Thursday, December 20, 2018

Youth Games and other things

Before the end of this year, I thought I'd just highlight a couple of things that our youth group does. 
They don't just discuss in Bible Study and Catechism. 
They also like to have fun and play games.  

The following pictures are of some of the games we have played that I actually remembered to take pictures for. 
This one  is not a prayer time actually : ) 
In fact I don't know what they are doing.  

But it involved running eventually  : ) 

This one is called "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes...Cup!

The caller calls out various combinations of the above and when CUP is called... grab the cup.  First one to do so wins.  

Another game involved Rock, Paper, Scissors.  

You hop from either end, and meet. 

When you actually do meet, you do Rock, Paper, Scissors.  

If you win you keep hopping in the hopes of getting to the other end.  If you lose, you are out and someone else must start hopping.  

Loads of fun.  

Here's a short clip so you can see it in action

I think this is a variation of the game. 
Need to try to push the other person over using hands only.  

We also have people come to youth group once in a while and share their faith stories.  
It's neat to hear the lives of those who have more life experience.  

We also have a great Young Adult group that meets every other week for lunch.  Good food and good fellowship. 
A HUGE thank you to all those who prepare food for this group throughout the year.  

Christmas also brings out the good in people.  
Here are Calvin's STAR's gathering at Extendicare Nursing Home to sing Christmas Carols. 

Our youth group did the same thing a couple of days earlier.  

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