On arriving in Pachecutec, one of the first businesses you'll see is a shop with Internet access. It seems so incongruous that people with such limited means would choose to spend resources on getting to the Internet. Also, interestingly, I've not seen a computer with an operating system newer than Windows 98 since I got here.

Hello all. Well, the end of a VERY long day as I sit here on my balcony with Pepe at my side. It’s 11:50 pm and I’ll do my best to give you a run down of our day, but forgive me if I misspell or sound a bit off. I’m tired, as is the rest of the team.
Today was our last day in Pachecutec. It was a whirlwind day. Lots of emotions, and lots of activity. Our breakfast and bus ride were as usual. Today we finished off the roof of the church, and continued working on the concrete floor in one of the classrooms. It was hot work. Lugging all that sand up the sandy hill. Some of us were feeling the strains of the work. Ken had to sit down a couple of times, and Rosalynn was barred from working because she was falling asleep standing up. John on the other hand was lifting huge loads of sand bags. I guess he missed his basket ball practice that day and was making up for it. I did find him sleeping on a bench after lunch, snoring away. Marg has had about enough of that pain in her foot. Just doesn’t seem to be getting any better, but I’m not surprised because she worked this week like she didn’t have a foot issue to begin with. We all hope things improve for her after she returns. I commend her for her stamina, stubbornness, and the ways in which she was able to connect with certain people of the church this week.
I worked today as well, just in case you were all wondering. Lifting bags of sand, but not near the weight of John. It was not easy at times, but it was doable. Wilma was again just a fountain of positiveness. She is having back issues, and when she heard she was going to be doing construction she had Carmen tape her up. Even though Carmen is a nurse, Wilma was giving instructions. Wilma lifted lots of water to the top of the hill, and always with a smile.
We mixed concrete as well. Holly was really into the work today. She helped with the sand and then mixed lots of concrete. She was VERY happy to being doing construction. She hadn’t done any yet, and was hoping to do some today. It was a pleasure to see her working so hard. Her shoes, though, looked a bit too clean, so I helped her break them in by placing a wonderfully messy shovel full of concrete on her feet. For some reason, she didn’t seem to like that.
I was going to write a separate blog about her and Leah, but quite honestly, I’m just too tired. Sorry about that Schofields and Gordon. Leah was feeling quite good today. She was perky, and yes, even annoying. That means she’s feeling good.
Cindy did good today, but wasn’t feeling that well. Kevin too had to take it easy again today. 2 gravols do make one sleepy, so I found him on the concrete floor in the library resting comfortably. Carmen was keeping vigil over him and the others.
Jeremy, well, he just did his thing. He often observes whether I’m working or not, and makes comments about my lack of effort, or my effort. I love that man!! : )
Kellina and Wilma were having lots of fun mixing concrete today. They just shoveled and chatted, and shoveled and chatted. It was amazing to watch.
The group that went to the orphanage ended up giving 5 quilts for the kids there. The highlight for them was feeding the kids and then singing songs in Spanish for the children and having the children join in as well. They also had the chance to meet a seniors group that meets there. This group has no family or relatives any longer. They were able to sing Spanish songs with them too.
The home visiting group had a good day as well. We have found that many families are giving us small gifts from their possessions as we visit them. Bracelets, purses, and other things. Truly humbling for those who receive them.
After our lunch we held our VBS again.We began with sports again. A great soccer game took place today again. Christian and Kellina squared off and we witnessed some great competition. Christian was impressed at how Kellina could body check him out of the way so often. I think he was surprised at her skill level, until we mentioned to him that she plays high level soccer in
We often had to stop because a MOTO was coming up or down the road. They don’t stop for us, so we have to watch out.
Today we had 135 kids. Ines did her usual great job of singing with the kids, along with our group. We had one drama today, about Jesus washing the disciples feet. Then we sang the kids a Spanish song as a group, complete with actions, well, except for Harold. He held the paper : ) The kids really enjoyed it.
Then it was craft time. We had so many kids we ended up only doing two crafts today, not three, to enable every child to be able to do one. Again, they were GREAT, and I commend the craft people for all that they have done. Near the end of the craft time we began to corral the children in the upper level of the property and set up tables. We were about to give them a meal.
Let me back up by saying that last night many of our group traveled to a local supermarket and we purchased the bread, jam, chocolate milk, cookies and apples we needed for the meal. We used the peanut butter we brought with us. We then took that to Patchecutec and just after lunch several people prepared the sandwiches to serve to the children.
They lined up after craft time and we served them all. I hadn’t planned on 135 kids, but we came close in what we could give them. Most of them got something. It was neat to watch the process unfold and to be able to serve just one meal that the kids might not normally get. You’ll have to ask the team members how they felt about doing this when they return.
Once this was done, we moved back into the library with members of the church for a goodbye ceremony. Sergio gave us parting words of encouragement, and then the children of the church did some FANTASTIC music and drama presentations. VERY talented, and very inspiring to watch. They also gave us all hand made gifts personalized for each of us.
We were able to bless them with the quilts and the suitcases of clothing. Sergio was very thankful for the items, and will use them for his church and to serve others who may need assistance.
I was asked to pray for Sergio’s wife who is pregnant, which I gladly did. It was neat to see the love for God in the eyes, and voices of those in that time. They are spiritually rich, even though they are not materially rich, and that’s something we could all pause and take time to contemplate.
Then it was time to say goodbye. Most of the kids had left, but some hung around to say goodbye, and the church kids and adults did say goodbye. It was a touching time of mixed emotions. It rained in Patchecutec today (tears), right Ashlyn : ) and Bethany, and others.
I had to be that bad guy again by pushing people onto the bus. I don’t always like doing it, but we had to get going. It was 5 pm already and we had other things to get done that evening.
All in all, up to this point, the day had been hectic and busy for Pepe and I. Trying to be flexible with the team as their emotions went up and down, and trying to keep order in what we were doing, and trying to stay on a N.A. schedule in a Peruvian culture. It all worked out, but by the time I got on the bus, I was feeling the most exhausted of all the days there.
As we drove home, we processed out emotions, and then I allowed something that proved to be a great way to ease all those tensions and feelings. Colin and Kellina both started a water fight on the bus. Pepe and Luis made sure to stay out of it, but boy the others on the bus got VERY wet. Nick was in there like crazy as was Jeremy, Christopher and others. I had to get Ruth and Bethany after the fact, because they managed to stay very dry. Cindy and Kellina and Christian got VERY wet in the second round, as did some of the more daring translators. It was LOTS of fun, and a good way to move the mood from somber to something bearable. It was interesting to note that some struggled with using our water for a water fight, knowing that during the week we needed that water to survive on. More things that we need to process that maybe we didn’t think we would when we entered this mission trip.
Back at the Hostel the cooks were waiting for us. We had a special meal tonight of rice, French fries, beef and onions and peppers. It was VERY good. After the meal we gave our translators and Pepe some gifts as thank you’s for their great work with us during the week. I then handed out 1 Peruvian beer each to the adults (19 and older) as a thank you for putting up with my pushing them hard all day, and coca cola for the others. The adults were VERY thankful for that.
We then held our final video session with our groups. Some great comments came out tonight. All good stuff.
Then came to final event of the mission trip portion of our trip. We sat down and wrote comments to each other on sheets of paper. John read some blog comments and I downloaded all the pictures from the other camera’s, so I can sort through them and give them to the team eventually. They will be able to get John’s great pictures as well, and they should then have TONNES of memories of the trip.
Pepe also handed out the soccer
So, we draw the mission experience to a close now. Tomorrow we become tourists for the day. We leave the hostel at 9”45 am so we get to sleep a little longer this time, well at least they all do : )
It has once again gone very fast, but it has been a good week. I have enjoyed our week together. We all have many experiences tucked away in our hearts now, and we will never forget what we have experienced in this wonderful country of
I thank Pepe and his translators, and Erin for all their hard work. So much we did not see, but all of it helped to make our experience here wonderful. I’ll write some more reflective thoughts in a final blog entry on Monday, and there will be one more at some point on the travels home, so don’t stop reading the blog just yet.
Blessings to you all, and it’s time to get some sleep.
I just wanted to share that one of the first things one of the ladies in Pachecutec asked me the first day we arrived was "not to forget them". She was so intense and passionate about this and I just wanted to share that memory with you. It is such a blessing that you all went back to Pachecutec and that they know they are not forgotten after we go back to our daily routine back in Canada. It is so amazing to see all the pictures and to recognize some of the children.
luv Lynda
Our thoughts are of and with you as you go through the difficult process of wrapping up and saying your goodbyes. For our part,we look forward to your safe return.
Cindy, it was so good to see you on the bus as the last we had heard was that you and Holly were feeling off a bit. Also, you may not know, but, Heather wrote you a message at the bottom of the February entry of Ron's blog site where it shows two comments posted. Heather posted it there on March 13. Love ya Cindy. Thanks, Kellina, for taking good care of her.
Blessings to all for a well deserved rest, and a refreshing Friday.
Peter and Yvonne
Wow, what a great life experience for all.I check on you each day Ron.... (you haven't changed a bit). Your list is taped on the steering wheel of the old van... I drive over 2 hrs each day in quiet mode. may see you Ap22. blessings to all. brother sandy
Greetings everyone!
I'm sorry I haven't had time to read all that has been going on for you, but I find the pictures very entertaining. Good job with the camera, by the way. I approve of the quality of those photos! It looks like everyone is having loads of fun serving God and others. I wish I could be there with you! And I want to say that I love you Cindy and that it's so nice to see you in a few of those pictures. And Kevin, I hope you're having a great time too!!
~ Jeannine
ALLO!ALLO! im so excited about this whole blog dealy! i dunno if beth is still with you guys but if she is then tell her ive been a good little prayer partner, and id like to give a big shout out to all ma peeps from youth, and an especially big hug towards ashlyn and holly! i love you guys! and i hope you didnt forget to say hola to mailynn and susanna and antony!!! i wish you guys the happiest of moments while youre there!... and when youre back of course! love shanon fitzgerald all the way from calgary! ;)
way to go guys!
you clearly were blessed by the holy spirit - and good elbow grease plus strong backs
we are going to be +3 C tomorrow - to celebrate your return !
God Bless
How do you spell tomato?
We all love you Ron and are taking up a collection to get you some English lessons when we get home.
Ken & Colin
Hello everyone. What a wonderful thing you have done this week for the people of Pachecutec!!!!!!!!. so much work and so much joy. The Lord has truly blessed these people with all of you. Have a safe trip home. Can't wait to see you tomorrow. Kim
Hope you're feeling o.k. Ken!!
What a wonderful Thursday you all had. I'm sure your Friday was also enjoyable, in a different sort of way. Hope you all get some sleep on the plane so that you will be awake enough to recognize your loved ones. :)
We are looking forward to your return.
Love, Joycegina
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