Thursday, December 20, 2018

Continuing Education Week

Back in November I took my second week of study leave. 
This week I was going to devote to reading.  : ) 
Not something I get to do much.  

I once again travelled to 
KingFisher Bay Retreat Centre. 
I was there last year as well for a bit.  

The drive up was pretty. 
A fresh snowfall is always beautiful. 

The last time I was here, it was May. 
Lots of bugs and warmer. 
This year, nice and cold. 
So I was able to enjoy the wonderful wood burning fireplace. 

When I arrived, I simply unpacked, picked up a book, put my feet up and started reading.  : ) 

And also ate. 
The food here is a ministry unto itself. 
And sorry, but there will be some food pics here, because that's pretty much what I did. 
Read and ate. : ) 
First course for dinner.  

Then shepherd's pie.  

Some pics of the retreat centre again.  

Just a quiet and peaceful place.  

And I had the place to myself.  

More meal times.  

I would listen to the vinyl Cafe as I ate. 
Hard to eat when you are laughing.  : ) 

Dessert as I continued reading.  

The fire was stoked and it was wonderful.  

There WAS a board meeting for the retreat centre on the final night I was there. 
They made me an honorary member so I could eat with them.  : ) 
Nice group. 

And it's a good thing the board arrived the evening before their meeting. 
Lots of snow fell overnight.  

It was beautiful. 

My final breakfast.  
I'm gonna miss the food and the fire. 

Here's what I read over the three days I was here. 
Good books.  

Hmmmmm, need to get at my car.  

A great place to stay.  
If you want a couple of days to yourself to read and relax and reflect (best during the week) google 
KingFisher Bay Retreat Centre near Lakefield and book your time. 
Very affordable.  

Time to leave and head to Tyndale for a weekend conference.  

Stayed at Tyndale for two nights.  

Slightly smaller quarters than the past couple of days.  : ) 

A room with a view.  

And a great chapel as well. 

Beautiful organ.  

Used to be a Convent.  
Was a good conference.
The Friday night session on Generation Z was worth every penny of the cost. 

Lots to learn from that seminar.  

Well, it was eventually time to head for Ottawa again. 
A good time to rejuvenate and get some reading done. 
I think I'll make November an annual event at KingFisher Bay.  

YP/YA/55+ Gathering

Every once in a while I like to organize gatherings that will involve the generations. 

On the first Sunday of December we gathered together with our Youth Group, Young Adult Group, and 55+ group.  

For a time of food

and more food.  : ) 

And fellowship and then games together.  

Lots of different games were played, including my favourite. 

There was also Scrabble

and Rummikub 

And Code Names (I actually like that game)

And JENGA!!!!

A nice time after church of fellowshipping together with the generations. 
I love watching that happen. 
We will do it again in the new year.  

Calvin's Annual Christmas Party

I can't believe it was once again time to prepare for Calvin's annual Christmas party.  

The last Saturday in November is the slot we use. 
This year Karen helped out.  
Part of the job of the new chair of the fellowship committee.  : )

And the annual decoration of the Christmas Tree. 
This year Kaymin did the honors.  

Karen, Kaymin, Megan, and myself set up the room this year.  

Taking shape,

The finished product.  
Nice work Kaymin. 

The tables finished. 
I always like the look before the guests arrive.  

Final touches.  

Hot apple cider
Different Punches

The most decorated person here. 
Way to go Sarah

The group present and ready to eat. 

But FIRST!  A get to know you game : ) 

Gift Table

Food table

Ready to go! 

Let the food tasting begin! 

Pics of those at the tables.  

I see Stuart is still trying to find ways to not be in my pictures : ) 

Hey, how did I get in a picture?!

After a great meal, it was time to digest over some games.  

Christmas Pictionary  

And a couple of other games.  

Then it was time for dessert. 
This one just looked soooo good I had to get a picture. : ) 

A nice variety. 

And we ended with the annual gift exchange. 

Another great event. 
Thanks to all who came out. 
We hope to do it again next year.  