Day 4
The routine begins.
It was a long but good day yesterday.
We all awoke this morning a bit tired, but ready for the day.
This is a picture of yesterday still. Forgot to include it.
Our office space for the week.
The big room where we meet. Chris is getting pictures ready for the blog, Carmen is reading the blog, and emailing, Erin and Pepe are working.
I soon began to write the blog where Chris' is sitting.
At present I'm actually outside the room because it seems that the wireless internet is working faster out here, and I had 106 pictures to put on the blog tonight. Lots of uploading time. So far, so good. I'm quite tired today, so if there are spelling mistakes, let me know when I get home... : )
As you can see from this picture, we are all beginning to get comfortable in our rooms. I think this is one of the boys rooms. This is still pretty neat.
I am bunking with Colin....only Colin.
Didn't want any snoring going on, except if it was from me.
Hi Samantha...good morning.
We once again gathered at 7 am ish to begin our day reading your wonderful comments and have our morning devotional time.
One of the comments that came from Chris' mom and dad were that Chris needed lots of hugs this week. The women were glad to Peter and Wilma, Chris will be hugged a great deal now...much to his delight I might add. : )
We are reading through our devotional time.
Miranda is enjoying it.
We break off into our small groups for a short period of time to talk about the devotions.
Pastor Steve put them together for us this week. Thanks for doing that Steve.
Breakfast is served.
Buns with melted cheese and ham.
Josh getting some rest right after getting up. We are all pretty tired, that's for sure. : )
Aw....a great picture.
Ben, what are you doing?????
Good thing I didn't see that.
Hey Robert.
Jackie, we have really been enjoying your comments to us.
Robert will have no possessions once he returns and a rearranged home.... : )
We were on the buses by 8:15 ish this morning.
The drive will be longer today.
Much more traffic than yesterday.
I took the big bus, and decided to get pictures of people on the big here we have Sandy and Simon
Andrew and Lori-Anne
A picture of the drive through the city
Colin and Brenda with their new wrist bands.
Sarah and Mina
Amy and Bernadette
Silke and's not easy getting a picture of Silke, BTW.
Wilma, busy at work.
Lucy and Mikayla
Annette and Tobie.
Annette always chipper, Tobie...not so.
Miranda and Cheryl
Erin...always working....
And me, with my other appendage
And Chris with his.
Oh, and here are Sarah and Rachel.
And seems that whenever I point the camera in Ben's direction, this face automatically forms...very interesting Ben.
I sat in the back of the bus today.
Some real kidney punchers for speed bumps.
That's something I never miss once I come home. : )
I noticed this morning as we were driving that there were lots of water puddles along the side of the road today. Apparently in rained quite hard, and quite long overnight in Pachacutec. It made the news. Not a usual, or good thing to be happening here.
We arrive at Gamaliel church at 10 am.
The school children greeted us as they have done in the past. Always a treat.
We greeted the children, and they greeted us.
The long procession to the library.
The youngest children.
So cute.
And here's a memory I will keep with me forever.
Martin high fiving EVERY child in this line. I got it on video. Apparently he does this with his grandchildren too. :)
It took a while to get through the line...... :)
We gathered in the sanctuary for a short program from the school children. They were very noisy this morning. Excited to see us, and the first day of school after a bit of a break.
Andrew with his "shirt". : )
The children sang a couple of songs for us, and gave us words of greetings.
We gathered in the library and organized ourselves again into different groups. This was the construction crew that was going to be sanding and painting today. They are NOT bandits infiltrating our group....I don't think.
We practiced our craft for the day.
Salvation bracelets.
Miranda and Lucy volunteered to do some English teaching with Ines helping her out. They did a really good job.
This is one of the classes in session.
They have school from about 7:30 am to 1 pm.
Our construction crew painting up a storm.
Sheila and Sarah doing the cutting in. Apparently I'm supposed to now allow Sarah to paint, because she has done such a good job....I'm all for that, when the time comes.
The room where the concrete floor was poured was also getting a new roof.
This is the floor finished and ready for children to be using.
On the road to Pachacutec. I guess this picture just slipped in, eh Chris????
Bea, Dianne and Marsha began teacher training today.
First they did some classroom observing.
The youngest children had school in the church, as their room was being painted.
Here is a classroom with kids having a snack.
I discovered today that the school has started a small cafeteria. Just this year.
Children come to Pastor Sergio's home and for 1 solas they can get rice and chicken and a drink.
One group went to the clinic today.
Our only day to do this.
This is a family that Carmen met there. She had the opportunity to pray with them. Neat.
A brand new clinic has been built where the old one stood (see 2012 and 2010 posts for that building).
This one opened in Nov 2013 and is VERY modern and VERY nice.
A part of the clinic with dentist facilities.
There are now 4 such clinics in the area.
A group also went to El Refugio orphanage/day care centre. Here's Brenda showing pictures to the children.
and playing with the children.
We also did a bunch of cleaning of the place.
You look excited to have your picture taken Mikayla. : )
The group with the Dr. of the clinic.
Back at the school.
Some children on lunch break who wanted their picture taken.
This is the cafeteria I was talking about.
Falicitas runs it.
Pastor Sergio's son has been visiting with his family for the past while, but today he was leaving to travel back to Chili to continue his studies to be a Doctor. I was asked to pray for/with him, which I really enjoyed doing. He's on my right.
Gigi, one of our translators, and second in command to Erin and Pepe now, decided it would be nice for me to have a picture taken by this sign. I think she just wanted to use my camera. : )
Break time for Gigi, Maria-Gracias, and Erin.
Cute children at El Refugio.
Apparently Samantha fainted while visiting in one of the homes today.
Don't worry John, she's fine, but will now eat a bit better and drink a bit more. Lesson learned. : )
Sarah and Silke finishing up the room.
The others moved outside to paint some walls.
Getting ready to put up the roof trusses.
The painting crew on the outside walls sanding. Very dusty work.
Back at El Refugio. Rachel enjoying her time with the children.
Sarah too.
Before we knew it, it was time for lunch.
During lunch a game of scrabble came out.
After lunch, it was time to once again welcome the children with various games.
Here's some catch going on.
And more frisbee.
Simon and Sandy brought their juggling balls. They are very good.
Hey, found your HAT!!!!!!!
A game of soccer broke out...go figure. :)
Face painting and the women's group met again as well, and at 2:45 pm we gathered everyone into the church to begin VBS. Quite a crowd. 90 children again today.
Gerry enjoying the songs again.
Drama time.
Robert in the thick of it again.
Game time.
A cute shot.
Today's craft completed.
While VBS was going on, the teaching of the teachers was also going on. We began this today and will do it tomorrow and Wednesday too. Bea walked through the fundamental of Christian education. Tomorrow I'll show a picture of how they lay it all out on the wall. Pretty Cool. Martin was very impressed with the quality of the teachers, and the material presented to them. The teachers seemed engaged and interested too. I'm so glad we were able to do this again this year.
VBS scripture memorization.
Colin...a bit overdone in the face painting department don't you think?
Sheldon helping out with craft time.
Annette and I sharing thoughts of the trip.
Rachel in her glory.
We had the animal balloon makers make balloon animals to hand out as prizes for the kids who did memory work.
Anika did a great job.
The final event of the VBS was to lead the kids out with the....hmmmm, what was it called now...I don't remember. But it involved a song, and all of us making a tunnel of sorts to go through. I got to lead the kids by dancing to a great tune. Was lots of fun.
Here they are leaving the building.
We were on the bus by 4:30 and home by 6 pm.
Time to grab a quick shower before dinner at 6:30 pm, or take a moment to read yesterday's blog entry.
Dinner is served. I had our cook explain our meal to us again. He's so shy. It's cute to watch.
The food was delicious again.
Again, Gigi go a hold of my camera and took SEVERAL pictures of me getting my lactose pills out.
Tonight is was rice, and mashed potatoes and vegetables and meat. Jello for dessert. Yummy.
Chris was part of group #4 to clean up after dinner. He was having a hard time doing it apparently. : ) Also it seemed like he was having a hard time just working. : )
I've asked Cindy to journal her week.
She's finding it hard, but doing ok. Right Cindy.... : )
After dinner we gathered in our large meeting room again to go over the schedule for tomorrow, then read more comments from all of you, and then to pray.
We had a wonderful time of prayer tonight.
Then it was time for our video blogs and to relax and go to bed. OR play some ridiculous game that I can't explain because it makes NO SENSE!! : )
I end the blog with Robert doing what he's been doing a lot of on this trip. Journaling. I hope to be able to read his journal at the end of our trip. We'll have to see.
So ends day 4. Tomorrow will be a long day, so the blog may not have as many pictures in it. We'll have to see.
Today was a GREAT day. Lots of neat little memories for everyone once again. The group is working hard, and it's an honour to be part of this experience once again.
The relationship that are continuing to be built are awesome to see.
Our translators are the BEST in the world, and fun to bug as well. We are truly blessed in many ways.
Now it's off to bed and soon it will be a new day.
Blessings to you all, and good night.
Glad you all made it safely.
I love reading the blog everyday, it is definitely the highlight of my mornings.
The cats are driving me absolutely crazy!!!! (but no fear mother dear, they are all still here.)
And the only thing I've broken since you've left is the dog leash so I think I'm doing alright.
Shoutout to my awesome sister. I'm so proud of you.
Keep up the good everyone! We're praying for you all. I look forward to hearing what today brings.
Wow lots of great bloging and dare a say striking good pictures of my husband, my only complaint is marsha there they is no pictures? Robert please don't let being Jesus for the day go to your head, although the coustume looked like king Harold, (hes the evil king)
Lucy Please o please rap for everyone your skills are amazing! Miss you hope your still singing and dancing well brushing your teeth.
Lori Anne as promised honestly I but a lot pd work it to it and Andrew you can't reuse of next Valentines day
Rose are red violetsbare blue my face is green when you fart - art
Gerry keeping smiling I love it
Jackie -yackie
In Roberts journal it just states what he did he doesn't but emotion to it, I love you Rob but your and engineer, he had 4 emotions
Happy when he finds out I did not leave a dirty dishes and I put them away
Sad when he. Finds out I'm joking, well I did some I'm not perfect,
Stressed when he finds out the gas bill came in this weekand angry when he finds out he has not more contacts cause that's what I throw out, he won't tell you but they are 7 years old and 4 prescriptions ago it's not bad
Robert Jackie is here with us so no more stuff should go missing for a few days. Jackie gets up at 5 just to see a picture of Robert apparently we have to wake up then to. The girl is obviously in LOVE still.
Hi Opa and Aunt Marsha and Uncle Gerry,
It looks hot in Peru - where is your hat Opa?
It was funny to see you high five the kids. Are you giving them peppermints too????
We pray that you continue to have a good time building relationship with the people in Pachecutec.
Nic & Evan
Love the blog! Thanks... it's great to see Laura doing the usual...painting! (She has painted most of our house too.) Take a good picture that you can do a painting of when you get back. You are all in our prayers every day. I am thankful for the opportunity for you all to have this experience... to be blessed and be a blessing. Pauline et al
Nice to see you all getting along. Even giving out hugs. I noticed that Chris B got hugs from married women. Was that was his parents had in mind? Where are the single girls?
Speaking of hugs, could someone hug my dear daughter Sarah H for me? And could someone hug Ron for me?
Katrina and I are enjoying the blog and praying for you all each day. Keep up the good work.
Hi Guys, so happy to see everyone working hard and loving every minute of it. It is so nice to be able to check in and see you all in the morning, thanks Ron! Brenda, we miss you and are relieved to see you haven't wandered off yet! Mom and Dad say hi. There is a nice thaw here today but tomorrow they are calling for 20cm of snow... nooooo
Praying for you all,
hey mother! hope your still having lots of fun! I've been studying all weekened and still today (exam tomorrow- thanks Karman! :P)
last night i got a nice little break from it though - james officially graduated and has his diploma! so i took him out for supper at a really nice little french restaurant by the chateau laurier - you would have loved it! food was amazing! nomnomnom
miss you && glad to see everyone is having a great time!
sarah & James
ps. rachel - just because i know this will make you laugh and no one else will understand - 2 things. first: loops go in a circle and second: i read books!
hope your having a great time! and can't wait to hear about it <3 love you long time!
Hello Mom (Brenda) and the Cornwall crew!
I've been following along reading and enjoying the pictures and stories of all you've done. Yesterday I made the mistake of clicking the 2012 blog link and it took until I noticed Brad in a picture for me to realize my mistake. Thought some of the pictures looking too familiar...
Anyway, all is well here. Mom, just wanted to let you know that my break was extended until thursday so Colby isn't too lonely while Dad's in tax land.
Keep up the great work!
Great blog so far but something is missing...spelling mistakes! You must have some good editors eh Ron?
Also missing are more pictures of AMY!
Praying for you all - especially for safety and health (Samantha did not look so good in that one picture).
I especially love the pictures of hugging the little children - so sweet.
Enjoy the warmth everyone, we apparently have more snow on the way tonight.
Blessings - Christine A
Nice pics, Chris! You're super!
I love you to the moon and back! xoxoxoxox
Hey that worked out better than I hoped! Let's try some more:
Chris likes getting is ears flicked when he is waking up.
Chris gets grumpy if you don't let him wash all the dishes.
Chris likes sharing his toothbrush.
Hey Sandy - missed you at hockey on Sunday, and I am afraid the season is over now.
Have a blessed day.
Hope everyone is doing well! Praying for you all everyday.Your doing such an awesome job with that paint brush my dear Nancy I'm going too let you paint the house this year haha.Had a couple of nice days weather wise but now we are in storm warning snow starting tomorrow afternoon 15-25 cm ugh winter go away.Garnet
Hey Momma!
Happy to hear that you all made it safely. I hope you are having a blast and an amazing time with all the kids. I wish I could be there with all of you, I miss Peru!
Oh and cool story.. A girl noticed me reading the blog in class this morning and asked me about. So I got to share my experience in Peru and show her the rest of the blog posts. She was really amazed.
I can't wait to hear all your stories when you get home.
Love and miss you,
Cindy - looking good with that braid and working on that journal :) Anika have you used up all 250 balloons yet ;) Liv asks about 10 times a day what you are doing and wants to know if there are any more pictures of you and Mom! We had sent a message yesterday but for some reason it never made it to you sorry about that! We love you both, are praying for you and the team, and are so glad to see everyone seems to be having a good time! We'll talk soon! Love Dad, Evan & Olivia
Ron: Oh, it's John again. If you're reading these out loud please do a quick check and see if Tobie is rolling her eyes? She is? Good. I was worried I was losing my touch.
Martin: Do I understand correctly that you've participated in drama? I think we need to see these latent gifts in action when you come back to Calvin.
Ron: I liked the response that Chris got when his mom mentioned his need for hugs. Have I mentioned that Ben is also very needy and is very likely at this moment suffering from a hug-deficit?
Sam! Please, no more laying down on the job.
Lucy: Rapping? really? How come I'm the last to know?
Annette: Try to get out of your shell and talk to some people while you're away.
Love you all. Keep up the good work.
Hi Brenda,
So glad to read of your adventure so far and see the great pictures of everyone. Praying that God will continue to use you mightily.
We all miss you at work. Quite a few patients have been asking about you. It has been so wonderful that everyone has been able to be part of your mission trip, in some small way.
Hi to LaurieAnn, Marsha, Gerry and Andrew as well! Nice to see all you smiling faces, in the pictures.
Hi All
Looks like everyone is jumping right in and enjoying every minute - every moment is special and memorable, savour it all - nice to see the upgrade to the clinic - Brenda, Colby is keeping your side of the bed warm -
Tell Sergio not to give pastor Steve a microphone, he took the churches mike home on Sunday and we looked all over for it, I guess it's in your blue bag Steve, said Sandra.
Hey all,
I hope you all are enjoying the heat! Right now I am really jealous because we are gonna get ten centimetres of snow tomorrow. And it sucks! Sarah, Laura, and Amy, I hope you guys are having a lot of fun, as I miss school because I have nothing to yeah. I thought of you guys while watching Tarzan, I know, why Tarzan? I ended up crying over it! was really upsetting! Once again, this is the kid from Britain, and you know who I am, at least I think you do, ha ha ha ha!!!!
Greetings from a Kanata-ite. It is neat to see you all hard at work. I wish I could have gone but I will have to experience your adventures through Ron's blog this time.
Ron, where are the photos of you working??
Mina, how are the showers??
Please give the ladies of Pachacutec a big hug from me.
Keeping you all in my prayers.
Marg Harris
Wow! Looks like an amazing week. The boys have been going through all the pictures and picking out the Cornwallians. They are delighted with every picture of daddy and chanting seems to break out in the house at every sighting.
Our honorary Peru trip member Suzie called tonight to check if I was lonely. She wanted to know how you were all doing and I told her a bit about the blog so well. She's coming over Thursday to see the blog and share a meal.
Anyhoo, we are praying for you together every day (a couple times a day!). We have a countdown to daddy's return...4 more sleeps! You may not be looking forward to the end of your trip but we can't wait!
Hugs and prayers from Marisa!!��❤
Hugs and prayers from Marisa!!��❤
The orphanage pictures made me cry!
Those little cuties..,
Thinking if you all. Love the blog,
Stay safe..
Tracy Bradley
Hi Sarah H and Dad! Hope you're having fun! Dad, I like your bracelet. I notice lots of people have them. Where did you all get them? Sarah you probably like yours. It's very pretty.
How hot is it there? It is starting to warm up here. It got up to +6 today. I miss you both so much!!!! Love you!!!
it continues to amaze me how full a day can be when you are doing something so wondourful for others... GORD K
Hugs and Hello to Cornwall Crew, and the rest of the troops. We think and pray for you daily, and know that this experience will once again change your lives, and the way you view things. We pray for strength and energy as you face your daily tasks, and put up with Brenda. You all are making such a difference in this difficult world, and we are so proud of you all for your passion and dedication. Bravo and blessings as your complete your journey. Safe travels. (Brenda: don't wander off. xoxoxox)
Hennie, Oma and Opa de Rooy
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