On Sunday, May 2nd the Peru team took some time to share what they had learned during their time in Peru. Many from the Congregation came out to listen, and we were thankful for that. Several from the Cornwall team came out as well.
We began our time with, of course, some food. Great lasagna’s and salad’s helped to settle us down. We held this event after our morning worship service and it would have been cruel to not serve our guests first. It was also a way to thank the congregation for their prayerful and financial support.
After our meal we took some time to walk through different elements of our week and how those elements affected us. You can see the slide presentation that we presented below, covering different topic areas. I've also included the slide presentation that was put together as a way to remember our trip a bit better.
Lots of learning and growing has happened and continues to happen. We held a reflection time with just the team a couple of weeks before this day, and there were some great things said about struggles, growth, and continued learning. Clips from that will be coming soon.
We will be travelling to Oakville on May 28 – 30 for another time of reflection and pushing ourselves forward on the journey of faith formation.
After our more serious time, we got some great dessert and then Pastor Ron put up a more “festive” rendition of our trip. It too, is below for your enjoyment.
Stay tuned for more news about learnings from Peru, future work with Gamaliel church, and ways that you too can get involved if you desire too.
The above slide presentation is what we showed to those present on May 2nd. I apologize for it being so small. It's a Powerpoint Presentation, and if you'd like a copy of it, just email me at youthpastor@calvincrc.ca and I'll sent you the ppt file.
This is a slide presentation of Peru to give you a sense of what we did. Enjoy.
Finally, a bit of a fun thing I did once again for the group. Remember, humour is in the eye of the beholder.....
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