Before I get to the events of Thursday, let me tell you about Wednesday evening and Thursday morning, and FINALLY REVEAL to you who the practical jokers towards me were (yes, they couldn't keep it a secret any longer). After our mentor meeting and putting everyone to bed, Shellie, Rey, Tamara and myself spent some time unwinding and reflecting....(I was TRYING to get my blog entry done earlier, but it didn't work, hence the 3:3o am entry).
I heard during this time that the whole mentor group was picking straws to see who would get up in the middle of the night to perform the last practical joke on me.
Well, after posting the blog, FINALLY, I decide to change my sleeping location yet again....gotta keep those jokesters on their toes you know. :) I moved from the balcony down to the stage area behind the chalk board. I did that because the two jokers knew where I was sleeping and I didn't want them to pour water or anything on me in the wee hours of the morning.
I fell asleep for about 2 hours but was awoken by sounds on the stage of the sanctuary. It was Alex wandering around and checking out the drums (yes, he did play them too : ( ) I yelled his name and he almost fell out of his skin. I think he thought it was GOD talking to him telling him to leave the sanctuary, which he did very quickly : )
Apparently later on when I was reading a portion during Shellie's talk time and being GOD, Alex broke out into great laughter....he recognized my voice from earlier and yes, it WAS God talking to him..... : )
Well, after the day was over, and we had a small mentor's gathering to figure out who was going home when, I picked out the two culprits, and guess what, I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG. The two who are guilty of all of these antics were Elysha and Joanna. Ha, BUSTED!
It was an honor and privilege to be part of such a great scheme, (and even more fun getting them back on Tuesday night when I wasn't in my room. They were VERY mad that I outsmarted them.....).
Now, everyone except me was in the know. Even parents who were reading the blog apparently knew too. You helped make SERVE09 more fun, and you didn't damage anything or hurt anyone, and those are the kind of practical jokes that have lasting positive memories.....but as I told Joanna......if it's not you, I'll apologize on the blog to you, but if it is you, I'll find a way to get to your home and get you back. Take my word for it, if I can, I will be coming when you LEAST expect it....
So, I will also do what I promised Hannah and Chris. I will apologize to them for accusing them (even though I knew it wasn't them). Hannah certainly has it in her to do these sorts of things.....she gets it from her father (Sorry John).
So, Hannah and Chris....I'M SOOOOOOOOO SORRY I THOUGHT IT WAS YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU !!!!! I hope you can forgive me....and in case you can't, well, God tells you you need to !! : )
Now, on to the final day's events.
Did we do okay Shona?
One of our mentor Mom's took it upon herself to make three cakes. Here is the second one.
The final one. GREAT JOB Wendy !!!!!!!
Here Shona in her GLORY! : ) Happy Birthday!!!!
After lunch it was goodbye time for the participants. Everyone was gone by 12:30 ish and then it was time to bring Calvin CRC back to its normal state of being. : ) Here's Harold taking down our community collage.
Vacuuming needed to be done.....
As well as sweeping....interesting that Annette is working and Joanna is just WATCHING!!!!! (Tee, hee). We also cleaned up the stage, put all the craft supplies away, brought the extra food to Jericho Road and cleaned up the kitchen. I have some last minute cleaning to do with all the stuff that ended up in the youth room, but that's for next week.
Eventually we got the church cleaned up. The mentors departed for the most part, and the planning team took some time to relax at Harold and Bea's home. Soon we were all off for home. Everyone made it home safely but there was some excitement in getting Elysha and Melissa to the train station. I got them there literally as the train was pulling in. I should check my watch better : ). Seems that they weren't destined to get home quickly and the train was stopped due to a gas leak. Thankfully the delay wasn't long enough to prevent them from connecting in Toronto and getting home about midnight.
So, another SERVE is completed. The halls of Calvin are quiet right now. Though I'm glad it's over, I'm sad it had to end. I look back on what has taken place and I am humbled by how our participants can teach all of us so much about life and living.
I'm doubly honored at our mentors who have come here, some twice, and spend 24/7 with their participants. Some participants being easy going, and others, well, not so. I would be lying if I didn't say that some of our mentors had some difficult times during the week, but they always prove to be GREAT learning experiences for life and those are priceless moments that we need to embrace. I hope they have.
Thanks also to the group who came from my youth group as mentors. You did AWESOME and I saw much maturity and growing during your week as mentors. Thanks for stepping up, and thank you parents for letting them come.
Four final notes:
1. Pictures will be coming to all you participants and mentors via the internet. I will need the email address of each participant's parents ( I have all the mentor's email addresses) so if you could send me yours at sometime soon, you'll be getting instructions on how to download them in about 3 weeks.
2. The Video's will be coming in about 3 months.
3. One final blog entry will happen next week sometime. Something of more of a reflective note, with an ode to the practical jokers and Shellie. Stay tuned.
4. I often wonder about the impact we have when we hold a SERVE like this one. I received an email from a parent and I've included it below. It reminds me of why we do this. If any of you other parents of participants would like to offer your thoughts about this SERVE program, we'd love to get them from you so I can share them with the planning team and use them to promote this SERVE next year to new folks who may be wondering about it.
Please send any thoughts or comments to Thanks.
........and yes, we are still in discussions about next year's possible SERVE.....we'll let you know in October.
So, I end today's blog entry with the words of Shawn's mother.........(I hope you are ok with me sharing them...).
. . . Being a parent of a serve participant, we so much appreciate all the very many people who make this mission trip happen. Whenever a missionary comes to speak at our church, or a mission group goes off to do what the Lord needs them to do, our adult child turns to us and says, "my Ottawa too?". For a person with disabilities to go on a mission trip and be able to minister to others is such a wonderful thing. As a parent, it makes me cry with thankfulness and joy. I too, hope that there will be more Serve opportunities across this beautiful country of ours.
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