Tuesday, July 2, 2013

CIA/ETM Final Evening of Ministry Season - CRAZY!

CIA/ETM Final evening of the Season

Back in May we closed off our ministry season.  
We did so with a night filled with fun and games, and food, of course. 

Now, I confess that games are not one of my Spiritual Gifts [yes, I think I told you that before], but they are Mel's gift, so she and Jeannine organized this evening.  They did a GREAT job. 

It started out by having teams organized and one volunteer put on a bathing cap, of sorts. 

On that cap went lots of shaving cream.  

No Ryan, this is not a football night....
It's a GAME's night.  

Here you see Ben getting his head filled with shaving cream.  

..and Jonathan....

...and Michael....

Looks really good Michael.  Having trouble keeping the  stuff out of your eyes though eh.  I does sting a wee bit.  : ) 

Oh, Laura has a great new hair-due. : )    

Here are all the team members ready to begin part two of the game.  

That entailed the rest of their team throwing cheeses onto the heads of their team members and having them stick.  The team with the most cheeses on the head of their fellow team member, wins.  

On your mark, 
get set,

Seems some of the team members can't aim very well.  : ) 

Not going so well for Laura's team. 

Michael's team seems to be doing much better.  

Ben and Jonathan shaking hands.  
Shaving cream and all.  

Alex trying to get his head cap off without getting the shaving cream all over him.  Needed some help from Fontana.  

Your face is ready for shaving Ryan.  : ) 

Well, whenever you have shaving cream in a game, things are bound to deteriorate....especially if you have Leah and Hannah around.  

The aftermath. 

The birds want the cheeses.  

We tried to fend them off, but they took to perching on the church roof, and swooped down periodically in waves to get cheeses.  Quite interesting to watch. 

Moving on to another game.  

It involved getting into a circle, and some tennis balls being thrown at you, but I don't really know what they did as I was cleaning up from the first game.  :) 

Hannah still hasn't bothered to clean up I see. 

It took a bit of time to get the front of the church cleaned up.  Whatever we missed, the birds took care of in pretty short order.  

Game 3. ......

......involved small fuzzy balls and a straw and a bowl.  

You had to suck up a soft fluffy ball, hold it at the end of the straw and move it to another bowl.  

It proved quite challenging for some, and some even cheated...go figure.  

Yet another game that involved close quarters, and moving through the sanctuary....[no pews were injured during the game].

Final game.....

...involved everyone getting in a circle and one person being blindfolded.  Then noises were emitted by everyone and the blindfolded person had to try to find the person with the noise and grab them [maybe?]. 

It proved to be a fun game. 

After all the games were done, we descended to the youth room and partook of food and drink.  

All in all a great evening of good clean fun, and some great fellowship. 

Thanks Mel and Jeannine for all your work.  

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