Tuesday, June 7, 2022

The BIG GIVE 2022 - It's B A C K !!!!!! : )


June 4, 2022

Calvin hosted this great event for the first time in three years.  

It's nice to be doing this again. 

We started to set up at 7:30 a.m.  

Well, that's when I arrived. There were people already setting up at that time : ) 


Lots of items to bring out. 

Chad.  So strong : ) 

Table after table to bring outside. 

We put up a few shelters to shield from the sun.  

More tables.  

Things starting to take shape.  

Coordinating things.  

Almost ready.  

Bruce making sure our shelters don't blow away. 
It was a windy day.  
He was putting rope onto some barbells.  

The bike repair tent was back again.

The gentleman on the right donated 21 bikes to our Big Give and they ALL went.  

What a blessing.   

And Megan led the Craft Tent.  

Nice cards for people to work on.  

Prayer Tent is also back. 

And our snack tent. 

They were yummy : ) 

We started at about 8:45 a.m. 

People were waiting : )

Mouy and daughter helping out wherever needed. 

No, really.  : )  

Julie and family are a bit camera shy : ) 

That's better.  

And the browsing begins! 

Fred, and others, entertained us with their musical talents.  

I'm drawn to that snack tent : ) 

The bike repair shelter was busy for much of the time. 

Scott helped by answering questions about these items as people browsed.  

We had the Sunday School kids plant vegetable plants several weeks ago,  and they also went for free today.   

We held our FREE car wash again too.  : ) 
Phil, and others, took turns letting people know.  

It was a steady stream of cars for a couple of hours.  

A long view.  

It was a bit cool and windy, but this crew did an awesome job washing. 

Mouy giving the car wash people pointers : ) 

It seemed to work : ) 

The place is bustling.  

Sandy getting ready to cook burgers and dogs.  

Scott, ever the helper.  

Nice cards.  

Let the cooking begin! 

The food area was popular : ) 

John and Jeremy blessed us with their musical gifts. 

The runway to the car wash area.  

The bike repairs keep on going. 

Our organizer, Lena. 

Noooo, she's not shy : ) 

One of the original organizers of this great idea is on the left with Joycegina, one of our prayer partners.   

Bruce taking a break from car washing.  

A well-deserved rest. 

Oh, I see Phil did some cooking too.  

Scott is ready and able to help at a moment's notice. 

And we end with the Car wash again. 

It was a wonderful day, with lots of people blessed in ways we have no idea about.   

Here's hoping we can do it again next year!!!  


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