With that done, let's move on to the day's event. It will be a picture diary once again. I awoke at 8:15 ish this morning. Fever mostly gone, voice mostly gone still too. Once I dressed, brushed my teeth and walked out of my office to face the masses.....what did I first see......
Tamara, looking her finest. (tee, hee)
As breakfast was being readied several of the group began playing with lego blocks. We have LOTS of them around right now.
See, more lego building blocks. Some pretty cool stuff was made.
Here are Melissa and Jodi getting ready for the day.
This was, well, just a goofy picture of Rosalynn in the fore and Megan in the back ground. Neither of them know how to pose for a picture.
Here are Caitlin and Nick and Taurie waiting VERY patiently for breakfast to be served.
After breakfast it was time to get ready for church. We all wore our brown SERVE T-Shirts today. We also helped with greeting and ushering. Here are about 8 of us standing in line to greet. A bit intimidating maybe. More like a receiving line for a wedding or something : ) .
Annette looks pumped to help as an usher, but I DON'T think Shona is at the moment.
Amy certainly was happy to meet new people today.
Worship began at 1o am. With a full church we began our worship time. This always brings several of our participants to the front to assist the praise team. Rey can't get away with not being up there either.
We raised the roof with praising God this morning. The singing was awesome. Doesn't everyone look great so color matched and all?
Shellie gave another great talk today for us. After that Rey and Joy and Adam shared with us a commissioning litany to send us out into the week. I was supposed to say some words too, but my voice was just not up for it. I think that's the first time that's ever happened to me. I'm hoping it's the last too.... : (
After church we handed out little Lego pieces to those leaving church. We then spent time fellowshipping together and prepared for lunch.
I set up my computer in the fellowship hall for people to read the blog if they wanted to. To my amazement there have been people doing just that : )
It seems that the theme of "Extreme Homemakeover" is popular with more than just our group. Ethan wouldn't leave the table of machines and vehicles. It was neat to watch.
Then, it was time for lunch. We all settled down to another delicious meal (well, at least most of us thought it was. It seems that some of us here have pretty picky pallets at times).
Last year I mentioned to you that there is one family that likes to eat sandwiches with a knife and fork. Well, Evert didn't disappoint me yet again. Here he is using his knife and fork to eat hamburger and a bun. Annet and Margaret wouldn't do it for me this time.
Others of the group fellowshipping together. I don't think Jovita likes getting her picture taken.
Hmmm, this picture took me a bit of time to consider if I should say anything about the picture or not. That facial expression is just inviting me to say something, BUT, it's Foo, Foo, so I'll resist....THIS TIME!!!
After lunch it was time to take a shower. Some of us went to Redeemer High School and others to various homes. We who went to Redeemer fondly remember the COLD showers we had last year on Sunday. Shawn certainly remembered. He talked about it all the way to Redeemer. I don't think he was looking forward to that moment where once again that COLD water would splash on him.
I decided to take a shower first and warm it up for him, and that seemed to help. We all finished in RECORD time compared to the girls. Thankfully their showers began to get cold, so they went faster.
After the showers it was off to Baseline bus station to take the OC Transpo downtown. Quite a site seeing 47 brown shirts on the bus. Most loved the ride, but this driver was a bit fast on the brakes. You really had to hold on if you were standing.
Then form a line and begin the 5 minute walk to Parliament hill. I ran ahead because we had a booking for 2:15 pm tour of centre block, and if we missed it, it would end up costing us $100. We were 15 minutes late, but we were good to go.
Alex is a real card. Here he posed for me in mid air.
Once at parliament hill, it was time to get in line for the security machines we had to pass through in order to get into the building. It took a bit of waiting.
During that waiting time Elysha (at least I think it's Elysha. Can't tell behind those BIG sunglasses of hers) decided to pose for the camera.
Oh, and I should make an apology at this time to Elysha and her group. Apparently I was RIGHT in the fact that her team won everything yesterday. Sorry about simply THINKING I was right. I actually WAS !!
Friendship continue to be made in the group.
Here we lined up to get into the parliament buildings. It took WAY to long.
Once inside, we waited some more for our guide to come. Here Melissa and Jodi get better acquainted.
Eventually our tour guide arrived and walked us through the various parts of centre block. I didn't show you many pictures because you'll have to simply come to Ottawa in person to take the tour yourself.
Here is the House of Commons.
Here is the Library. Very nicely ornate.
Hmmmm, I wonder what Stacy and Amy are looking at?
After the tour it was out to the back of the building to look at the stray cats that are housed and taken care of. Always enjoyed by the group.
Then it was time for a group photo on the steps. I'm not in this picture....
I was forced to be in this one, however.. . . ..
As we were travelling back home, 90 % of the group packed into the first #95 that came to the bus stop. 4 of us took the next bus and it was mostly empty. I heard nothing but complaining after we got off the bus.....go figure......
Once home, we were greeted to the smells of dinner being prepared by more wonderful volunteers.
After supper there was about 1 hour down time. I went home for bit to see my family, and the rest of the group relaxed, slept, or prepared a rock garden in the front of my office door (see pictures near the end for more details.).
At 7 pm we gathered together again for worship and "Shellie time". More wonderful songs of praise and worship.
Here are two participants expressing their love for music and praise to God in their own unique way.
Chris joined the praise group tonight. Thanks for coming out Chris.
Shellie gave another GREAT talk. She has to learn the difference between peanuts and nuts and bolts, but other than that, she was AWESOME!!!
After our worship time, it was small group time. We had LOTS of fun again tonight.
We drew great pictures showing life before and after our extreme heart makeover. We have some budding artists in the group for sure.
Then it was time to get our hands dirty. We made junk sculptures using lots of household junk and glue guns.
Caitlin had a GREAT time during small group time.
Alex had an AWESOME time as you can tell.
Some of the end results. Shawn's masterpiece.
Rebecca did an awesome job too. I THINK Megan and Rosalynn did some of the work too, but I'm not sure. : )
There isn't much place to hang our wet towels, so any railing in the church becomes a clothes line.
The rooms are progessively getting messier, and well, how shall I say this poetically......more pungent!!!!! Seems that the boys are having farting contests in their room.....and you wonder why they are complaining about the musty smell.......go figure... : )
Oh, and this brings me to the final event of the evening. After our mentor meeting, I just had to take this picture. While I was gone to see my family, SOMEONE(S) decided to show me the way to may office. The plot thickens. My money is still on Hannah for ALL of this, but you know, it could be othes in the group. Seems like the Bible is their motivation as well, as the next picture will show you......
A time for WAR is the yellow sticky. On Shellie's door is says, "A time for PEACE".....hmmm, not sure why I got the WAR one.
This morning's breakfast devotions were from 1 Peter.....and stones.....I just hope Rey doesn't talk about swords and slaying any wild beasts or anything, or I think I'll be in BIG TROUBLE!!!!
So, there you have our day in a nut shell. It was a good day. We are all tired, and everyone went to be very quickly. Thank you Lord for the great weather today. A far cry from yesterday.
It has been great to watch the mentors and participants getting along so well. All are relating with each other and getting to know each other better.
Tomorrow we begin our work sites. I'll share with you about those tomorrow evening.....if I'm around to do that.
Voice is still not there, and fever comes and goes, but those might be the least of my worries........
Until Monday evening then............................
Great pictures and it looks like all are having a great time!
For Melissa-
Braydon says hi and he misses you.
Enjoy the rest of the week -
Love - the rest of your family.
Thanks for the great blog. Lots of pics!! Looks like everyone is having a good time and working hard. Special hello to the Ingersoll team. Hope you bring back lots of stories to share.
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