On Friday, May 30th, CIA and ETM gathered at SkyZone Trampoline Park for their grande finale event. The event would consist of Trampolining for 2 hours, and then going back to the church for some movies, sleep and breakfast.
I brought my camera along and must confess, this time I took A LOT of pictures. I had the camera set on sport setting and continuous shooting in order to get the trampoline effect.
So, I will not be making too many comments, but will let the pictures do the talking....for as they say, "A picture is truly worth a thousand words."
The group gathered and waiting for 9 pm.
William will NOT be hard to see this evening.
Hmmm, nice face Kyle.
Notice the orange socks. You need to wear these socks in order to trampoline....only $2.25 extra. You'd think they'd include that in the price. : )
People sure do strange things when they are waiting....
Time for some basic rules....
...and then it's time to let them loose.
Here is William enjoying weightlessness. : )
opps, I cut Jonathan's head off.
Sorry about that Jonathan. : )
Sorry about that Jonathan. : )
Olivia enjoying herself.
Sarah too.
Amy...interesting hair.
You can not only jump up and down, but the have trampolines set up on the sides as well. Here's Chris trying out the dynamics of a side trampoline.
Lookout!!! : )
Victor and Joey deciding what to do next.
Caralynn, Nicolette and Michelle enjoying themselves.
More of the group bouncing away.
And Jeannine will be entertaining you for the next couple of shots.
Chris trying the side trampolines again.
Same amount of success as last time.
One fun element was jumping into soft cubes. You can do pretty much anything you want, as you will see.
Jonathan defies gravity.
Sarah learning karate.
Olivia and Tobie.
More of the crew.
Ben doing a somersault
Simon a hand stand. :)
What follows are some pictures of more of the group doing strange things off the trampoline.
You could also do trampoline basketball. : )
Seems making baskets is easier this way...
well, not always, but I selected the pictures that made it look easy.
Seems like Joey and Victor decided to begin jumping.
A pensive moment for the guys.
More jumping into the foam pit.
Nice pig tails.
There was also 3D dodge ball.
Some of the girls taking a rest.
Apparently Trampolining can be very tiring.
Oh high Jeannine. : )
Put her on a trampoline and Jeannine turns into a different person. : )
Look out...here comes Amy!
Nicolette enjoying her time in the air.
So is Laura.
Any trying the side Trampolines too.
Sarah air born.
Nice hair.
Time to take a bit of a break.
You got a free drink for the evening as well.
Chris and Simon..you look beat. : )
Back to crazy jumping.
And more people resting.
And more people jumping.
Apparently it wasn't that easy getting OUT of that pit.
This ends part one
There were so many good pictures, I made a part 2.
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