Friday, March 23, 2012

Peru 2012 - Day 12 & 13 The Beach, return home, and final comments

It's 10:10 am and Chris and I are at the Newark airport. 

We arrived at 7:30 am, but don't leave until 3:50 pm. We tried to get out on an earlier flight, but were unable to.  I'll now update you from my last blog post of Monday. 

At 10:30 pm we went to see a movie close by where Pepe and Erin live.  Roger, and a friend of Pepe's, came with us.  We took a taxi part of the way.  Five of us needed to 
fit into a taxi that usually holds only 4 people pretty comfortably.  In problem.  : )  Pepe hailed a taxi, and we all shoved in. I got the front seat for some reason...for which I was really happy.  

The other 4 piled in the was hilarious.  

The movie was ok, but very loud.  Afterwards we walked home.  A nice quiet walk along the waterfront.  Different than all the noise we usually hear on the roads.  

We were in bed by 1:00 am, after I checked in to United airlines (something that proved to be a good thing as you'll read about soon).   I'm not sure if it's just Erin or Pepe, or Peruvian culture, but late mornings and late evenings seem to be the norm here.  Dinner can be between 6 and 9 pm.  

Tuesday was the day we were to depart for home...but first a trip to the beach.  We got up at 8:30 am, with the hopes of leaving in the morning for the beach.  We didn't leave until 10:30 am...which is pretty typical I guess....  : ) 

We drove out of town and more into the country, stopping for gas, and Roger got himself and myself a beer.  No rules about drinking alcohol in cars here, just not the driver.  

It was an interesting drive.  Lots of billboards advertising all sorts of interesting items, in places where I wasn't sure people could afford those items.  

We arrived at our destination and parked in a subdivision.  Pepe had to pay for parking there.  Then it was a walk down stairs to the beach and time to lather on the sunscreen. 

The surf was strong so we didn't venture out too far into the ocean.  I can't say that the water was super clean though, and once in a while my leg would catch an old plastic bag as the waves came in and returned.  

Chris had me put sunscreen on his back, but he neglected to put some on his shoulders and chest, and he paid for that (see pic below). 

We sat in the sunny fog for a couple of hours listening to golden Christian oldies from Roger's iPod and then drove back into the heart of Lima.  We ate a late lunch at a cricket club that Pepe and Erin are members of.  They get a good deal b/c they are missionaries in their country.  A nice place, and a place where they can get away from the noise of the city for a while.     The food was great. 

After lunch it was back to Pepe and Erin's.  Pepe stayed behind to swim and try to get a kink out of his neck.  He wasn't himself today because he was in pain...I can relate.  

We started to pack.  That consisted of trying to fit all our stuff we brought, plus the place mats that Janet had brought.  It all did, amazingly.  I skyped my family for a bit so Katrina could give me a virtual hug!  : )  

Roger stopped by to say good-bye.  Nice Roger. 

We left for the airport at 6:45 pm.  Chris, Erin, and Janet took a taxi with all our luggage.  The driver is a friend of Pepe's.  Pepe and I drove together, catching up on life again, as we hadn't talked much during the week.  I'll miss that man while here in Canada.  We made it to the airport by 8:00 pm.  The traffic was awful, and I fear is only going to get worse each year.  

Sergio, Falicitas, and Genesis met us at the airport to say good-bye.  That was really nice of them. Chris and I went to counter #35 to check-in.....boy the line sure was much longer than on Friday when we said good-bye to the group.  I figured at least a 1.5 hour wait.  I weighed my options....and as I did that, Chris met an American who was flying helicopters for U.S. gas companies in Peru.  He told us some harrowing stories of kidnappings of U.S. citizens, etc.  

I decided I didn't want to risk the 1.5 hour in line wait, so I tried to see if we could jump the queue.  I approached the uniformed United employees and explained to them I had checked-in online, so would I still have to wait in the long line, or was there another line.  It took 3 different people to explain that to before they understood  (not all the employees speak English well) and they let me to a non-line at the counter.  I grabbed Chris and our stuff, and the U.S. guy tagged along  : ).  He'd checked in online as well.  

We were checked-in in 15 minutes....SWEET!  

We met the group waiting for us, minus Sergio and family.  They were off entertaining Genesis, who I guess can't stand still for very long.  : ) 

Up the escalator we went, and after 10 minutes they showed up to say good-bye.  We snapped some good-bye pics and they were off, back to Pachacutec.  We then said good-bye to Pepe, Erin, Samuel and Janet and entered the customs queue.  Things went well, and we were at our gate 1.5 hours early.  

Our plane ended up being 20 minutes late and we left about 30 minutes late, but with a 7 hour layover scheduled....who cares....

The flight was good, and we arrived to a foggy Newark tired, but happy to be there.  After clearing U.S. customs, and grabbing our luggage we tried to get an earlier flight, but no luck.  So, we checked our bags once again, and headed to Terminal A, from C that we were in.  No bus this time, a train instead.  Much nicer.  : )

Time for some breakfast, and then we both looked at each other, and stared at each other, and realized....we were both REALLY tired.... and had 7 hours to kill.  Now you need to know, Chris and I aren't huge talkers together, and he only had his iPod with him, and me my pen and notepaper, so I just started laughing.  

We decided to go through security and simply wait by our gate until it was time to leave.  Chris did end up sleeping for about 1 hour on the carpet.  I wrote this entry in pen, and am observing the people in the terminal as well.  It's interesting watching the dynamics of passengers.  Some are quite rude when they don't get what they want, or are delayed, and it's unavoidable.  However, there sure seemed to be a great deal of delays today, or switched gates, etc.  

Our flight was due to leave at 3:38 pm, but it was late...go figure.  We ended up boarding about 1/2 late, and then had a minor mechanical issue which forced us to wait another 30 minutes.  I wasn't stressed about this delay and it was just Chris and I, but it would have been inconvenient to have to switch planes.....  : ( 

We arrived home and were through customs and greeting Joycegina, Sarah and Katrina by 5:30 pm.  Home, safe and sound. 

So, those are the events of our little visit with Erin and Pepe, as well as our travels.  I hope you have enjoyed reading the blog over the past week and a bit.  Lots of stuff to digest now by the team who went, and that will happen in the weeks to come, so stay tuned.  

On Sunday, Cornwall will reflect with their congregation, and I'll be attending that service with my family. Apparently so will Kanata's youth who went.  Cool!  We will do the same in several weeks, so stay tuned  (especially Ian's mom and dad!  : ) )   

Thanks A LOT for those of you who commented during our time in Peru.  For those of you who simply read, thanks for your support. I hope you were able to get just a taste of what we experience first hand.  Each day the group wanted to know how many people were checking the one point it was as high as 600.  Cool! 

We now move forward into our lives, and my prayer is that many of this group of 41 won't be living their lives the same now as when they left on March 9th.  That's a process, and a choice, and it will take time, and effort.  May God grant you both.   

Now, some closing pics...............

 Chris shopping in a retail store for some shirts.  

 Erin made spaghetti and meat balls.  Home made spaghetti, and meatballs.  Much cheaper than buying it in a can.  Notice the beans my dear, and delicious garlic bread. 

 I'm enjoying my meal....with Inca Kola of course.  : )

 Roger relaxing with what else....his ipod....

 Roger and I waiting outside for a taxi.  

 I lucked out and got the front seat...Roger doesn't look too happy about that...and where did Pepe go!  ?????

 Oh, there he where did Erin go???  Looks like they are having lots of fun, eh!  

 Down in this plaza is the movie theatre. 

 Inside the theatre.  The speakers are huge and in the front on the floor.  It was VERY loud that evening.  

 On the way home we found an outside fitness centre, of sorts.  

The quiet streets at 12 midnight, in Lima.  

Next Day! 
A view from the top of road down to the beach.  

Ron and Roger....R & R.  

A better view.  

There were some nice homes on the beach.  Summer homes used on weekends.  Winter is approaching, so not many people around for some time.  

I'm dipping my feet into the powerful surf.  You could feel the strong undertow.  

Roger.....being Roger!  : ) 

Chris and I in the ocean.  

Time to get that sunscreen on Pepe and Erin.  

Chris and Roger fighting the strong waves.....

On the way back home. 

Entrance to the club.  

They had a pool, tennis courts, cricket, and restaurant with bar and sports.  

Pepe, not looking or feeling himself today.  : (  

We all got salad for our meals....Chris and I let Roger, Erin, and Pepe eat ours.  

Lunch is served....peas (see dear, I ate veggies during my stay in Peru...)  potatoes and something like chicken pot pie.  It was all very good.  


Roger and his iPod.  I think he posted 5 pics of us on FB while at lunch alone.  

Skyping (if that's how you spell it)  my family...Chris talking with Katrina.  Did I ever tell you I LOVE Skype!  : ) 

Sorry Chris...had to put this pic in.  You'll notice Chris' shoulders.  White where I put the sunscreen.  VERY red where he didn't.  : )  Ah, will they ever learn!  

Our final Lima sunset for some time.  

Final good-bye pics at the airport.  

Thanks for ALL your work Pepe and Erin, and for hosting us for the past several days.  It was fun, relaxing, and not pressured.  Thanks for coming to see our Compassion child and family too.  

Genesis being corralled.  

Sergio and I saying our last words with Samuel interpreting.  

A wonderful family.  

I think this might become my new FB profile pic for a while.  

Leaving Peru.  

Sunrise, somewhere......

I love the texture of clouds when flying.  

Descending through the clouds.  

Landing in Newark. I'm always amazed at how much of the wings need to be utilized to stop these larger planes.  

Getting my thoughts down without modern technology.  

Taking off from Newark and headed for Ottawa.  

More cloud shots.  

Interesting lake..maybe called "bird" lake????

Landing in Ottawa.  Our house is down there somewhere.  

Getting closer......

On the grounds.  Yahoo!  

It was 75 degrees F when we landed...(sorry, I grew up with Fahrenheit, not Celsius.  This guy was taking a nap in the cargo area of a neighboring plane.   Cute. 

That's it. That's all.  

Well see what the next blog entry will be on Pastor Ron's deep thoughts and shallow entries........  : )  

Thanks for reading...............