Just thought you might like to know some interesting facts about the upcoming Peru Mission trip.
1. 26 participants are going this time around
2. We are going to the same place as we did in 2006. Patchecutec. They are excited about seeing us again.
3. While there we will be:
- Working on the church
- Painting
- Pouring concrete on floors
- Doing Vacation Bible School
- Visiting families in the area
- Visiting a medical clinic
4. We leave from Ottawa on Friday for a 1 hour flight to Toronto. From Toronto it's a 7 hour direct flight to Lima, arriving at 1:00 AM Saturday morning. We stay for 7 days and leave again at 1:00 am Saturday,
March 15th.
5. This year we have a mixture of ages. About 1/2 younger people, and 1/2 adults.
6. We have several parent/child relationships going as well.
7. We have several participants going who are not from Calvin CRC. They
come as friends of friends, and we welcome them to the team.
8. Our fundraising efforts have been successful, for which we are
thankful. Here's how it broke down:
Total Needed to Raise = $1895.oo CND x's 26 = $49,270
Personal Funds given = $21,535 - 43.7 %
Fundraising amount = $ 12,454 - 25.28 %
Funds given to individuals from letter writing = $6920 - 14 %
Mission Funds reserve applied to Young People = $5966 - 12.1 %
Collection from Calvin CRC = $2253 - 4.5 %
Young People Funds already raised = $823 - 1.7 %
Total Raised: $49,981
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