Coldest Night of the Year Walk.
This past February 25th a group of Calvin(ites) held yet another 5 KM walk to raise funds for Jericho Road through "The Coldest Night of the Year."
Our target for this year was $2500.
We were able to raise $3975.
Thanks to ALLLL of you who donated for this great ministry here in Ottawa.
Pics below describes our time together.
We did not walk with all the other teams this year. Instead, we met at the home of Bruce and he planned out our 5 KM walk.
Here's a shot from above as we get organized.
I wanted a ground-level group pic as well, so we walked a wee bit to find a spot to do that. Bea looks lost. Yes Bea, it's that way : )
Our Walking Group
Our walking group with Bruce : ).
Bruce was once again our tour guide. : )
I learned some new things about Ottawa again this year and discovered places in Ottawa I had not been to yet.
The group enjoyed each other's company.
Bruce talked about this bridge (100 years is old) and how they blast the ice at the end of the Ottawa River to prevent flooding.
Such organized walkers :)
Maddie enjoying the walk : )
That nice old bridge.
Not too much traffic on the road.
No idea what that structure is for.
Bruce had a theory, but I forget it : )
To prove I went on the walk too.
Look both ways before you cross the street.
The Ottawa River Falls (I think?? : ) )
The Rideau River Falls (I think : ) )
Some monuments I did not know about.
This statue of Queen Elizabeth II was on Parliament Hill, and will be returned there once renovations are done.
Bruce had some cute comment about the cannon and the net by the fence :) You can probably figure it out : )
And before we knew it we were back at Bruce's place and we enjoyed some warm hot chocolate and chili.
Our walk, in case you wanted to know.
Thanks again for alllll of you who donated.
Youth Group Get Together.
This past Tuesday we held another of our faith-building nights at youth group.
We enjoyed great food, and fellowship and heard from 3 people from Calvin talk about their life and faith journeys. It was a rich time.
The group chillin, waiting for everyone to show up.
John once again did an awesome job of making our meal. Two delicious soups and focaccia bread. Yum Yum.
Youth Group Fellowship. Nice to see the group having fun.
And after the meal, we sat down and listened to Wilma and Jack and Mary share their life and God's faithfulness in it. A very rich time of listening and storytelling.
It was neat how both Wilma and Jack talked about the flooding of Holland after the dykes burst. How Wilma said her family prayed for and helped the families affected, and how Jack's family was one of those families in the middle of the flood. Cool and disheartening, but also neat to see how God provided.
And afterward, time for some fun.
Euchre time!!! : )
Thanks, John and Annette, for hosting one last time before you move, and thanks Wilma and Jack and Mary for sharing your lives with us.
I never know what's gonna "stick" when it comes to what we do at youth group, but my hope is that times like this will allow our youth to tuck these stories away in their heads as they continue to grow in faith in their own faith journeys.
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