Saturday, August 8, 2009

KingdomBound 2009 - Sunday

Every other year, I offer our youth the chance to attend KindomBound (KB) in Darien Lake Theme Park. It’s one of the largest Christian Music Festivals in North America, going back 23 years. I found out about KB back in my Sarnia Youth Ministry days, and we’ve been going every other year ever since. I think this is my 7th time going.

Why go to KB? People go for different reasons. The roller coasters at Darien Lake Theme Park are certainly a big draw for young people. So would the use of the entire park (water park, etc) for 4 days, the excellent kids activities, and the many great bands that perform here.

Whatever the motivation, I find KB to be a first class organization that offers Christians who love music the chance to learn more about it. Just recently I discovered that KB has expanded what it offers here. In addition to the concerts (Newsboys, Hello Kelly, Micheal W Smith, and many others), it also offers training in the area of worship and sound equipment use.

Over the years I’ve come with both large and smaller groups, but all who come have a GREAT time and want to come back. This year is a small group of eight guys. We left on Sunday morning at 8:30 from my house in the RAIN. Graham and I drove and it pretty much rained from the time we left to just outside of Darien Centre (a 6 hour trip). And did it rain…….WOW.

We arrived at the theme park at 3:00 pm. The sun was just beginning to shine. After picking up my nephew at the entrance gate we were into the park to get our site. I was hoping for a flat site, but alas, we ended up on a bit of a slope. Getting my tent trailer level was a bit of a feat, but once done, Graham and the rest of us set up our site for the duration of our stay. It’s always fun setting up because everyone around you is busy like bees getting ready too. Lots of excitement with everyone eager to get into the park to get on those great roller coasters.

Before going into the park we had some dinner. As the boys went to the park, I cleaned up around the camp site and then I too went to check out the park. I don’t get as excited any longer about all the rides, etc. (getting too old you know), but I did manage to take in 3 roller coasters that I really like here. After that I went to the Performing Arts Centre and took in a Worship Service, had Communion, and listened to the beginning of Salvador, a GREAT band I'd never heard before.

At 10 pm, when the park closes, there’s a laser show put on by the park. I took that in as well. Pretty neat to see once a year : ) . Then it was back to the campsite and time to hear the stories from the others about what they did. It seems that they were able to get one ride in on all the roller coasters.

Everyone decided it was time to go to bed…(I like this group). We settled in and as soon as we were about to snooze off, the campsite next to us broke into worshipful song. A bit loud, but nice to go to sleep too. That ends day one of KB. Below are some pics of the day…enjoy.

Almost ready to leave. In the RAIN!!
It rained and it rained, and it rained all the way up there.
And it rained some more.......
Chris was getting excited to be going to KB09. He began to eat the Camera.
Zack decided to eat the bag of snack food, not what was inside the bag.....
Shawn decided to get some nap time in. Must be working to hard or something....
We stopped at our usual place. An Arby's on the way. Around here they have many horse and buggies, and here was their parking lot in the Arby's.
Traffic was very heavy on I-90.
Finally we arrived at the Kingdombound front gate. We picked up my nephew and we were soon heading towards our campsite.
In the background you can see the Superman Roller Coaster. That always gets the group excited.

Here we are setting up camp....well, everyone is watching Christopher do some work. Seems they were shocked he actually volunteered to do something and couldn't get their eyes off of him.

This is what he was doing.

A look at our campsite set up.
Here is where Graham and Micheal and Alex slept.
Our shelters kept the sun off of us, and the one time it rained too. Shawn is busy preparing our supper. Kyle and Zack on the wooden coaster, "The Predator." I don't like that one. Chris is pumped.
The "Superman." The most popular ride in the park. Also the fastest and smoothest roller coaster I've ever been on.
The tallest too.
Here's a pic of Kyle and Chris on The Superman. Looks like they are having fun.
Here's Shawn and Zack too.
...and Michael and Alex.
Chris gets really crazy on rides, as you can see.
Here's "The Mind Eraser" Coaster.
You do several loops and your feet are dangling. No floor support.
Here's the main stage called the Compassion Tent. It's covered.
I listened to a band and then had communion. A small crowd was gathered for this event.
Inside our trailer, just about to go to bed.
Kyle was just about to go to sleep. He didn't like me taking this bad, eh!!!

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