On Sunday, May 16th the youth group and several of Calvin's group who are 55 and over gathered together, at the request of the Pastor Ron and the Youth Group, for a time of soup and buns and some games together.
This sort of thing had been done many years earlier, and I thought it was time to hold one again. It offers the youth of the church and those "young at heart" to get together and get to know each other better. Always a good thing.
The turnout of those 55 + could have been better, but it was May after all, and cottages and travel have kicked in. Those who attended had a great time, and want to hold another get together in the Winter. Hopefully we'll get more of our older crowd out at that time. Below are some pictures of our time together. Enjoy!
Here is the entire group gathered together playing games.
Before working, our stomachs needed filling. Lots of different kinds of soups and buns as well.
Looks like the soup was good. Smiles all around.
I think Michael was afraid I wouldn't get him in this picture.
John listening to another long tale by Olivia. She can sure spin the yarn! : )
Ah, yes, young adults. No, they are not 55 and over. They are just keen on having a free meal....
(I SHOULD state that I DID invite them, and it was great having them as part of the group).
After our stomachs were full, we began the work portion of our time together. Games!!!!!! My son is actually playing scrabble. We can NEVER get him to do this at home....go figure!
This is a game I've never heard of or seen.
In fact, I can't remember the name of it either.
BUT, they all look like they are enjoying it.
This game got pretty intense.
Here Chris and Donna Lee are planning strategy.
I think they won!
Another game I haven't heard of.
Triomino's maybe?
This table had LOTS of fun.
After a time of playing, it was time for desserts and coffee.
Everyone had a great time and it was fun to see the generations interacting with each other. Thanks to those who helped clean up in the kitchen, and all those who brought food. Thanks to all who came. It wouldn't have been any fun without you : ).
We hope to see many more next time. : )
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