Saturday, March 17, 2012

The trip home

John here. Ron has been promising some pictures from our last day, so I thought I'd post them in a new entry rather than update Ron's entry.

When the group had received their jerseys we gathered for the obligatory group shot.

The suitcases gathering for the trip home.

A couple of hats with a green theme showed up -- anticipating that we'd be arriving home on St Patrick's day.

Here's Marsha and Gerry.  What a nice couple.

A Canada themed T-shirt for our new American friend, Clint.

Pepe with the group of translators he assembled for our week,  Every one of them was terrific to work with.

Downtown shopping.

I recommend all the mothers check their son's luggage when they get home to find out if they purchased a balaclava in the market.

After our flight left Lima at 10:30 pm we landed in Newark at 7:00 am.  We were expecting a long 5 hr layover, but our Ottawa connection was delayed.  So we 'enjoyed' Newark airport for almost 8 hours.
We camped out in the departure lounge and found creative places to snooze.

When our family finally got home we found a nice welcome sign.  I'm sure many others had similar welcomes.
It was a great week, and it's great to be home again.


Colin Van Dyk said...

We had a great trip back, except for the delays. There were rumors of the flight to Ottawa being overbooked, but we all had boarding passes printed out. I waited for everyone to board. Turns out we all got on the plane, and I didn't need to do anything extra.

We had a very quick and smooth flight back, and only some minor luggage damage when we arrived in Ottawa.

Thanks again Ron for everything, and I look forward to you and Chris to safely return to Ottawa.


Anonymous said...

hey ron:
found windows 7 update discs for other laptop. Do they need them in peru?

Dianne Kuipers said...

Ron and Erin,
It was so great to speak with you both last night and so thoughtful of you to pick up the missing gift for Julia. Steven and I are very appreciative and we know Julia will love whatever is selected. Thank you!!

I have never been much of a blog person but I have to tell you that I am loving catching up on your news. Erin, I would like the recipe to the meal you prepared. It looks amazing!

Ron and Chris, your photos are beautiful. Please keep them coming.

Pepe, Steven tried out the salsa we purchased in Peru. He liked it very much though he would still like to try something spicier!!

Once again, Pepe, Erin, all of Frontline, Ron, Marsha and all our Mission Team friends, please accept our heartfelt gratitude for the 2012 experience.

Dianne and Steven