Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Gilbey Park

Gilbey Park Clean-up!  

As you know, each spring and fall we take some time and help keep Gilbey park clean.  [That's the park right beside the church, for those of you who were wondering.] 

Each spring and fall, Jason will let us know when the date is for the clean-up, and different groups of Calvin-ites comes out to clean up the garbage that has accumulated.  

Well, it seems that each year there is a sort of awards ceremony held by the city to celebrate all those who help keep Ottawa's parks clean. 

Back in February, Jason and his family and I attended that thank you ceremony.  We received an award for having the most volunteers help in the clean up of the park.  Way to go Calvin Community!! 

We also received a prize (they are awarded by draw each year).  We seem to win something each year, and this year it was a Tim Horton's coffee maker.  It now sits in the basement kitchen, ready to make you a great cup of coffee.  : ) 

In May, another clean up was held.  
It was a beautiful day for it.  

Simon got right to work.  

As did others.  

Thanks to all who came out again this year...see you again in the fall.  : ) 

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