Day 6
Wow, day six already completed and in the books.
Time flies. Really flies.
It's 11:20 pm now in Peru.
A late night, but it was an ok day.
We slept in today..well some of us did.
Breakfast was at 9 am today.
The usual fare.
After breakfast we gathered in our large room, pictured here and went through 34 comments from all of you.
Thanks for the great comments and memories.
We look forward to them and have laughed and cried because of them.
Before we gathered in the room, there was time to relax and socialize. Sandy and Cheryl share a moment.
Others read the blog. Here it is in actual format on the computer. How interesting that the picture that shows up just happens to be that of Chris.....hmmmmm : )
The usual crew catching up on the blog.
After breakfast it was time for dishes again.
Miranda taking time to dry them.
As was Sheila.
She doesn't look to happy about this job.
BTW, just a comment here Sheila to thank you for all the work you put into VBS. It's going well. Well done!
Mina and I sharing some time together.
I'm glad you were able to come again Mina.
I love that infectious smile of yours. You'll actually get to see that smile in a later picture. : )
Wilma took some time to journal today.
Lots to process for us.
Journalling is a great way to do that.
The braid brigade.
Simon and mom having a moment together.
Nice to see all of the family on this trip.
More blog catcher-uppers. : )
I'm not sure what Bea is doing here...
Creepy picture of you my daughter...but also a cool one. Nice cup set up.
George and Dianne catching up on their journalling. (this word is coming up as a misspelled word BTW, but it won't give me correct well). : )
Our translators took some time after breakfast to play some Dutch Blitz. Interesting.
Another team taught them this game.
She has been doing a wonderful job.
I need to tell you that she is also crafty and devious.
As we were going to get on the buses tonight to go to the fountains, the gate happened to be locked so we couldn't get onto the street to board the buses.
Gigi, and the other translators came up to me and asked if they could play a joke on the group.
I was to announce that things had changed for all of us and that the buses were not coming any more and we had to go back to the courtyard.
I did as they asked, and, well, it worked. They believed me...well, most of them did. Gigi led most of the group about 1/2 way back to the courtyard and then let them know it was all a joke.
Some figured it out and stayed with me, but not many.
I was surprised, and impressed at their craftiness.
Some of the group weren't.
Sorry about that...but it was worth it. : )
Cynthia is another of our translators.
Another devious and crafty translator, but she does her job very well.
Here we are again in our large room.
oh, yes,
My lovely wife placed a comment on the blog that I needed hugs as well. Nancy was quick to comply.
Yes dear, she's married.
It's all good. : )
Tobie and Lucy. A nice shot.
That telephoto lens is actually working out well.
Getting pictures of Tobie is getting easier.
hmmmm, I look tired here don't I.
Go figure.... : )
Martin catching up on some reading.
I hope that's not church related work Martin. : )
Our small groups doing their devotional time.
The translators playing Dutch Blitz.
This picture is a token picture for you John B and Peter B.
We know you love your flora and fauna so we thought we'd put one in for you.
Don't ask me what type of plant this is.
No idea.
After small group time we had a bit more free time and I had the groups do more video blogging.
The three amigos continued planning for their last day of teacher training.
They have done an amazing job.
Didn't get everything done they wanted to, but that's the limitations of this sort of thing.
Cheryl works on this black....thing...that she's been making whenever she gets the chance.
Part of the back courtyard that we walk past as we get to our buses each day. There are some really nice flowers and smells in the courtyard.
Awaiting the person with the key to unlock the gate.
Imagine this scene at night, waiting, and you get an idea of how I had to announce we were not going anywhere. Tee, hee.
Gerry always helpful.
I love that man.
Now this was a great picture of Dianne and George.
You can't see this here, but we ate lunch on the bus this time. Lucy took it upon herself to collect our garbage and juice boxes. She must have walked up and down the bus 20 times. She'd make a great flight attendant.
You who have not been to Peru will not know this, but as we drive each day to and from Gamaliel church, we experience a range of aromas as we drive.
Some are good, some are well, down right nasty.
Gerry apparently doesn't do well with acrid smell, so he took some drastic measures today because he could. Orange slices up his nose.
It worked, I'll give him that. : )
Now he's getting a bit weird.
There are pot holes in Peru too.
Not many, but some big ones.
Here's a city crew filling them with asphalt.
Those orange slices must have a sedative in them.
A father daughter moment.
We arrived at Gamaliel church at 1 pm and gathered in the library again.
There were 3 ladies there ready to sell their wares to us.
This is a micro economy project started by LivingMissions Peru a couple of years ago. These ladies are continuing to hold down a business. Neat to see.
Soon it was time to go out and greet the children again.
Amy passes juggling balls to some children.
Another Father/daughter moment.
This is how we swing the children round and round.
Robert, you are getting more of a child following....
And I love that tan....bahahahahah, sorry Jackie.
Ben injured his leg today. This family has accident issues.
As I mentioned earlier, today was the last day for the teaching of the teachers at Gamaliel school.
The teachers talked about classroom management today.
Overall the teaching was a great success, but all three of our ladies felt it just wasn't enough time.
Ah, yes, but the time that was spent will be very helpful to these teachers, and Gamaliel school in the future.
Here is a great picture of the teachers with Bea, Marsha and Dianne. Some great bonds were formed during these three days.
VBS started at 3 pm once again.
Bernadette has found a new friend today.
Our drama today was David and Goliath.
Martin did a great job again of acting in character.
You are right John. A hidden talent we will have to foster more at Calvin once we return. : )
Sheila explained today that we can thing positive things about ourselves, as these words on the yellow t-shirt show....
Or we can think negative things about ourselves, as the words on this black t-shirt show.
Which will we choose to think about ourselves as?
Singing to the great VBS songs.
Our game once again.
Is that Cheryl pulling a child over her back like this.
Really Cheryl????
Soon it was craft time.
Time to pull out the white and yellow t-shirts and have the children add to what we had already put on them. Isn't she a cutie.
The children had lots of fun decorating their own t-shirts with positive sayings.
They could choose from several of the the ones on Sheila's shirt. It wasn't easy getting this craft completed before we came to Peru.
The shirts had to be ordered, then we had to decorate them all, and then we had to find markers to bring over.
They were donated by someone in Cornwall. Thanks to them for doing that.
The craft went very well, and we have some left over t-shirts which we will give to the church for them to give out in Sunday School.
Before you knew it, it was time to leave.
Once again the musical train with me leading them out.
What fun!
Here I am with Erin going over some trip details for the evening, just before I'm to lead the train procession as KING! I LOVE IT!!!!!
As we drove home today, we were talking about how the traffic is so different than back home. For me, I'm used to the tight corners, the sudden stops, the numerous speed bumps and the constant horn honking.
We also commented how interesting that we didn't see many accidents.
No sooner had we said that than we saw one.
Complete with fire trucks.
Apparently all fire fighters are volunteers in Lima.
No one is paid.
We see this coke display every day.
It's hug.
Talk about advertising. :)
An interesting picture....
Remember that Mina comment about her laugh...
Here it is for all to see, as well as Dianne as a bonus. : )
Our dinner this evening, which happened right after getting off the bus. No showers needed as we were going to the fountains. Rice, vegetables and potatoes in a yummy sauce. No meat this time.
At the fountains.
Lots of colourful ones.
The light show with water as the canvas.
Walking through the water tunnel. A darling picture.
A wonky creative photo.
Thanks for taking video of our time in the fountains Trinity.
It allowed me time to go in.
Time to get wet!
Not everyone wanted to go in the fountains, but we made sure they got lots of hugs from we who did. : )
A group shot of us wet, but feeling refreshed.
Lots of fun.
This is a real live tree, pruned to look like starts. Cool.
Gigi had her day made when she found this caramel covered apple. Simple pleasures of life. : )
So ends day 6 of our Learning Opportunity.
Another good day.
Not to stressful of a day for many of us, which is a good thing.
We are still processing a great deal.
Some more than others.
One element that keeps coming up for some is the issue of wanting to give things to people to help them along, or as gifts as we get to know them.
We, meaning Erin and I have to remind some of us that this is not always a good thing, as it enables people to be dependent on us, rather than empowering them to be independent and get ahead with the ways and means that they have before them.
We desire to bless those we meet, but through the hands of Gamaliel church so that those around Pastor Sergio will be able to continue to do ministry with integrity.
Sometimes helping can actually hurt and this becomes reality when you are placed in the middle of things like we are now.
That's why I like to call these trips Learning Opportunities, NOT mission trips. Those words imply we are going to be here to fix or do something, when in fact we can't in one week.
All good stuff to continue to process.
Well, tomorrow will be our last day in Pachacutec.
A sad day for all.
I'll post another blog entry tomorrow.
Blessing to you all, and good morning. : )
Update from Canada: cold. snowy. windy. still haven't won anything in roll up the rim. And Tobie reads the blog? Oh. Hi Tobie!!! :)
Robert I always love to see your big smile in the pictures it makes my day, today I will travel back home to prepare for your arrival maybe clean the house and do dishes and make sure the fish did not die as I turned down the heat, I head from Suzy today making sure I was not dying of boredom my words not hers what a thoughtful lady,
Gerry bus safety is traditionally not to eat on the bus shoving food up your nose might be worse, but its a cheaper way to add salt and better for your heart but try not to do if on the bus,
I hope you all enjoyed the park, maybe the Cornwall engineers can build one like that in Cornwall for adults lameureux park is just for kids.
Ben feel better it's a good thing your mom and three of your sisters are there to kiss it better,
My dad said I could start my own blog my commentments are so long, so I'll let you go
Jackie - yackie
It's been great to read the stories and see the pictures of everyone, blessings for the rest of the trip!
Blessings to all. Being there in Peru is great, what you are doing is greater, but loving what you are doing is the greatest of all. Be praying for smooth and safe return here in Canada, Bernadette, can't wait to give you hugs and kisses. Thank you again Pastor Ron for the updates, Chris for pictures, and again thank you for letting Bernadette a part of your team. From ODB A good leader is one who knows the way, shows the way, and goes the way. Thanks Wilma and Amy, too.
Hey Laura, I know that you are probably having a great time (but obviously avoiding the camera) but it is time to come home. There is 0 baking in the house and I am even starting to miss picking up your socks from under the couch, on the steps, under the table and, my personal favourite, off of the coffee table. Miranda says "We've been playing Seven Wonders with only 6 people and that's weird." Can't wait to hear all about the trip! Mom (Pauline
Its -18C, -28C with windchill! Driveway is full of snow. Enjoy the last couple of days in Peru! Prayers for a safe and uneventful trip home. Many are waiting to welcome you back and hear your stories!
Hi Mom! (Bea)
So excited to see the pictures of your happy smiling face each morning, looks like things are going well. Totally not sure either what you were doing with your hands in that one pic, you’ll have to explain that one on Sunday! Enjoy the heat there for the next day or two, it’s -32 here with the windchill this morning. It should improve again, but Yikes!! Also wanted you to know that I’ve checked up on Dad, and he seems to be doing just fine…in fact, he’s been hard to get ahold of. Busy guy, eating well, and I was going to call again last night until I saw a pic posted on Instagram of him at the Sens game. Life of Riley!!! Anyway, love you tons, praying for you constantly, sending big hugs, and prayers for endurance for the trip back and no knee pain. Can’t wait to hear all about the trip!
Hi all,
HI Mina I love your smile and your laugh. Have a great day today loving the kids and all who you meet. I know that is easy for you.
Hi Chris, I took the liberty to find your floor in your room. It took only a few hours. I hope you will not feel disoriented when you get back home.
The gorgeous flower is the same flower that Caralynn has as a backdrop to her gmail account. I think it is called the Caralynn flower (haha). How cool is that! Rosy doesn't think that is cool but I do. A God moment for me connecting us to you.
Last night we had six 12 year olds sleeping over for Danny's birthday. We all survived and I think they actually slept a little. Sorry Chris you missed it.
It is cold outside so enjoy the warmth and sunshine. Blessings on your day.
Some photo suggestions.
Please take a group photo of all the translators....otherwise known as interpreters. Ron,could you list their names from left to right as they appear in the picture, not like some of the other pictures where you just put names in any order.
I'd also like to see some family groupings. I know there are a bunch of related people on this trip and it would be nice to know who belongs with who. Not everyone who reads the blog knows who is related. I myself don't know all the Cornwallites...Cornwallians...Cornwallies...whatever...those people from the Cornwall church.
Enjoy your last days. Prayers for safe travels.
Hi Guys! Just came in from shoveling snow again!!! And now I sit to enjoy the blog. Jerry, I am eating a clementine which I have put to the side for a bit after I saw those pictures... Can't believe tomorrow will be your last day in Pachacutec, we will be praying for you all as I am sure it will be difficult to leave. Enjoy the rest of your stay and we look forward to seeing you home safe and sound.
With love,
Dear Ben:
I shoveled five driveways this morning. Might want to start thinking about how we're going to even-up that situation...
Tobie, Lucy, Sam: We got bored around here, so I let Ella go through your closets trying on all your clothes. Hope you don't mind.
Annette: Katrina is coming for a sleepover today. I'm thinking of taking the girls to go get a tattoo.
Nice to think of your all coming home soon. Finish strong!
Robert I made it to Cornwall safely I saw 12 cars and transport trucks in the ditch I was glad you were not beside me, this just proves I know how to drive with out my driving instructor, yes both bumpers and four tires are on. But upon my arrival I did miss you, there is a foot of snow in the driveway and after the last time I used the blower I decided to just stick with the shovel, and. I did a little bit but I'm street parking or waiting for it to melt or you get back, cause I would get stuck,
Anywho you can see I'm in a little bit of a pickle till you get back so don't be to long
See you soon and if you Bring back the heat you too won't have to shovel
awesome pictures looks like you are all having a good time. Praying for you all. Sent a message the other day but didn't see it I mention about getting snow yesterday well we did 25 cm plus. I took picture so you could see what you missed my dear Nancy. God is wonderful and I see it in the face of you all and the people of Pachacutec.
Hi Sheldon & group,
Hope you are enjoying your last full day in Peru. Get ready to arrive to Winter Wonderland once you get back to Ontario. We had over 27cm of snow last night and the winds were unbelievable!
Wishing you a safe return home!
Sheldon, I cannot wait to hear all your stories about Peru and the great friendships you made.
xoxo Love you lots!!! Mom & Dad, Landon & Trenton
It snowed \o
Sheldon, I cannot wait to hear all your stories about your journey to Peru. I'm sure you have made a lot of new friendships & made memories that will last a lifetime!
I love the photos of the fountains Trinity & especially the group photo holding your Canadian towel!
Get ready for a winter wonderland when you arrive home on Saturday. We got 27cm of snow last night!
Miss you lots xoxo
Love, mom & dad, Landon & Trent
I hope that you like my knitting. I wish I could be there with you guys. And I hope you get home safe. I can hardly wait to see you. I hope to see you Sunday!
We broke a record here in Ottawa today. This has been the coldest March 13 on record. This morning it was -32C with the wind chill.
Katrina and I really missed you today Ron. We really missed the fact that you would be out snow blowing the driveway. But, since we are hard working girls, we shoveled the whole thing ourselves... including the heavy stuff the snowplow left at the end of the driveway.
Don't worry, we left the side walkway and back patio for you to snow blow before Spring arrives. By the way, Spring arrives next week Thursday!
We should have some better Canadian winter temperatures for you all when you arrive home. Don't forget, that still means below zero. Be prepared.
Lol (laugh out loud) Auto correct from yesterday!
Dresser was freezer... We had the koek in the freezer not the dresser!!!
The fountains look amazing. Just like you all!
Hugs and prayers.
Lol (love our Lord) as Marisa would say!
It´s been so wonderful to be part of your team and to see you working really hard,especially that photographer and his camera all the time,does he ever stop?...You are so loving and respectful,ei!I wish I would have spent some more time with all of you.Thanks for sharing a little bit of your culture with me.I can´t wait to see you in two years. Love you very much!!!...Can you guess who am I?...the only thing I can say is that I am an ANGEL :D ...and love candy apples.
Hi Anika,
We are so proud to see you and your Mom serving the people of Peru.
We celebrated Nanny's birthday today by going to Fort Myers with your Dad, Evan and Olivia. We went to the Edison/Ford museum and the Shell factory - do you remember going there when you were 4 years old?
Looking forward to seeing you soon and hearing about your experiences in Peru.
Love, Nanny and Poppy
Hi Sarah K, We see you are having a good time. We enjoy following Ron's blog and seeing you pics. Ingrid, Maaike and Hannah are here for a few days. We look forward to hearing all your stories. Nan & Grandad
Hi Sarah, We see you are having a good time. Love seeing the pics and following Ron's blog. We look forward to hearing all your stories. Nan & Grandad
looks like another great day - makes me wish i was there!
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