Saturday, March 17, 2012

Peru 2012 - Day 8 - Friday - homeward bound.

Good morning everyone.

It's 12:30 pm Peru time. 

Chris and I woke up at 10 am...still feeling tired and sort of "hung over" from the last 7 days. 

I just checked my email and have word that the team has arrived safely in Newark, but their flight is delay a couple of hours.  That sucks when you are VERY tired getting on an evening flight and then flying all night long.  Our prayers are with you all as you continue your journey home. 

So, I'll update you on the events of yesterday, and I think John will add some pictures to this entry when he gets home...(he was hoping to get Internet access in the Newark airport, but he may just be too tired).  I will have some pics that Chris took of yesterday and today, so do enjoy them if you get the chance. 

My last blog entry may seem a bit disjointed, or garbled because I was just soooo tired as I posted it.  I apologize, sort of, for that, but hope you got the chance to experience our day a bit more.

We awoke on Friday morning at 7:30 am for breakfast.  Our final breakfast in Peru.....  Then it was time for a team picture in the courtyard.  Most of us had our Jersey's on, so the picture looks pretty cool.

After that it was time for group time.  Zack led us in devotions and then I had some closing words to say about receiving this trip as a gift and unpacking it when we are back home.  I'll provide a couple of opportunities for that to happen corporately and privately, but if this Learning Opportunity is to be of any value, it needs to be unpacked.  That is always a challenge...... 

We began our packing, and giving away our clothes we wanted to leave here.  The translators actually went through the clothes first.  They us these clothes on the mission trips so they don't ruin their own.   Most of the clothes will be going to an orphanage related to the Hostel we are staying at. 

Some will go to Pachacutec.  No matter where they go, they will be put to good use. 

While the packing was going on we did our final video blog for the trip.  The three questions that are asked during that time are:

1.  What was a high you experienced during the day?
2.  What was a low you experienced?
3.  How have you seen God at work in your life, and/or the lives of those around you?

These questions elicit some great responses.  Thanks Zack and Jeannine for heading this project up this time.  Saved me LOTS of time, and I now get the chance to see the comments afterwards, which will be interesting.

We packed up and were ready to go by 11 am.  I went with Pepe to drop off Chris and my luggage at Pepe's home.  The rest of the group travelled to a place where we were to have lunch.  The rest of the day was a test of some people's patience, and a reminder that in all we do in another country, we need to be flexible and understanding, even when VERY tired.  :  )

We all ate lunch at one place this time.  We did that to save some time because there are a couple of places that took very long the last time, and time is an issue the last day.  Well, you know what they say about the best laid plans.....  : ) 

The food was very good at TGI Friday's.  We entered the restaurant at 12:15, and left at 2:30.  We could have left earlier, but neglected to tell the place that we wanted everything on separate bills.  Apparently that wasn't an option once we started our orders.....hmmmmm.

That proved to be a 45 minute ordeal for some.  Some in the group were VERY frustrated as they had to pay on 3 different bills for 3 different family members.  I wasn't impressed either, but what can you do about HAVE to roll with it.  I was doing my best to be patient, but I too was trying to push things along, but it was really pointless. 

Once on the bus, we made our way to the market.  We had 2 hours to shop.  Plenty of time for some....JUST enough for others, and NEVER enough for the rest? 

The translators fanned out with various groups, and some went on their own.  I TRIED to get someone to come with me, but apparently I must have been too hard on people this week, because no one wanted to : (.  So, Maria and myself headed off together.....that proved a blessing actually because I was not slowed down by anyone else wanted to get things...and I took it right to the 2 hour limit. : )

Maria was AMAZING to shop with. She helped me get gifts for my two daughters  (you didn't think I was going to tell you what you are getting did you Sarah and Katrina), and Joycegina, and a couple of t-shirts for me and another sweater for winter  (blue this time my dear). 

We all gathered together at Zero hour...and it was time to gather everyone together. THAT always proves difficult for those who always seem to need a LITTLE more time...  : )  Again this year, that was the case...but, you roll with it and we were out of the market only 15 minutes later than I had planned.  Gerry decided NOT to sleep on the bus this time, (see last time's entry to get the full scoop on that) and Wilma was there, so we were good to go.  : )

Once on the bus, and after a double head count, we were off to our dinner place.  Same as last time.  Chicken and french fries and cola.....Not everyone was super hungry, but we all ate something. 

After dinner, time to board the bus, but also say good-bye to some of our translators who would not be coming on the bus to the airport with us.  We said good-bye to Coco,  Isaias, Pia, and Maria.  Pia and Maria have a special spot in my heart.  Two wonderful women who were AMAZING as interpreters for us.  I think they even cried when we said good-bye.  : )

Time for a 1.5 hour trip to the airport...the traffic was VERY bad on Friday night.  We said good-bye to Linda on the way, and arrived at 8:00 pm. 

Several of us unloaded the luggage of the other bus that followed us to the airport and we gathered our things and entered the airport.  We moved to counter # 35 and began the check in process.  Everyone put their market stuff into their suitcases while others checked in.  All of it seems very rushed when you are tired, and nervous about making your plane.  All went well though, as there was no line up at our counter.

After everyone checked in it was time for a bathroom break for the group in the "pseudo" secure area.  : )  That's the bathroom and area where Chris and I had our stuff stolen, so we were feeling a LITTLE uneasy about being there.  Chris was clutching his gifts in a strangle hold.  : )  I took the time to just look around and watch the could not tell who was honest, and who was not....I had mixed emotions about being there, and yes, was extra sure people held on to their stuff as they were milling about the airport.

Once the bathroom break was done it was time to go up the escalator and then say good-bye to the group as they went into the snaking customs line that is part of the Peru experience. 

I went last, so some didn't get the chance as they entered the line prematurely.....(I forgive you Colin).  : ) 

I put Colin in charge at the front of the line, and Gerry and Jeannine in the back.  It was with mixed emotions that I said good-bye to everyone.  I was sad to be leaving them, and looking forward to a good night's sleep as well, which I knew many of them wouldn't get.  They are a great group, and it's not easy to let them go, but they were in good hands AND God's hands.  : )

Once they were all gone, we had to wait for the other group that Erin was with to come and depart.  Samuel, Janet, Pepe, Chris and I hung out in the food court area and talked.  I caught up with Ines about her life, but mostly we were all just VERY TIRED. 

We were ready to leave the airport by about 11:00 pm.

We took Ines home and arrived home at about midnight.  It was sooooooo quiet.....  : )  We unpacked some items and Pepe and I had a beer to relax.  After a , and by 1:00 am it was time for bed.  I slept ok, but not great.....

We woke up at 10 ish am, and have been relaxing ever since. I skyped my family back home which was AWESOME.  I love skype.  We are now going to watch some tennis and relax for the afternoon, and maybe go for a walk tonight by the beach, which is pretty close by.

Chris took some pics, so I'll include them below, with some comments, and John will hopefully add his pics and a comment or two about the trip home when he gets the chance. 

For those of you in Calvin, we will have a time of reflection and thanks in a couple of weeks, and for those of you from Cornwall, I think it will be happening on March 25th.....

I will be blogging our stay here as well, so I hope you will continue to join me in that, especially our visit with Keysi and Fernando, our compassion children....BUT, if you wish to not, that's fine...this will be more for my family to see...but you may look in if you like. 

Our final group time together....sniff, sniff.

 Pepe's "toy"  a Subaru.

 Leah can be a real I finally took her to task and beat her up.....well, really it was me starting everything...but why not make it look like it's her fault, eh!  : )  She can punch pretty good. 

 Leah, stop'll hurt my thumb AGAIN! 

 The Cornwall group. 

At TGI Friday's. 

 Ready to order......

 Pepe and I decided to sit on our own.  You know, sometimes it's just nicer to walk the row of people and chat with them as they are sitting, than sitting amongst them.......That's what we did. 

 Some of the translators...sorry about that shot Linda.....

 Everyone eating...the food was very good.

 Nice picture. 

My meal...ribs....yummy. 

Someone else had the ribs too....

Mina is happy.  As usual.

 Sorry, the pic went sideways, but the burger was HUGE!

 Lucy having an after meal sleep on Corinne while the rest of us figured out our bills. 

 On the bus with the crazies of the group...sorry about missing 1/2 your face Kyle....but you look pretty good there.

 In the market there are lots of things for sale.  Here's a chess game..hand made. 

 One of the many new buildings going up in Lima.

 Hi look a little dazed and confused!  :  )

 At dinner, and Tobie has just about had enough for the day I think. Lucy and Tobie were the youngest to go, but they handled this trip very well.  Cudo's to you two. 

 An interesting Picture Christopher. 

 Goodbye pics with Alyson, Maria, and Fontana. 

Memories to last a life time.

We now change gears. It's Saturday, and the rest of the team is in Newark waiting to head to Ottawa.  I'm online beginning my blogging to you. 

 This is the view from Pepe and Erin's 9th floor Condo. 


 Here is their living room. 

 Pepe's other toy...his TV. 

 Chris and our sleeping quarters.  Very comfortable. 

 A view from the door. 


 Chris being weird.

 A wedding photo Chris took that is hanging on their wall. 

 Putting our laundry out on the roof to dry. 

 A view from the roof...the 11th floor.

Our socks. 

The rest of the laundry. 

 Side view.  : )

A very high view of Pepe's Subaru. 

Erin making us lunch. It was very delicious...we had MANGO for dessert...yes, Colin, it really WAS mango....more pics about that coming on Sunday. 

So, as I close the "official"  Peru 2012 Learning Opportunity, let me take a moment to thank the many people who helped make this possible...

Thank you to Calvin and Cornwall churches for supporting prayerfully and financially. 

Thanks Pastor Steve for your work here, and the chance to get to know you better.  You're a peach!  : ) 

Thanks to Marsha who helps co-ordinate this event from her end so the Cornwall group is kept up to speed on things.  It's a tonne of work, and she does it well.

Thanks to Edith, Dianne and Marsha for all their work on the teaching component.  A true success, with room for growth and continuing on.  A true highlight of the week.

Thanks to John for taking such great pics.  The memories will be that much better because of your work.

Thanks to Zack and Jeannine for your work on the video blogs.  I know you both enjoyed those times a great deal.

Thanks to Marsha and Jeannine and Mel for your leadership in the VBS portion of things.

Thanks Wilma for being our on call nurse.  We kept you busy, but not too busy, thankfully. 

Thanks Frontline for your work.  Thanks to the interpreters who came along side us and allowed us to have a great experience here, but also the chance to get to know you as well.  Awesome. 

Thanks to all of our team who put up with me as their leader.  : )  You deserve some sort of compensation....Thanks for your flexibility (most of the time  : ) )  and thanks for drinking in everything on this trip.  Enjoy unpacking it. 

Above all, thanks be to God because it is He who makes all things possible and He who will continue to mold and shape you because you were willing to come on this trip. 

Another entry will be coming on Sunday night, about our escapades for that day.  Stay tuned....and maybe John will have some pics to add underneath this entry, or make one of his own.


Katrina said...

Hi Dad,

You have colourful laundry.....but where's your underwear? :)


Anonymous said...

Pastor Ron,

I just want to publically thank you for taking good care of my daughter Fontana on this trip. We are truly blessed to have you and the people of your church in our lives. As well, it was awesome to be able to start my day everyday she was away catching up on her trip through your blog. It was such a huge amount of work for you, and you lost sleep because of it, and I want you to know how much I appreciate it. It put a mother's heart at ease.

Thanks again!!!!!

Nancy Donnelly

Dianne said...

Hello to all 2012 Peru Mission Trip friends! We made it home!!! Just a quick note to see if anyone has an extra gift in their parcels. Our gift to Julia is missing :( Steven bought her a pendant (silver with mother of pearl) and we cannot locate it anywhere. Please advise if it somehow found its way into your bag. Ron, I wonder if it may have been left on the bus. We don't understand things get lost in the shuffle; however, if anyone has found it, please advise. We would be most grateful. Dianne

Andrea W said...

I echo Nancy's comments above.

It was great to start each morning, reading the blog over my cereal. Thank you for all you've done for our children. I hope you and Chris enjoy your few days in Peru with your sponsor child.
See you soon!

Andrea Ward

Anonymous said...


I have a boy sound asleep in the next room. He is sooo tired but very happy. I found him abit more grown up and appreciative of his life here in Ottawa. He wants to go back in 2 years. He said that those in Peru thanked him for coming but he said that it is him that is thankful that he got to serve God. He said he cried quietly as the play about Satan and the Canadians. He felt very emotional of how they felt about the Canadians.
So Ron, thank you for this opportunity. Thank you for all the hard work, understanding and unconditional love you give to our youth. I will be forever grateful for your help in shaping my child's future.


Dianne said...

Buenos Dias amigos and amigas... re previous comment, it should have read: "we do understand how things can get lost in the shuffle. Just wanted to let you in on my dream last night: It was sometime in the future, my entire family was in Patchacutec with many of you. We were speaking fluent Spanish while there and we had just finished the worship service by singing `To God Be the Glory'. It was a fabulous dream, made sweeter because of all of you. You were all smiling :)
Thank you Erin and Pepe for Frontline. We are so blessed by this organization which allows us to do what we just did and thank you Ron for your leadership. I like being a sheep on THIS trip!! God bless all of you. Hasta luego... Dianne