Saturday, March 8, 2008

Saturday Morning Early

Saturday morning 5: 15 am.

Everyone is tucked into bed and enjoying some rest. It’s humid here at the moment. You could feel it right after getting off the plane. We arrived in Lima at 2:35 am.

The plane ride went very smoothly. The food was good, the movies ok, and not too much turbulence. Everyone got some sleep, (even Christopher, dear). Just before we landed, someone on the plane started a pillow fight with Hannah B. I’m not going to say who that was, but boy did a group of people ever beat me up after I started it (oops). Lots of fun though.

Going through customs was no problem at all and only two people had to have their bags x-rayed. The system for that is that you go to the customs agents, you hand in your final customs papers, and then you push a button. If the color that comes up is green, you are free to go through, if it comes up red, you must have your bags x-rayed, and maybe searched. Very random, and very interesting to watch.

Everything was coming back to me again. The sights and sounds of the country. The smells. And of course, meeting my good friend Pepe once again. He hasn’t changed a bit. He says I haven’t either.

We loaded onto the bus (after a small group of girls went for a pee break in the airport) and headed for the hostal. I drove with Pepe in his brand new used car he just obtained. He had some room assignment homework for me to do, as the hostal changed things aaround on him.

It just so happens that the couples whom I tried to get to sleep together, well, are not together any longer. There were some resigned kisses of goodnight, and all went off to bed.

The Hostel is a very nice place. It’s clean, but the rooms are smaller than last time. I think they’ve doubled and tripled up in some places. It’s three floors high. No fans or much room ventilation, but being so tired means that people will pretty much sleep anyway. Some rooms have a bathroom in their room, others have to travel a bit into a common area for theirs.

We are very close to the ocean. We can see it from the front of the hostel. There is a park there, which we will use sometimes during the time we are here.

Well, we don’t quite have internet connectivity yet. I need John B to get me that. He’s the technical expert on this trip. Once I do have it, however, you will be seeing these blog entries, with some pictures as well.

Hope you in Ontario aren’t having to dig out too much. We are not thinking about all that snow at the moment, but are thinking of all of you. More to come about our Saturday soon.

TTFN for now.

Stay tuned because pictures will be added to these blogs this evening


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates Ron, it is fun to read. Make sure you take a break from blogging and get a bit of sleep yourself!

PS Tell Wil she is looking good.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dad,

I love the entries and pictures on the blog. We are having snow(a lot). We have been shoveling and are not stuck in the house. We hope you are safe and have a good time.

PS Bring back some sunshine please.

Yvonne said...

We were tracking your flight. Seem to be over the ocean awhile.
We have so much snow, and we do not know where to put it all. Would rather be down south right now. Church is cancelled tomorrow morning as the parking lot has not been plowed yet.
Blessings to you all.
We love you Cindy XOX

Anonymous said...

Hi Ron:

Looks very nice down there. 37cm. of snow so far and still another 15-25cm. more to come up here!!! Thanks so much for this blog. It's great to see everybody, especially my husband!! By the way, can you tell him I miss him alot and love him. Thanks,