alexa and Georgia x

Anonymous said...

Have tried posting three times and the items don't seem to post. Jackie, Steve called tonight and said that he tried for two hours last night but the messages just don't seem to get through. He was quit concerned because Karly really wanted to send a message to you too.

Marsha, Gerry tried three times while he was here too. Maybe we are overloading the systems!

Man, I've made so many funny comments too and now they are out in cyberspace somewhere! Oh well. I know you are all have a great time and it's busy, busy, busy!

Love you all (especially Andrew)!

Lori Ann

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie and Addie wow that was a hot day hopefully not too humid i see by the pictures it was a busy day jackie dont worry about snoring though the night u wont have the energy i bet that shower felt great and yes maybe when u get back we can adopt the policy on toilet time sure would save on septic tank pump outs so glad your all enjoying yourselves it is a special place.Have a wonderful 3rd day i need to boggy if this kitchen is gonna get painted love u both very much

Unknown said...

Dear Mother, Tobie, Lucy, Samantha and Ella:
You all look great! Ball is life! I hope you guys are having the best time & I can't wait to hear all of your stories. Also, you all should know (well, maybe Mom doesn't care) but Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris got engaged!!!
Anyways! Talk to you guys soon! Love,
Hannah Brinkman xo

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to wish everyone, especially Leia Organa Solo, a happy St. Patrick's Day! (I know it is not St. Patrick's day today, but when you do read this comment it will be.)

sarah said...

HELLO TO ALL && special shout out to the cornwall crew (&& especially marsha)
the pictures look fantastic and hope you guys are having an amazing time!
Happy to see you arrived safe and sound.

Sending our love &
wishing you all the best
James, Sarah & Lola

Sarah said...

Just some general comments:
- 34 Degrees?!? Wow. I can't even imagine that right now as its been raining for the past three days.
- We went from the Peanut Butter Rockies to the Peanut Butter Hills...=(
- Great pictures Mom and Colin
- Christopher and I were talking about all those smiley faces. I said they are there to show that Ron wrote the blog and no else did. And because they are just a Hosmar thing. =)
Keep pressing on, everyone!

Lauren Wood said...

Hey Guys!

Wish I could be there with y'all... looks like so much fun. Zoe you look so thrilled in some of the pictures but beautiful as always. Praying that you guys will continue to stay safe! Hoping you guys are having fun! Hope you guys have fun tomorrow! Well it is 11:00 pm Ottawa time so if it is morning their.. than hope you are having a good day!

Blessings to you all and may God watch over you and keep you safe.

Anonymous said...

Loving each and every picture and your comments on the blog. Ron, Lovey, would please fill us in why that cute, cute little girl was a little sneaky and the other open ended comment that left us hang from another picture too? Enquirers want to know! I chuckled at Jackie Brodie's comment (actually Jackie always cracks me up) about Brittany. Maybe Brit is more like Benda than we thought and the question is ?Donde Brittany?

We are so blessed to be able to share each day and adventure with you!

That was a long day yesterday so my prayer for you guys is continued strength.

Love you all (especially Andrew)!

Lori Ann Bouwman

P.S. Andrew I hope you didn't eat those gummies after they were up your nose...I know how tempted you are by picking objects from your nose! Tee hee hee! Just kidding of only like to pick it, not eat it!

Love you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cornwall Crew! Suzy dropped by the branch today and talked about Peru. I told her she could see pictures and read about the trip on the blog. Told her you can also leave messages. "You can do that? I would like to do that. I would love to go to Peru but I'm too old." (As she giggles in her hand.). Suzy, do you want me to post a message for you? What would you like me to say? Here is her exact message...."Say I hope they enjoy the knitting and peanut butter. Say hi to everyone, I wish I was there. Love Suzy". Okay I'll make sure I post it tonight, and away she went. I start serving the next customer and there is Suzy again. "Herman hates it when I leave him out, Tell them this message was from Herman too!"

Bet that put a smile on your faces!


Lori Ann