The first Wednesday in June brings about another annual tradition in the life of Calvin CRC.
Our annual Church Picnic.
This year the weather seemed a bit dicey, as it usually does, but things turned out great once again.
I didn't have to do anything this time around, except show up and take some pictures...that was a bonus. : )
When I arrived things were in full swing.
The food had been prepped...
And The BBQ's were warming was the conversation.
Walter inspecting Harold's handiwork.
Martin and Harold were on BBQ duty this year.
They did a wonderful job.
Look at all that colour.
hmmmm, it seems people are starting to pose for my pictures now. Nice job Lena. : )
Looks yummy, but I actually didn't get a piece this year.
I waited toooooo long. : )
Joanna and Bea catching up.
Al and Wilma shmoozing...
Al LOVES to mingle.
Some of our members talking as they wait [patiently?] for the food to be ready.
Hey David and William...
Looks like you are sleeping standing up.
What talent.
Pastor Nick (STM) making the rounds.
Annet in her brand new chair.
She's lovin' it. : )
Things are almost ready.
Mouy....what is it about kids that makes
parents go goofy. : )
Ah...she's a cutie.....I just want to grab those cheeks..
in fact, I think I did.
The conversations seem intense. : )
I often wonder what gets talked about at church picnics year in and year out?
Hey George.....
Time for the announcement to be made by Jason that the food is ready.
We opened in prayer....
and then it's everyone for themselves....
nooooo....not really.....well!!!! : )
Hamburgers, Hot dogs, Salads and pop/juice.
A picnic standard meal.
But wait...NO COFFEE!!!! : )
But wait...NO COFFEE!!!! : )
Jonah, Ben, and David.
Better get your food Jonah.
The line up was pretty long but people were pretty patient.
Slowly everyone was fed.
It's interesting to watch how the same groups form every year too....don't believe me...go to the last couple of blog entries and see for yourself. : )
Overlooking the water as the food is consumed.
Andrew Hayden is a great place for a picnic.
Lots of open space to play Frisbee and catch, and play on the playground, and also watch the sailboats.
More intense conversation. : )
Ah, what a nice picture to end with.
Benoit and Linda.
They had a wonderful time here.
Another great picnic in the memory books.
Thanks for all the work of those who helped buy, bring, and prepare the food.
We even had enough buns this time. : )
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