Friday, March 16, 2018

An Apology from Dianne from Ron

Some of you who are avid blog readers may have noticed that the blog failed to post early this morning. 

Dianne was our author today, and she did an awesome job of preparing the blog.  

No Ellipses. 
No grammar errors that WE could find. 
Correct punctuation!
No speling Errors.  
Which some of you will applaud and notice. : ) 

However, it must have been the time of morning, or the interruptions she received while attempting to write the blog (names have been omitted to protect the guilty), but once the blog was saved Dianne closed up the computer and realized she didn't publish it.  

She COULD have woken me up to get it published, but decided to fret and worry the whole evening instead.  Go figure.  : ) 

When I woke up this morning at 6:30 am Dianne was frantic.  : ) 

But with a few clicks of the computer, the blog was up and ready for you to enjoy.  We apologize for any angst this may have caused you.   : ) 

Brenda is my group leader and she gives us CHOCOLATE and  an encouraging thought every day (I LOVE Brenda!) and today's thought says:

My Child, 
You worry too much....
I've got this, remember? 
Love God.  

How appropriate. : ) 

Enjoy the blog, and keep your comments about it coming. We really enjoy hearing from you. 

Blessings to you all.  


Nancy Waldroff said...

So............. As I read and look at the pictures my heart overflows with love. Oh how I miss being there! So happy to see you all doing what our father loves to see you all doing. Keep it up. Sending prayers for continued health, safety and whatever else is needed. God knows,Loves,and provides.

Keep the pics coming, and I will keep the kleenex near as it "Rains"!

lots and lots and lots of love,


Hennie said...

After some tense but patient coaching from Brenda's daughter Brittany(Ryan's wife) I think I have this thing mastered and now I can reach out to you. I am walking your path thru all of these beautiful pictures (can you bring me home that doggy?) and stories. How amazing your adventure is! I honor and admire you all for what you are doing with these beautiful gentle people and pray that these blessings will come back onto you could they not? I am so very proud of my Cornwall people and their Ottawa "family" for what you stand for and what you are doing. But I must question why Brenda never gives me chocolate...and are those my long lost running shoes that she is wearing;) Blessings to you all and I will try to reach out again before you all head home. is minus 10 here today:S

Hennie said...

Oh my goodness...I almost forgot! Opa and oma send their love and prayers and also request that you all look after our Brenda and don't let her wander off:)

Brittany Tinkess said...

I think it's ironic that I was able to help Aunt Hennie and Dad get their comments up, but mine still got lost in translation. Ah well. Hopefully I can remember what I wanted to convey.

Dianne, I hope you didn't lose too much sleep! I thoroughly enjoyed hearing your narrative and I'm sure it took quite awhile to get through the blog. Thanks to you and Ron for putting together another picture of what you all have been up to for us to enjoy! It always gives me flashbacks to our Cornwall VBS programs when I see you rocking that beard haha.

Lori Ann, I just wanted to say that I was thinking of you already this morning before I had even seen this post. I was out walking the dog (yes Ryan, she's been well attended to) and was wondering if and when you'd be able to meet up with Crystal. I had no idea there was a good chance you weren't going to see her, but it absolutely made my day to see the picture of you both. I hope this made any nerves and indecision regarding the trip well worth it! Lots of love.

Mom, I have to say, I am very impressed that you were able to hold your own up there dancing with those fine gentlemen. In all honesty, loved seeing the home visit pictures of you and a new friend. I'm looking forward to hearing more about that story, but love seeing the connection through pictures in the meantime.

Rye-guy, just wanted to say that I've spoken with your family and everyone says hi :) I loved seeing the pics of you playing soccer (although it appears you were using the sand hills to your advantage...cheater) and spending time with the kiddos. I hope you're enjoying these moments as well as the more challenging ones and are able to push yourself outside of that comfort zone a bit. I'm sure you're doing fabulously. Just as a heads up, yesterday went well, and the house is still standing but in need of a vacuum... When are you home again? Haha

Thank you all for being such a small but mighty group and for the examples of love and faith that you show! God bless!