Friday, March 9, 2018

Care Packages 2018

In February we once again held our Care Package preparation evening.  Our youth group prepares them. 
  We prepared 144 care packages this time around.  

Last year we did 120.  
We always start by laying them out and putting the bigger items in first.  
Craft Dinner is always a hit.  : )  

Cards are also prepared to put into the boxes. 
Kendra is deciding what to put in the card for a saying.  
I provided many different options.  

They work faithfully on the cards.  

Thomas got the job of putting soap into the zip loc bags.  

Kyra was putting things on the outside of the wrapping paper. 
Went above and beyond the call. Wrote all kinds of jokes on her wrapping papers.  Some of them were even funny.  : ) 

We had some Congregational help as well this time. I am hoping this becomes a more intergenerational event as time goes on.  
Annet and Evert joined us.  

As well as Jack (camera shy : ) ) and Mary and Phil. 
Thanks for coming to help us out.  

Lots of things to unwrap and sort through.  

Tried to get a pic of Gillian...

....but ELLA got in the way.  Noting unusual there.  : ) 

Slowly the boxes are filled with the different items.  
Thomas doing some acrobatic moves to get the soaps in the boxes.  

Lots of creativity goes into every portion of the box creation. 

I think Scott pondered a while over every wrapping sheet he did.  : ) 

Kyra just kept writing joke after joke after joke.  : )

Sorting out the smaller items. 

Karlena is having fun. 
She has a vested interest in this, seeing as how she will also be getting one of the boxes.  : ) 

Counting out the candies.  

And pens. 

I see Lennea is working hard.  : )

Nice hand made card for the boxes. 

This is getting more complicated it seems.  : ) 

Thomas on a new mission.  Post it notes to go into the boxes. 

We had good donations again this year.  

The Cong donated and some cash donations enabled us to purchase more items this year.  
THANK YOU to all who donated this year.  

Love the look of all those boxes being filled.  

Close up of what is going in them.  

Card people still hard at work..  

Evert is getting creative too. 

Oh, and Peter came by to help out as well.  

Getting to the wrapping stage.  
The tape was well, substandard.  : ) 

Final fill and then seal them shut.  

Nicolette and Caralynn starting the wrapping process.  

Peter was a master at wrapping.  : )

Takes time to do 144 boxes.  

The last few ready to go.  

1.5 hours later...voila.  
We are done. 
And for those of you who know Phil, you will see he has a twin brother we knew nothing about.  : ) 
He's at the left standing up, and his brother seems to be on the right sitting down. 
Very interesting. : ) 

The group who helped make this possible. 
Thanks for all your help, and thanks again for all those who donated.  

These two were just standing there, so I took their picture. Oh, and yes, Janene (left) came to help out as well.  
I have no idea what was so funny, but Phil Knows.  
That's all that mattered.  : )

The end result. 
144 care packages. 
about 30 of them went to Calvin YA folks and out of town students, and the rest to the Ottawa Campus Chaplaincy at Ottawa U. 
We hope those who receive them are blessed. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is a very wonderful initiative that enable skills give a sense of help. From the work done I have learned more about team work and how much few things can build strong relation. And I wish to participate in the next package. Keep it up